Im done with pro hormones !!!


New member
I always try to add phs to the end or beginning of my injectable cycles and it always makes me feel like shit!!!! My last cycle was test 13wks and tren 9wks results where amazing I felt like superman!!! But as soon as I quit the tren and added hdrol (helladrol) I felt like shit!! Headaches felt tired just crap and I was on 500mg wk of test. But it was a hell of a cycle as far as results look totally different in the mirror! Still wish I would've just stayed on the tren for longer instead of adding hdrol I would've felt 100% better in the end. Tren A gave me pretty much no sides besides sweating a little extra and one hour less of sleep a night. So no more phs for this guy hdrol, superdrol, epi all makes me feel like crap!!!!
I hate all the pro hormones compared to gear. Its bull shit to me they where ever legal and gear is illegal. The only one I got amazing results from was superdroll but it had the worst side effects. It shut my body down hard core and I was only 19 and I didn't know about clomid or nolva I just used 6 oxo and bull shit products like that. I just hate how they have the market set up to where you can buy the shit that will shut your test down but you cant buy the shit to restart it. It makes me really mad!
I always try to add phs to the end or beginning of my injectable cycles and it always makes me feel like shit!!!! My last cycle was test 13wks and tren 9wks results where amazing I felt like superman!!! But as soon as I quit the tren and added hdrol (helladrol) I felt like shit!! Headaches felt tired just crap and I was on 500mg wk of test. But it was a hell of a cycle as far as results look totally different in the mirror! Still wish I would've just stayed on the tren for longer instead of adding hdrol I would've felt 100% better in the end. Tren A gave me pretty much no sides besides sweating a little extra and one hour less of sleep a night. So no more phs for this guy hdrol, superdrol, epi all makes me feel like crap!!!!

superdrol is not a pro-h

but i feel you on your feelings on them!
It's so easy though to just buy something off eBay and run it when I hit a plateau on cycle. I just added DMZ mid cycle as a plateau breaker and its working but your right the sides suck. I am bloated and lethargic as all hell. I like the strength increase though so fuck the rest haha
I took epi @ 18... an 50mg for 8 weeks, 4 weeks of nolva PCT at 40mg / day. Made great strength & size gains, some of which i still have today. But I think it must of fucked up my HTPA in some way. I got my bloods done maybe a year after and test was 480... considering i was 19, I feel as if thats pretty low for a 19 y/o, seems like my test should of been double that. SO yes, fuck PHs.