New member
Good Morning Brothers!
Here's My story.
Back in 2006 I was diagnosed with hypogonadism. I was placed on gels, then on injections and now on testopels. I barely if ever eat and when I do of course it's junk. I am so fed up with the way I look that I dont own any mirrors. I came down to the conclusion that it can't get any worst.
I have tried diets some work I lose wieght to only regain it all back and then some. I tried weightloss pills and nothing. My urologist thinks that it maybe negative sides of the testosterone? I don't get it. I see a bunch of guys here that are clearly doing 10 times the amount of roids i'm doing and they are not as fat as me. Now I have to be honest I don't exercise because I don't know what types of exercise to do for me. I make every attempt to go to the gym when I show up i say now what? I tried a trainner all he wants to do is make me do squats and bench press and shit like that. I asked 3 of them I have had and not one of them has ever been fat or as big as me... so how can they help me? When Im there i want to know what to do and how long to do it. How fast will I start to see results. I am exhausted, I think I have tried everything I can. I am now appealing to people who have much more experience than me.
I will try anything, do anything, follow whatever regimen to the T eat whatever it is you tell when you tell me, Follow every direction as it were gospel. I just Want to look like the guy in my attachment.
I know that at some point everyone on here has felt that they needed help. Let me tell you how narcissistic I am that I actually got diagnossed with the disorder. So for me to actually ask for help means I have come to a point in my life where I have accepted that you guys are way better at this than I am, and I need tons of help. Please serious responses.
Here's My story.
Back in 2006 I was diagnosed with hypogonadism. I was placed on gels, then on injections and now on testopels. I barely if ever eat and when I do of course it's junk. I am so fed up with the way I look that I dont own any mirrors. I came down to the conclusion that it can't get any worst.
I have tried diets some work I lose wieght to only regain it all back and then some. I tried weightloss pills and nothing. My urologist thinks that it maybe negative sides of the testosterone? I don't get it. I see a bunch of guys here that are clearly doing 10 times the amount of roids i'm doing and they are not as fat as me. Now I have to be honest I don't exercise because I don't know what types of exercise to do for me. I make every attempt to go to the gym when I show up i say now what? I tried a trainner all he wants to do is make me do squats and bench press and shit like that. I asked 3 of them I have had and not one of them has ever been fat or as big as me... so how can they help me? When Im there i want to know what to do and how long to do it. How fast will I start to see results. I am exhausted, I think I have tried everything I can. I am now appealing to people who have much more experience than me.
I will try anything, do anything, follow whatever regimen to the T eat whatever it is you tell when you tell me, Follow every direction as it were gospel. I just Want to look like the guy in my attachment.
I know that at some point everyone on here has felt that they needed help. Let me tell you how narcissistic I am that I actually got diagnossed with the disorder. So for me to actually ask for help means I have come to a point in my life where I have accepted that you guys are way better at this than I am, and I need tons of help. Please serious responses.