If hatin' is your occupation...


That Dude
then I probably got a full time job for you. It's time to get big so I'm starting my first cycle on Monday 12/28/09, and I'm hoping this is going to take my physique to a new level.

Planned Cycle
Week 1 - 12 - AMBROWAVE TEST E 500mg/week(mon night/fri morn injections)
Week 1 - 12/14(?) - Aromasin 12.5mg/day
Week 3 - 4 days before PCT - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu's twice a week

For my PCT I should have both nolva and clomid on hand. I'll be receiving my order shortly. I originally planned 50/50/25/25 with Clomid, however I'm kinda concerned about the sides so I may go 40/40/20/20 with Nolva. Got mixed opinions on if I should run aromasin through my post cycle therapy (pct), and I haven't decided if I will or not. Thoughts/Advice is welcome!!!

Diet will not be super strict as far as a certain calorie requirement. I plan to eat as much as I possibly can, mostly clean, however I'm not super strict. I've always been really lean and if i start to put on some body fat ill clean up the diet as needed. Heavy protein intake for sure. Main goal is to gain some serious weight and stay pretty lean.

Current Bodyweight - 170-175lbs(varies)
Current Bodyfat - right around 10%

Goal Bodyweight - 190lbs
Goal Bodyfat - 10% or less, as lean as I can be

I will also be injecting b12 once a week, 1000mcg.

I have liquid arimidex and liquid letro on hand that I received from RUI. If you feel they would be a better fit in my cycle, let me know.

Planning to inject with 25g 1" pins for quads, and 25g 1.5" pins for glutes.

I'm hoping to keep this log pretty detailed and up to date by tracking my lifts and with pictures.

A few pics of the goodies are attached. Clomid/Nolva/and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) were due to be delivered Wednesday, so I expect them early this week.

Questions, comments, critiques and concerns are welcome!!! Cant wait to get started:beertoast
My routine will consist of a 5 day split.

Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Tri's and Bi's
Thursday - Back
Friday - Delts/Traps

3 sets of 6-8 reps for compound exercises. If I get 8 reps I know it's time to increase the weight.
3 sets of 10-12 reps for isolation exercises. If I get 12 reps I know it's time to increase the weight.

Hoping to really add some size to my legs and calves during this cycle.:dance2:
same here good luck, Im going to say u'r counting u'r calorie, Im 5''7 205 pd bf 6% I keep a regimen 2 gain weight my Intake is 4,000 kl ed and 2 loose fat I simply eat 400 grams of protein ed equal =800 kl ed, of course some muscle and alot of fat will be lost, but a.s.a.p I see blood vessel pop out same as muscle fiber, then my Intake would be 3,500 kl and that will maintain my gain..happy holiday..
Lemme know when you get to around 220-230lbs. Then my hate meter may start to blip a little....

Good luck with the cycle.
Same as my first cycle. Loved the Test E, just be patient! I also added Anavar to the end.......love it.....now I dont think i can do a cycle without var! I added a good 25lbs after first cycle. Eat plenty, train hard and enjoy the cycle bro!
My routine will consist of a 5 day split.

Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Tri's and Bi's
Thursday - Back
Friday - Delts/Traps

3 sets of 6-8 reps for compound exercises. If I get 8 reps I know it's time to increase the weight.
3 sets of 10-12 reps for isolation exercises. If I get 12 reps I know it's time to increase the weight.

Hoping to really add some size to my legs and calves during this cycle.:dance2:

Bro I'm thinking you should do something more like, Chest, Legs, Back, off day, shoulders, legs, chest, etc. then what ever you want. I think you've got your chest and tri's too close toghether and I have the same feeling about the back and bi's. You'll be using alot of tris on chest day, and you'll be using equally as much bi's on a good back day. Just my .02's I'm 3 injections into my ambro cycle with high hopes....I'll be following your log bro!
My routine will consist of a 5 day split.

Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Tri's and Bi's
Thursday - Back
Friday - Delts/Traps

3 sets of 6-8 reps for compound exercises. If I get 8 reps I know it's time to increase the weight.
3 sets of 10-12 reps for isolation exercises. If I get 12 reps I know it's time to increase the weight.

