That Dude
then I probably got a full time job for you. It's time to get big so I'm starting my first cycle on Monday 12/28/09, and I'm hoping this is going to take my physique to a new level.
Planned Cycle
Week 1 - 12 - AMBROWAVE TEST E 500mg/week(mon night/fri morn injections)
Week 1 - 12/14(?) - Aromasin 12.5mg/day
Week 3 - 4 days before PCT - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu's twice a week
For my PCT I should have both nolva and clomid on hand. I'll be receiving my order shortly. I originally planned 50/50/25/25 with Clomid, however I'm kinda concerned about the sides so I may go 40/40/20/20 with Nolva. Got mixed opinions on if I should run aromasin through my post cycle therapy (pct), and I haven't decided if I will or not. Thoughts/Advice is welcome!!!
Diet will not be super strict as far as a certain calorie requirement. I plan to eat as much as I possibly can, mostly clean, however I'm not super strict. I've always been really lean and if i start to put on some body fat ill clean up the diet as needed. Heavy protein intake for sure. Main goal is to gain some serious weight and stay pretty lean.
Current Bodyweight - 170-175lbs(varies)
Current Bodyfat - right around 10%
Goal Bodyweight - 190lbs
Goal Bodyfat - 10% or less, as lean as I can be
I will also be injecting b12 once a week, 1000mcg.
I have liquid arimidex and liquid letro on hand that I received from RUI. If you feel they would be a better fit in my cycle, let me know.
Planning to inject with 25g 1" pins for quads, and 25g 1.5" pins for glutes.
I'm hoping to keep this log pretty detailed and up to date by tracking my lifts and with pictures.
A few pics of the goodies are attached. Clomid/Nolva/and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) were due to be delivered Wednesday, so I expect them early this week.
Questions, comments, critiques and concerns are welcome!!! Cant wait to get started
Planned Cycle
Week 1 - 12 - AMBROWAVE TEST E 500mg/week(mon night/fri morn injections)
Week 1 - 12/14(?) - Aromasin 12.5mg/day
Week 3 - 4 days before PCT - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu's twice a week
For my PCT I should have both nolva and clomid on hand. I'll be receiving my order shortly. I originally planned 50/50/25/25 with Clomid, however I'm kinda concerned about the sides so I may go 40/40/20/20 with Nolva. Got mixed opinions on if I should run aromasin through my post cycle therapy (pct), and I haven't decided if I will or not. Thoughts/Advice is welcome!!!
Diet will not be super strict as far as a certain calorie requirement. I plan to eat as much as I possibly can, mostly clean, however I'm not super strict. I've always been really lean and if i start to put on some body fat ill clean up the diet as needed. Heavy protein intake for sure. Main goal is to gain some serious weight and stay pretty lean.
Current Bodyweight - 170-175lbs(varies)
Current Bodyfat - right around 10%
Goal Bodyweight - 190lbs
Goal Bodyfat - 10% or less, as lean as I can be
I will also be injecting b12 once a week, 1000mcg.
I have liquid arimidex and liquid letro on hand that I received from RUI. If you feel they would be a better fit in my cycle, let me know.
Planning to inject with 25g 1" pins for quads, and 25g 1.5" pins for glutes.
I'm hoping to keep this log pretty detailed and up to date by tracking my lifts and with pictures.
A few pics of the goodies are attached. Clomid/Nolva/and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) were due to be delivered Wednesday, so I expect them early this week.
Questions, comments, critiques and concerns are welcome!!! Cant wait to get started