If you haven't competed yet, just do it! Best experience ever!!

I think there is a big difference between eating healthy the majority of the time and lifting with consistency than eating like somebody is paying you to model. I've been on a cut for longer than i care to admit right now but i am doing so out of vanity. 100% of all gym goers will tell you working out is the easy part and diet separates the mice from men. I am proud mouse. I don't follow this str8 edge philosophy that a lot of ex- substance addicts turned industry fitness folks believe where you never drink alcohol, you never have refined sugar and you never get less than 7.5 hours of sleep. I am a moderation guy.

I drink alcohol, in moderation, I eat clean about 90% of the time, i eat refined sugar. I get on average about 4-5 hrs of sleep a night due to my schedule. You can eat clean and still enjoy it, trust me it's possible. If you don't want to do it that's fine, I'm just saying try it at least once. Push beyond mediocrity and see what you can do. Become more than what you thought possible. all in all it's only temporary. I originally just wanted to do it because I've been saying I would since 12yrs old. Now that I have, I know why my heart pushed me enough to finally do it. It's something no one can ever take away from you. Just my 2 cents on it. The choice is always yours. Just think about it.
doing a contest involves alot of dedication and a well thought out detailed plan of action..

one of my favorite things as a coach is contest prepping my clients... i love it. i love watching their body transform as we progress
Conditioning was way off. I peaked at 2 weeks out and then never was able to drop the water back off. Oh well still loved it. I'll be doing bodybuilding in the next few not physique like this past one or maybe both who knows.

Way to go dude you look epic!
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This time next year for me all being well.... it would have been last week had I not detached a tricep (twice)... I went to the show anyway to check what I'd be up against and try to decide on a class...

So all being well, this 43yr old (44 next year) will be stepping on stage in a first-timers regional open BB show :)