If you had your choice of deca or eq?

Would you rather have deca or Eq?

  • EQ

    Votes: 112 56.0%
  • Deca

    Votes: 88 44.0%

  • Total voters
Definitely Deca! I have given EQ its last chance in this cycle and I just don't respond to it like I do with Deca. i prefer size and strength and don't mind a little water weight...maybe because I am married? LOL
Deca for sure

did 8 weeks of Quest Deca 200mg/ml
loved it...15 lbs of muscle...my body really responded well, my protein was at like 350gms a day, unlimited complex carbs, muscle hardness, increased muscle seperation...NO MORE JOINT PAIN..that was the kicker for me
NO problems in the bedroom either...my girl started calling me SD for "super dick" hahah when she asked me what i was on, i told her a lot of Vitamin C
i'd say go with deca :druggie:
StoneColdNTO said:
First off.....lose the "caps lock" key !!

Now, I realize that you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, as you showed us in this thread http://www.steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21463 , but if the moleculur structure of EQ and Deca is the same, wouldn't that make them the same compound.:40oz: Ok, here's what we'll do...I'm gonna have a cold beer, and you smoke some more crack and we'll chat later.........LMFAO

this is a funny poll...

on the orig. topic: i pick deca but ill be trying bold base and npp next

on the other topic: you just find a guy on every board that refuses to go against what they know and just continues to to tell all bs until they look like a moron. for exampe i was at the 1fast forum telling a guy that d-bol "is not" also called Methyl-dht. then he tells me that russian dbol is a mixture of methyltestosterone and methandrostenolone thats why it is called Methyl-dht.. wtf??!!.. lolz
mebdonovan said:
Not trying to be the party killer here,, but if you will look at the Molecular structure of Deca and EQ,, the is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE,, so most of the differences people see are either from something else in their cycle or in their mind, look it up if you have doubts,, but EQ is Deca,, the name says it all both are Undecaonate, and both have same moleculr mold.

I am afraid you are mistaken buddy. EQ and Dbol are structurally the same compounds but by simply adding the 17aa to it in dbol it makes and entirely different compound with complete opposite results.
mebdonovan said:
Not trying to be the party killer here,, but if you will look at the Molecular structure of Deca and EQ,, the is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE,, so most of the differences people see are either from something else in their cycle or in their mind, look it up if you have doubts,, but EQ is Deca,, the name says it all both are Undecaonate, and both have same moleculr mold.

First of all neither Deca or EQ has the undecaonate ester.......

Deca is Nandrolone Decanoate (decanoate ester)

EQ is Boldenone Undecylenate (undecylenate ester)

As for both having the same molecular mold, as you put it....... all hormones are a 4 ring molecule, if you look closely, you will see differences.
mebdonovan said:
Not trying to be the party killer here,, but if you will look at the Molecular structure of Deca and EQ,, the is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE,, so most of the differences people see are either from something else in their cycle or in their mind, look it up if you have doubts,, but EQ is Deca,, the name says it all both are Undecaonate, and both have same moleculr mold.

I am still wanting mebdonovan to explain how those two molecules have no differences. Inquiring minds want to know........
Mr.T said:
I am still wanting mebdonovan to explain how those two molecules have no differences. Inquiring minds want to know........

the last post he made on this thread was made nearly a year ago, so i doubt he even posts here anymore... i would be interesting to hear some sort of warped explanation though
daan69 said:
the last post he made on this thread was made nearly a year ago, so i doubt he even posts here anymore... i would be interesting to hear some sort of warped explanation though

a year ago?? his post says 11-29-2003

but im also waiting on what explanation
StoneColdNTO said:
Where is your proof that EQ and Deca are the same ?????

Have you changed your mind ??

he must've read it on a cracker jack box, a very credible source of info IMO. :druggie: