I need advice

how is it that a person can workout for 8 damn months, and think its okay to start taking steroids? And in 8 months he jumps into dbol, decca, and fucking anadrol. WTF, ive been training for almost 8yrs and I still wouldnt touch anadrol. Well I would if I wanted to feel like I was dying on a daily basis. LOL
Leiurus said:
"I would get better results on free weights, but I don't want to work out on free weights by myself, because it's to dangerous."

Hey bro, please be serious.

Unless you drop a 50lbs plate on your bare feet or try to bench 250 when you're only 160 soak wet there is no chance you'll get hurt. Plates won't bite you. Be smart, don't overload weight and everything should be fine.

Free weights are the most effective mass builder. A bar to do chins up, a bench, if possible a rack to perform squats, 2 dumbells, 1 barbell and 300lbs of plates are all you need.

Bench, squats, deads, chins, period. Start light, so you won't hurt yourself, add a few extra exercises, skip isolation stuff untill you put on a good 40 of muscle.

I train home too, because I don't stand the shitty music and stupid people you find in gym where I live. I only got free weights, I'm busy as hell (architect) and I started to lift at 30. Believe me it's funckin' harder to start that kind of stuff at my age than in the early 20'. I still managed to put on 40lbs the first year.

Throw your shitty pills in the trashbin, they are a scam and you won't be refund. The only supps you should buy are protein, vitamins and eventually creatine (CEE). Protein powder should be there to help you to add protein to your solid food intake, NOT to replace it.

There is a shitload of very good info on this board. Check the training and diet forum, you'll find everything you need.

Read train eat sleep. That's quite simple.

I hope it helps a bit.

Onswoll said:
how is it that a person can workout for 8 damn months, and think its okay to start taking steroids? And in 8 months he jumps into dbol, decca, and fucking anadrol. WTF, ive been training for almost 8yrs and I still wouldnt touch anadrol. Well I would if I wanted to feel like I was dying on a daily basis. LOL
bro i dont think that hes on anything other than placebo. im 99% certian he spent a good cycles worth of money on a bunch of crap from "legalsteroids.com"- thinking they would do something.
my advice to you is to stop taking everything you think is gear, research the forums(especialy the diet and training sections), get a realistic game plan. you are in the right place, this is the most mature forum on the subject around.good luck-
Thanks for all the replies. I'm not the type of guy to get mad about somebody telling the truth. Thats the reason I came to this message board, so I could get advice from people with expierence. I'll study up on nutrition, and get some more experience under my belt. Somebody asked my size well I weigh 170, and I'm 6'0. Thanks.
3069bryan said:
Thanks for all the replies. I'm not the type of guy to get mad about somebody telling the truth. Thats the reason I came to this message board, so I could get advice from people with expierence. I'll study up on nutrition, and get some more experience under my belt. Somebody asked my size well I weigh 170, and I'm 6'0. Thanks.

You took that like a champ, good job bro...good luck, eat, train and sleep.
Onswoll said:
how is it that a person can workout for 8 damn months, and think its okay to start taking steroids? And in 8 months he jumps into dbol, decca, and fucking anadrol. WTF, ive been training for almost 8yrs and I still wouldnt touch anadrol. Well I would if I wanted to feel like I was dying on a daily basis. LOL

onswoll hes not on any gear, hes on stuff that is suppossed to sound like the real deal but is spelled just a little different.. ....i dont know who would acctually fall for this....there is a serious possibility that this person is like 14 years old
trash the bs pills you got. go through the different sections here and read the stickies.

but stay away from the convo lounge, it's evil.
MPPM said:
but stay away from the convo lounge, it's evil.

LoL I was just reading the 'Back from Thailand' thread over there...

What I have been missing out on all these years by not bothering to read the threads in the convo lounge!