Awesome. So how does this sound rough draft
Wk 1-15 test e 250 twice/week
Wk 1-10 deca 350 once/week
Wk 1-3 test prop 100 eod
Wk 1-? Npp 150 ( how much, how often)
Wk 1-4 dbol 30 mg/day
AI- Adex .25 eod
PCT nolv @?
looks pretty good . Being your running a lower dose of Deca, you can run the NPP at about 100 EOD for up to 6 weeks.
some notes:
you will need to up your AI the first 4 weeks because your going to be running Dbol plus Test prop, both fast acting, which means your going to aromatize a ton those first 4 weeks .. and the last thing you want is to start off a cycle with high estrogen and have to deal with sides the whole cycle. I'd bump it to at least .5mg Eod , then at week 5 you can drop it down.
for me , when I run high test plus Dbol, I actually need to add letro with my adex , cause again Dbol can be an estrogen bomb. but at 30mg , you should not have to add letro, just up the adex.
you need to have a dopamine agonist on hand when running deca/npp . get caber , just in case your prolactin elevates from the 19nor. Keep estrogen in check , and that will help keep prolactin induced gyno at bay too
as for pct . clomid nolva is pretty standard protocol for 4 weeks. you can add hcg to this cycle as well and you'll have much better recovery and pct . i don't personally pct , so don't have first hand advice for you there