Im i the only one that thinks overtraining is overrated?


Banned, had no choice
Especially while on cycle. Last 5 weeks, i have had some personal issues and my only outlet is working out. Ive been going 5 on 1 off usually, sometimes if work intereferes, i throw in an extra day of rest. But i have been getting stronger and stronger. Ive also increased my volume, and decreased my rest periods. I get a pretty good aerobic workout retsing 45 seconds to a minute max, throw a lot of super sets and drop sets. Yet i am sure to not go to failure. I stop short of failure by about two reps, even on drop sets. Its almost time to quit cycle, so i know i will have to include more rest and less volume.

My current split looks like
Day 1) Back
Day 2) Chest
Day 3) Quads, Bis
Day 4) Shoulders, Traps
Day 5) Hams, Tris
Day 6) Rest
It could be overtraining, but it seems to be working for you. I use to do 5 on 2 off. Felt strong but didn't seem to grow like I wanted too. I do better 3 on 1 off or m,w,f weekends off. Do whatever works.

i agree with zilla, do whatever works. if you find yourself tired all the time,not growing or getting sick more. then its time to back off

remember rest is paramount. its when you grow.
Many people make the mistake of overtraining. Some think that the more and more you do the better; WRONG! This is the biggest mistake people make when training. Your body needs rest & recoup days to repair & rebuild & GROW!
thing is, i always used to be over cautious about overtraining, 4-5 days a week max, 9 sets for large groups, 6 for small. Now, ive seen growth like never before.
Great bro, then by all means go with what works for you. Everyone needs to find what works for them and go with that, but the point I was trying to make is I don't think overtraining is over rated because that IS probably the most common mstake made when training. Especially when people are on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) they think the more time and the more sets they do the bigger they will get and that is totally wrong. Workouts should be geared for quality not quantity!
I think it is good to switch up the way you train from time to time. It is good to overtrain for small periods of time to kind of shock your muscles. If you do it over too long a period of time though you end up getting burned out.
I train 3-4 times a week doing 6-15 reps per set of 12-15 sets per body part. I usually only hit one body part per week. I am happy with my gains!
I've overtrained more times than I can count as a natural, but can even feel it coming on when on gear if I train more than 2-3 days in a row. Right now, while "on", I'm really liking training 2 on and 1 off
As long as you can add progressive resistant each workout, you're not overtraining. I would overtrain on your split, but you might be able to handle. I did legs/abs today. I did 5 working sets for the entire workout.
I think most of overtraining rumor/preaching is a myth. I had my best gains doing a full body 3x a week, although I was much younger. I still have the stretch marks from those days though. I worked out 2x a day, 45-60 each part of my split.
Many people make the mistake of overtraining. Some think that the more and more you do the better; WRONG! This is the biggest mistake people make when training. Your body needs rest & recoup days to repair & rebuild & GROW!

Exactly. Just b/c you're on doesn't mean you can't overtrain. And when you're overtrained the gear isn't really doing you much good. More important to eat and sleep.
i know i will have to reduce volume and frequency once off, but im getting stronger, feel good, have plenty of energy, no aches, get great pumps, so i have no signs of overtraiing right now.
I used to train 2 on 1 off but quickly found out that with all the diferent stresses in life along with breaking my body down lifting that I was overtraining...These days I only work out twice a week Tuesdays and Fridays and I've never felt better. I'm never in the gym longer than 1 hour... and I'm the biggest mofo in the gym...I laugh to myself seeing some of the guys in the gym that workout 4-5 a week doing set after set after set and never make progress.