I need advice


The Game
I've been working out for eight months, and I've took Danabol, Anadrol, and Decca pills. I'm also taking whey protein, and weight gainer, but I'm sorda cutting up, but I'm discouraged with my results so far. I'm willing to start all over, but I need advice on what I should take. I also beleive one problem that I have is that I have a very busy schedule, and the only place I can workout is at home, and I have to use cable weights, and dumbles, so I know that I would get better results on free weights, but I don't want to work out on free weights by myself, because it's to dangerous. I'm on a good diet, but I'm just not getting the results I want. I would appreciate some advice.
3069bryan said:
I've been working out for eight months, and I've took Danabol, Anadrol, and Decca pills. I'm also taking whey protein, and weight gainer, but I'm sorda cutting up, but I'm discouraged with my results so far. I'm willing to start all over, but I need advice on what I should take. I also beleive one problem that I have is that I have a very busy schedule, and the only place I can workout is at home, and I have to use cable weights, and dumbles, so I know that I would get better results on free weights, but I don't want to work out on free weights by myself, because it's to dangerous. I'm on a good diet, but I'm just not getting the results I want. I would appreciate some advice.

Hey guys, I'm not joking about this. I'm a rookie, and I just need some advice. I might be getting bogus pills. I'm not lucky enough to come up around a great bodybuilder, that knows how to build your body. The only thing that I need to make my life perfect is to be big. If anybody can tell me what I should do I would appreciate it.
I go to this website on the internet, and they sell legal roids. Such as Danabol, and Decca. I'm very new to this, so I might be getting screwed, thats the reason I'm here. Everything that I've took is in pill form.
Ok I'll try to be kind.

Firstly you have nothing to do with steroids at this stage.
Get youre natural weight over 200 in good shape before considering.
READ about it
Get nutritional knowledge, a shitload of it
Start eating, training and sleeping like a beast.

Do like this repeat it and keep youre self updated, keep doing it and in 5 years and start thinking about it.
Thanks, thats all I'm looking for is honest answers. I eat, train, and sleep like a beast. I'm also on a great diet, good carbs, water only, and no junk. The only thing that I'm missing is the expierence, and 30 more pounds.
so I might be getting screwed
You are. Try to get a refund for your 'legal steroids'. They are not the products you think they are.
"I would get better results on free weights, but I don't want to work out on free weights by myself, because it's to dangerous."

uuuhh, what? Houston, we have a problem....
The reason I workout by myself, is because my schedule is very busy, and there is no way I have time to make it to a gym, so I bought a cable weight gym. I was afraid that if I bought free weights that I couldn't lift heavy weights, because no one should workout on free weights by theirselves.
"I would get better results on free weights, but I don't want to work out on free weights by myself, because it's to dangerous."

Hey bro, please be serious.

Unless you drop a 50lbs plate on your bare feet or try to bench 250 when you're only 160 soak wet there is no chance you'll get hurt. Plates won't bite you. Be smart, don't overload weight and everything should be fine.

Free weights are the most effective mass builder. A bar to do chins up, a bench, if possible a rack to perform squats, 2 dumbells, 1 barbell and 300lbs of plates are all you need.

Bench, squats, deads, chins, period. Start light, so you won't hurt yourself, add a few extra exercises, skip isolation stuff untill you put on a good 40 of muscle.

I train home too, because I don't stand the shitty music and stupid people you find in gym where I live. I only got free weights, I'm busy as hell (architect) and I started to lift at 30. Believe me it's funckin' harder to start that kind of stuff at my age than in the early 20'. I still managed to put on 40lbs the first year.

Throw your shitty pills in the trashbin, they are a scam and you won't be refund. The only supps you should buy are protein, vitamins and eventually creatine (CEE). Protein powder should be there to help you to add protein to your solid food intake, NOT to replace it.

There is a shitload of very good info on this board. Check the training and diet forum, you'll find everything you need.

Read train eat sleep. That's quite simple.

I hope it helps a bit.
you are getting screwed by somone, its you. Your in the right place this board is awsome i wanted to juice came here asked questions got answers the common theme and correct one was learn to eat lean to rest learn to train and learn how your body responds. and leave the juice alone until you reach your natural max potential The way you are going is way backward, what are your stats age weight height years experince, how many calories a day do you eat, what is your training schedual. My advice is buy a book that teches you howto set obtainable and realistic goals. one that come to mind. body sculpting bible, any of chris cetos books, conrad kennedy , burnr the fat feed the muscle. Or any book for that matter that teaches you how connect the mind and the body. just my 2 cents