New member
Been on these for about 8 weeks and haven't gained a pound, 2 of my friends have same results. Are they fake? Anyone have any experience with these?
I have some from both lot#'s and they are working great for me!pyrros dimas said:The latest latest lot # that I had was 3507 1002 1007. This lot # worked 'okay' for me. I had to bump it from 500 mg's per week to 750 mgs though (I was also running 25 mg per day of Golden Triangle D-Bol too. Great D-Bol too!). I think that like a certain person said these were under-dosed by about 20% - 25% (under-dosed, NOT under-filled). Still legit, but just slightly under-dosed.
What's the call so far on the new lot # of 0020 that was pumped out in early April (expiration date of 04/08) that have just recently become available? Has anyone been using them? Mabe it's still too early to tell. I'm 99.9% that they'll be good; I've been 'assured' of that!!!
BTW, I LOVE ICNs! Although all of this talk about them being over-filled by .2 ml cracks me up. Mine were all right at 1ml and a few here and there (maybe 20% or so) were overfilled by about .05ml to 1ml.
Whid said:does anyone have info on 3258 0902 0907... i got those and the ones startin wiht 158.. i tossed hte 15 amps... peices of .shit