I guess your original question doesn't apply so much to a lady unless she plans on being the next Iris Kyle, but figure/fitness girls put things into their bodies that the average person wouldn't, risking irreversible sides that could be hard to live with for the sake of the sport. But, even the girls who don't often make the top ranks have other outlets, modeling, magazine shoots, sponsorship deals from supplement companies, guest posing, fit camp hosting, training vids, internet web pages where you can become a 'fan' and buy pics, or pay to view more pics etc... Women have more options to make money out of it before the more seedy porn side and muscle worship gets involved.
If I didn't have kids and knew I could make money off the other stuff regardless of the BB stage, then I would do it - with caution. Problem is, when a woman gets in the game the facial changes may not be noticeable to her over the years but to other people it's easily seen. Eg: Monica Brant-Peckham.