I think my Anavar (var) is Dbol


New member
I think my Var is Dbol

Heard this before from some guys on here, but it just hit me that i think it happend to me. After about 3+ weeks on everything seemed to get harder and more vains popping at first, then just in the last week all hell broke loose....zits all over back, big puffy nipps, even though i have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and gained some serious weight look huge how (not a bad side effect).....but not what i wanted, the lean hard gains i was looking for fell out the window i think for now....Have to stop taking them becasue of not knowing. BUMMER Dont suppose anyone knows a way to tell for sure or not? Half of my "var" is from one source and the other half from another....both sources on here though...So one could be fake and one real or both...Sucks not knowing.
what lab is the one your on now from?

Well you know i cannot really answer that without getting in trouble here, but i have 2 different ones, 1 is from a person very trusted on this site and the other is from a sponsor of this site. Again--it could be that of of the 2 is not Anavar (var) or both are not, without really knowing its hard to say.

is there a place you could send a pill of each to get it analyzed?? anyone?
how can you be sure its from the orals? what else are your running with them? or are you doing the "oral only" thing..
and this happened to me years and years ago.. paid for Anavar (var) and got dbol.. but only thing with me i fell in love with dbol.. lol
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how can you be sure its from the orals? what else are your running with them? or are you doing the "oral only" thing..
and this happened to me years and years ago.. paid for Anavar (var) and got dbol.. but only thing with me i fell in love with dbol.. lol

Not 100% sure, but pretty sure because i am running with test prop and small amounts of test cyp. But those both have been a good 10 weeks already and none of this has happend so chances are its the pills.
i see.. so you were taking the Anavar (var) as a closer.. say weeks 10-14 or so.. that sux.. im assuming their capsules>? what mg?
Any sponsors on this site are legit. I'm not just saying that because I'm staff either. The owner of this board is genuinely concerned with the safety and welfare of the members. He is very cautious of who comes on as a sponsor.

I can't see the gear from the sponsor being bunk. And if it was bunk then that sponsor wouldn't be here.

However you really don't know unfortunately. Also why do 2 different vars....just stick with one.

Have you done anavar before?
even legit sponsors make errors etc, but I guess if you run the other Anavar (var) you should get a better idea of what you got, maybe it's just you
i see.. so you were taking the Anavar (var) as a closer.. say weeks 10-14 or so.. that sux.. im assuming their capsules>? what mg?

Correct. Thats why it sucks i have to stop my closer which i was really excited about!! becasue it was first time taking VAR

I had 5mg tablets and 25mg capsules...was doing 20mg in the am (tabs) and 25mg in the pm Capsules
Any sponsors on this site are legit. I'm not just saying that because I'm staff either. The owner of this board is genuinely concerned with the safety and welfare of the members. He is very cautious of who comes on as a sponsor.

I can't see the gear from the sponsor being bunk. And if it was bunk then that sponsor wouldn't be here.

However you really don't know unfortunately. Also why do 2 different vars....just stick with one.

Have you done anavar before?

Im not doubting that, dont think its fake by all means but maybe just dbol in order to save money as Anavar (var) is more expensive??

Had to do 2 different ones because i did math wrong and realized that i didnt have enough. So i ordered more from person who ships in 2 days rather than first person that ships in around 30 days.
even legit sponsors make errors etc, but I guess if you run the other Anavar (var) you should get a better idea of what you got, maybe it's just you

word: i think at the beginning of next cycle i can do trial and error and only run 1 at a time. But to try that now it would take too long to figure out closing out my cycle. Wish i new a chemist to test for me.
Hey guys, its recently been brought to my attention that my anavar is actually d-bol in disguise!!! And even more interestingly so, it has these incredible properties to actually perform for up to three weeks exactely as the purest and most potent anavar available by fda standards and then miraculously convert to d-bol!!!! I mean is this shit that i am reading actually for real, or do i have a client out there that actually pretends to like me and speak highly of me and kiss my ass on the phone, but then tries to delegitimize my company and the legality and potency of my products??
The classy, respectful, and professional way to handle this situation if you think there is a "problem" with your medication is to pm me, or call me direct and ask me about it. Since you are obviously mixing and matching gear like a three year old does with his socks and underwear, it may have benefitted you to give me the batch number of the medication and i could have had my boss supply myself and you with an actual printout of the batch that your exact pills came from that would detail every ingredient, potencies, and purities of that medication as required by fda compounding standards.

For whatever it is worth, i happen to bust my ass for each and every one of my clients to give you the best service possible, the most educated advice, and the best protocols to help you achieve your goals. And i always make sure to keep my dealings with each and every client confidential and handle our relationship with the utmost respect.

I would appreciate the same courtesy in return!