I need some advice please....


New member
I need some advice please..... :p

I would like to start my first cycle and my main aim is to loose fat...

I have spent some time researching (mainly on this wonderful site) and have considered one of the following two options:-

4 weeks

Winstrol 5mg a day
Nolvadex 10mg a day
Proviron 25mg a day

OR :goof:

Anavar 5mg a day
Nolvadex 10mg a day
Proviron 25 mg a day

I tried Clen two years ago, but did not like the shaky feeling I got with it...

Thanks in advance
New to all this...NK (from Sunny South Africa)
hey nk! welcome to 'ology! first off- i personally don't think you need the nolva or proviron with such low dosages; you run the risk of an estrogen rebound with those. i think you could run Winstrol (winny) or anavar only and be fine. NOW- before advocating drugs let's hear your goals and expectations for this possible cycle- and if you could post your current training schedule it'd be great! i've heard south africa is beautiful- were you born there or did you move?
Thank you for your response...I was born in South Africa and it truelly is a wonderful place to live.

I am 29 years old and I tore my calf muscle in a car accident 7 months ago and have only been given the go ahead now to start training again. I would like to gain a little size, while loosing fat and would like to try to get my strength back to where it was. I also do Maui Tai Boxing and will be competing next year.

Currently I am doing 4 days of weight training, with 5 days of cardio 45 min to hour and boxing 2 a week.

To be honest the dieting has been a problem as I am not eating enough, due to my job constraints I sometimes have to skip meals, but have been trying to get my meal replacement shakes in, instead of skipping meals...

Please let me know what you think I should change, or try?

Many thanks
ok sorry to hear about your calf; i know that is a tough recovery. *make sure that the boxing competitions are not to be drug tested.* i train several boxers, and one of my girls wanted to start taking drugs. well less than 3 months after she started she moved up in class, and some of the fights she was offered were drug tested. it looked really bad for her to decline *only* the fights that were dug-tested, so people started to realize that she was obviously on drugs. it ruined her credibility as a fighter. be careful. that being said, i think anavar might be a better choice for you. Winstrol (winny) is a bitch on the joints, and as active as you are you need to take care of them. before you start a cycle you should make every effort to perfect your diet and training- you will LOSE muscle if you are not taking in enough quality calories. good luck and post up whatever you decide to do!
Thanks for the advice, it reallly is appreciated. Luckily because womens fighting is so new here, we have not reached the stage where they are testing, I guess it will just be a matter of time before they do, but having said that I won't be taking anything closer to the competition. I am so excited that I finally have some one to give me some good advice, because as you know asking guys about their opinions on these kinds of things is never really a good idea, even though they do have your best interests at heart. May I please just ask you a couple more questions:-

1.How long do you think my first cycle on Anavar should be?
2.How long should I be off for before I start a second cycle
3.Do you think that a short 4 week cycle on Winstrol and Ananvar would be ok for my second cycle (I understand that Winstrol (winny) is tough on the joints, that's why I thought a short course might be best?)

Thank you again....
ok, in the order that you asked:
1. anywhere from 8-10 weeks; matter of personal preference
2. time on = time off
3. 4 weeks is not long enough. i would say 8 weeks would be fine. if it is a low dose of Winstrol (winny) you should be ok- remember that "stacking" two drugs increases their individual effectiveness and possible side effects, so you may need to lower both dosages.
Good luck and post resulst!
I Think You Should Take Anavar (var) Not Winny!! Winstrol (winny) Is Harder On A Female Body Than Anavar (var). Definetly Do Not Use Nolva Or Proviron! Im Still Recovering From That Combo!! I Took It About 3 Months Ago Maybe 4 Months Ago And Havent Had A Period Im An Emotional Roller Coaster!! Its Not Worth It. I Didnt Rebound Really But I Keep My Diet In Check!! Just Do Anavar (var) Alone. Maybe Add T3 For A 35 Day Pyramid. Thanks To S.g I Just Recently Lost 8 Pound On That!! But I Also Use Clen.... Good Luck Babe Remember Your Diet Is Crucial To Your Goals!!
Thank you all for the great advice, it is really helped me alot.

t.t........How much clen do you take a day, and at what times?
NK said:
Thank you all for the great advice, it is really helped me alot.

t.t........How much clen do you take a day, and at what times?
i take 5 pills a day 3 in morning 2 afternon before 3 pm. i believe thats 100mg, i may go up not sure yet though! goodluck babe. 10 days on and tens days off by the way
NK- t.t. is not a beginner with clen- be sure to start out with ONE pill and see how you feel. i know girls that can't take more than 40mgs without feeling like they are coming out of their skin. 100mgs is WAY too much to start out with. let us know if you decide to try it and how you feel. best of luck & post results!
strngthmnx said:
NK- t.t. is not a beginner with clen- be sure to start out with ONE pill and see how you feel. i know girls that can't take more than 40mgs without feeling like they are coming out of their skin. 100mgs is WAY too much to start out with. let us know if you decide to try it and how you feel. best of luck & post results!
i have taken clen for the past two years off and on! so im not a beginner! but nk definetly listen to minx DO NOT START THAT HIGH!! Im just used to it and slowly increased to that! good luck! listen to your body always
Thank you again ladies....I will keep you updated on my progress.