Hoping to really add some size to my legs and calves during this cycle.:dance2:

Looks good man but you will see better results hitting the triceps the same day as chest. A big chest/bench day should
smoke your tri's especially if you do some JM Press at the end of the work out, hence why hit the tri's the following day. And to hit your bi's before a back day is not good. Back/Deadlift is a lot of Bi's so you want them fresh.

Hope this helps and you get some gains, this first test experience is the best to say the least give it a month and then enjoy
I agree with the above two.

I would couple tri's with chest and bi's with back. Both will be under stress from working the larger groups so you should only need 2-possibly 3 excercises to work them, and thats probably even excessive.

My current routine is:

Monday: Quads, Hams
Tues: Chest, Tris
Wed: off
Thurs: Back, Bi's
Fri: Delts, Traps, Calvs
Sat/Sun: off

Of course everyone is different, so do what works best for you. :biggthump
I used to couple tris with chest and bi's with back but didnt like it too much. Since I added a day to really hit my arms exclusively they have responded well. I think what I will do is go back to how i had it previously and go:
monday chest
tuesday legs
wednesday delts/traps
thursday back
friday bi's and tri's

i initially rearranged it because every motherfucker in the gym has monday as their chest day so it sucks waiting for equipment.
PCT was in my mailbox when i got home today :)

just did my first pin, right quad. it was painless going in and injecting. im off to the gym for leg day, we'll see how it feels tomorrow!! cant wait til the test kicks in!! where you at blondie, leg day!?!?!?!
hit my legs tonight. workout was as follows:

2 or 3 sets of about 12 reps - leg extensions as a warmup

sled hack squats(superset with seated calves)
8 reps x 70lbs each side(warmup)
8 reps x 115lbs each side
8 reps x 125lbs each side
8 reps x 125lbs each side

seated calves
45lbs x 15 warmup
115lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
115lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
115lbs x 12 reps nice and slow

leg press superset with calves on leg press
2 wheels each side x 8 warmup
5 wheels + 25lbs each side(500lbs) x 8 reps
500lbs x 8 reps
500lbs x 8 reps

calves on leg press
500lbs x 10 reps
500lbs x 10 reps
500lbs x 10 reps

standing hamstring curl superset with leg extension
30lbs x 8 reps each leg warmup
50lbs x 10 reps
50lbs x 10 reps
50lbs x 10 reps

leg extension
90lbs x 10 warmup
165lbs x 10
165lbs x 10
165lbs x 10

lying hamstring curl
50lbs x 8 warmup
85lbs x 8 reps
85lbs x 8 reps
85lbs x 8 reps

standing calves
120lbs x 10
120lbs x 10
120lbs x 10

felt good during the workout. didnt go superhard, but definitely worked the legs good. my typical leg routine is a bit different, but im still letting my back heal up from a little mishap about 6 weeks ago, so no front squats or SLDL's YET. they're coming back soon though:beertoast
sorry guys had some issues earlier this week that id rather not discuss, and my diet suffered tremendously. didnt go to the gym tues/wed/thurs, but now im back on track and ready to hit it hard! Like i said, my diet was BAD tues/wed/thurs, consuming probably like 1500calories each day :( friday i got back on track and started back at the gym, felt pretty good but i know i wasnt as strong as normal.

DB flat bench
35's x 12 warmup
60's x 6 warmup
105's x 10reps like peanuts
110's x 9 reps
110's x 6 reps
I shoulda started with the 110's but i figured id be pretty weak from my diet the past few days.

BB incline
135lbs x 10 warmup
195lbs x 8reps
195lbs x 8reps
195lsb x 7 reps

weighted dips
body weight plus 45lbs x 8 warmup
bw plus 70lbs x 8reps
bw plus 70lbs x 8reps
bw plus 70lbs x 8reps

lying cable chest flies
decline - 40lbs x 10
- 40lbs x 10
slight decline/almost flat - 30lbs x 10
- 30lbs x 10
incline - 30lbs x 10
incline - 30lbs x 10

I do my flies with a bench between the pulleys and love it. I go slow and get a very good stretch on the negative portion of the lift and really focus on squeezing my pectorals during the exercise.

All in all it was a good workout. I know the test is working a bit because normally I would have been a lot weaker considering my diet the prior 3 days. i got my issues worked out(i hope) and should be ready to start hitting it really hard!