I need advice on my cycle between primo, masteron, var, etc.

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Run your pct( I assume u know how long to wait after your last pin if not check out the stickys) and don't start again until you're sure that you can see it through
I'm still waiting on my pct with half my order. I have AI, 1 vial deca, test E, npp, and dbol I've started which will get me through week 3-5 depending on compound.
I'm just going to make a new order to ensure I'm not left high and dry.
How do you know if you're taking more AI than you need to be. Otherwise wut are the differences I will experience between .25 and .5 of adex e3d?
How do you know if you're taking more AI than you need to be. Otherwise wut are the differences I will experience between .25 and .5 of adex e3d?

Only way to know for sure is bloodwork. Just run .25 eod thats a pretty common protocol that works for most
How do you know if you're taking more AI than you need to be. Otherwise wut are the differences I will experience between .25 and .5 of adex e3d?

The only way to really know is through blood work but if you're not feeling the estrogen related sides then you're good to go
So I came into this cycle with either puffy nips from maybe otc test pills in the past oror it's just fat (pic shows from a couple days ago). Either way it's aesthetically not pleasing. Moving forward can one reduce that somehow?
Have you always had puffy nipples? My brother has always had them. I have always had larger areolas but not puffy, think its something that runs in the family, built my chest bigger so now it doesnt look abnormal or anything lol
Just went back and looked at ur pic... doesnt look bad or anything
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It's like I just woke up one day and was like damn I'm outta shape... thanks tho for the consult Gibson I was paranoid but u set me straight!
We are our biggest critics bro i almost never feel like i look good until people give me compliments. We dont see ourselves how others can because we have such high expectations and goals set in our mind. Run your diet/cycle/workout for x amount of months take a few pics once a month and when you put them up to each other is when you really see. I still have sooooo much work to do to achieve where i want to be bro but i do know if i keep pushing hard i will for sure get there. You are starting with a good foundation just kill it man and stay consistent and you will look sick!
So I came into this cycle with either puffy nips from maybe otc test pills in the past oror it's just fat (pic shows from a couple days ago). Either way it's aesthetically not pleasing. Moving forward can one reduce that somehow?
How long have they been like that ?
The serms used during pct might help
Up 8 lbs since Monday. Still don't have my test prop yet. Hope to get that soon.

So here's my interesting situation at the moment, stressing me out... I guess half my order is lost in transit or wutever (test prop, test e to finish cycle, and pct). Because of that I'm getting a comped rush order but here's the kicker, it's going to be all test prop because they're currently out of test e.

I'm a little stressed cause if I can't get test e here by the time my vial is empty in 4 more weeks I'll have to switch to prop. And if I do that I might as well drop the decay and keep running npp, I don't know

All in all as of now diet is in check, body is filling out.
All this weight I'm gaining is obviously not lmm as of now, is gaining this much weight bad, am I going to get fat?
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