Minx....I saw your pics today....awesum....
So first cycle... let me tell you about my (ongoing) experience...

I was running Anavar 40mg/day for the longest time because I was dieting for my first figure show and was concerned with keeping the muscle I had worked so hard to attain!
I saw some strength and size gains, but nothing overly noticeable (by the time I stepped on stage, my body had given up on trying to burn anymore body fat and I did lose some muscle)

After my show was done my trainer started me on a different stack:

Anavar 10mg tabs, 2 tabs Wed, Sat
Winny 10mg tabs, 1 tab Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Primo 1ml/ week, 1ml every Sunday

I put on an exceptionally large amount of lean mass, I look muscular (but in a feminine way- dont take what Im saying the wrong way, I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A FEMALE BODYBUILDER, not that I dont like what female bodybuilders look like but Im just trying to give you an idea about what happened to my body)

Now for the sides (oh yes, I have many!)
I had to drop my Winstrol (winny) to 1/2 tab M,T,Th,F because some crazy shit was starting to happen because of the amount of androgens in my system...

What Im going to write might seem kind of gross and it is a little embarassing- but I wanted to let you know just incase you decided to run Winny:

Everything all sort of happened at the same time- I got a little bit of acne on my back and face (nothing gross but up until this point my skin had always been clear). My voice started to get scratchy, it cracks now and then and has become a little deeper. My hair grows a lot faster AND the thing Im most self conscious about is my clit (sorry!). Its bigger, plain and simple. My boyfriend kinda likes it, but Im self conscious about it.... Apparently these sides dont happen to everyone that decides to use Winstrol (winny), but just be aware that all this shit can happen...

I guess you just have to weigh out the pros and cons- if these sides are too much for you and the gains you will get arent worth it, then obviously dont take it. For me, the gains that Im getting are incredible, my body is changing and I love it- so having a bit of acne and a big clit is just something I have to deal with....

If you want anymore info let me know!
Gsgrrl....I just read your thread about Anavar (var) winni and primo. I am contemplating taking winni how long were you on it when you started noticing sides? I am doing a 10 week cycle right now of var/t3/clen with a alternation of ephed/asprin/caff for the clen every 20days. I am only taking 10mg of Anavar (var) and also would like to know about upping my Anavar (var) to ??? over the next 7 weeks thats the time I have left on this cycle....If anyone also has an answer about upping doses on t3 to 75mg or more please lets hear it. I am just wondering what type of dose I can really do with t3 and Anavar (var)? For the next 7 weeks. Thanks
I started noticing sides from the Winstrol (winny) almost immediately.... they came slowly but were definetly there! Im running t3 right now too- 50mg/day... my trainer might increase it to 75mg/day (Ive been on this dose before... be careful that it doesnt eat up all your muscle).
I would definelty recommend to other women to use Winstrol (winny) BECAUSE THE SIDES ARE WORTH THE GAINS FOR ME, sorry I just really want to stress that gear isnt for everyone! Some women dont get sides like I did, but if you are contemplating running it, give it a try and as soon as you notice that things are starting to change (ie: your throat will get scratchy before it actually changes) then stop using it.
As for the Anavar- I was using 40mg per day and didnt see any sides at all- then again it isnt androgenic so that would really happen. I wouldnt be afraid to up the Anavar (var), especially if youre going to increase you dose of t3 (everything to help with muscle retention will be to your benefit!)
i personaly did this. i did i 35 day pyrimd of cynomel tapering up and peaking for two weeks then back down. i also did clen ten days on ten days off and lost 9 pounds!!! im done with the cynomel and and have just added Anavar (var) 15 mg a day split half in morning and the other half right before my workout out!! i will be doing this for 8 weeks. im on my first week and the results are amazing! everyone is different but it is working well! i work out 6 days a week and do cardio after lifting for 45 minutes!! My goal is to lose body fat as well and its working!! also my diet clean as can be!!i plan to get to 13% body fat! maybe this wil help!! GOOD luck! i take five pills. three i mornng and two in afternoon!! The shakes go away as your body adjusts! good luck

try ephedra to lose bodyfat and protein to gain bodymass.

Get your DIET clean and steady which will cause you to start seeing great results...

IF and when you think you may try an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to BUILD muscle, i agree with the ladies in starting something MILD like anavar... Proviron is pretty damn androgenic!
And keep in mind, you will gain size and possibly weight with aas... even with anavar...
just my $.02

WELCOME TO OLOGY and good luck

jul said:
What do you guys think about starting out with 5mg of var/day for someone who has always been natural? Don't want to do anything drastic to start. Not sure how my body will react. I was thinking 2.5 mg in the a.m. and 2.5 afternoon. Any suggestions??? Trying to gain a little size/strength. Especially in my upper body as my legs seem to overpower it. Thanks in advance... jul

i concur with your beginning cycle... appropriate dosages and good reasoning
