I'm really worried about Hematocrit


New member
I'm nearing the end of my second cycle of Test e 600mg/pw Deca 450mg/pw and have not gave blood since before my first cycle like 9 months ago, what happens if my red blood cell count get too high can it cause serious problems and after the end of your cycle and once pct is done does red blood cell levels return to normal? thanks in advance.
You should donate blood. Additionally, have you been getting blood work done? That would tell you how high your hematocrit is.

Yes, high hematocrit can have serious health consequences. I am not trying to scare you, but if it gets high enough it could even result in a stroke.
Yes bro high rbc can have serious complications. That's a big reason this board preaches about getting bloodwork done if you're gonna use anabolics. That's the only way to really keep a tab on your health.

Some anabolics raise hemotocrit more than others bug they ALL raise it to some degree. EQ being on of the worse culprits. Imagine Rush hour in your arteries and veins. Too many red blood cells(traffic) can slow down blood flow to the point where blood clots cause strokes snd such .

Not sure what it's called but it's a serious condition that can cause irreparable damage. If you can, go give blood right away. If you can't, at least find out how high your hemotocrit is through bloodwork, but you have to address this issue pronto either way.
from what i have been told, donating platelets are the best way to bring hemo down...
If your rbc is above normal levels then your doc would have you get a phlebotomy .. You can't donate blood right now cause more then likely your taking an AI,, which is one of the drugs listed at donation clinics as not allowed
My doc told me a while back that RBC's stick around for quite a while too, so you can't count on it coming down on it's own when you're off. Seems like he mentioned 3 months or more.
If your rbc is above normal levels then your doc would have you get a phlebotomy .. You can't donate blood right now cause more then likely your taking an AI,, which is one of the drugs listed at donation clinics as not allowed

donate and call them the day after telling them you got sick. your blood doesn't get used
If your rbc is above normal levels then your doc would have you get a phlebotomy .. You can't donate blood right now cause more then likely your taking an AI,, which is one of the drugs listed at donation clinics as not allowed

I've never seen an AI on the list of deferral medications...
I've never seen an AI on the list of deferral medications...

Towards the end of my last cycle at went to donate, got rejected cause I was taking anastrozole and had recently got a tattoo.. Went online to find another clinic and they all had those listed.. I'm in Colorado, maybe it's diff somewhere else but I doubt it.
Think about it, women and little girls may be receiving your blood,, there's a reason they wouldn't let me donate while taking an AI
Towards the end of my last cycle at went to donate, got rejected cause I was taking anastrozole and had recently got a tattoo.. Went online to find another clinic and they all had those listed.. I'm in Colorado, maybe it's diff somewhere else but I doubt it.
Think about it, women and little girls may be receiving your blood,, there's a reason they wouldn't let me donate while taking an AI

The list of prohibited medications comes from the FDA and Anastrozole is not on the list. Probably it was the tatoo. Or maybe you are thinking of propecia or finasteride? Those are on the (short) list.

Anastrozole is primarily taken by women and doesn't pose any special risks. Blood donors can and do take all kinds of medications with no ill effect to the recipient.
Well it was quite awhile back, I was taking a hair loss sup from rui towards the end of the cycle when I was going to go into a cruise with primo and was worried about hair loss.. I think it was dutesteride and not fina though,, maybe it was that then, but I could swore it was the AI.

Good to know though cause I'm def donating towards the end of next cycle
Hello all, this is my from the start post, presumably made a mistake with the choosing section.
If so, please move my post in the correct section.

I think that the blow to their men, varied women do, but not one admits it.
Here the without question is slightly another, namely how kindly done this home blowjob. I have a friend who worked as a journalist, and so equal daylight she interviewed one senile lady's man.
There hold been divers issues, including the topic of a blowjob, so he said that the life story he was such that I had to stay different countries and intimacy he had with diverse women, assorted of them made him a blowjob during sex. So with all this abundance of women and they blow job he did, he remembered only two women who were competent to contrive it rightly significant blowjob and deal fantastic joy, and all the others in his words, "just tried and I give them respecting their diligence."
So that's so, like a man a blowjob, but how surge it is done and how mightiness like a screw up, but with orthodox technique is another question. In extension, even-handed if a bit of san quentin quail does blowjob crooked or worse than any other prior girls gink on no occasion recognized her in this. Hence, those who do not blow their men to be secure and think that at a stroke you take him in your braggadocio at one time make the title of "shacking up goddess", cocksucking, like uncountable other techniques gratification of men, we necessity oldest learn.

Do I need to learn to do deepthroat blowjob correctly and where it is taught? I do not comprehend) Dialect mayhap there are lessons on YouTube or somewhere else? Influence please.

Ice video on YouTube youtu.be/DcH_A73R67s

I'm sure some members will be happy to give you advice on how to deep throat correctly, but please start your own thread. It's considered rude to hijack other peoples threads :)
Anastrozole is NOT on the Red Cross deferral list. I am sure of it. Finasteride is though.

If you have had a tattoo within the last 12 months it's an automatic no go as well.

On a slightly related note:
As for the blow job post goes, it would be debatable to disclose if you have given some dude head as a "yes" answer to the question about having sex with a man since 1977. LOL

I guess that would depend on what the meaning of "is" is!
Anastrozole is NOT on the Red Cross deferral list. I am sure of it. Finasteride is though.

If you have had a tattoo within the last 12 months it's an automatic no go as well.

On a slightly related note:
As for the blow job post goes, it would be debatable to disclose if you have given some dude head as a "yes" answer to the question about having sex with a man since 1977. LOL

I guess that would depend on what the meaning of "is" is!

I believe your correct
...If you have had a tattoo within the last 12 months it's an automatic no go as well...

I have not had a tattoo, but from what I understand the deferral is not automatic, it depends on where and how it was done. Licensed facilities in states that require such licensing and compliance with certain practices should not result in a 12 month deferral.
Ok went to my Family Doctor today and told him everything about my gear use, compounds how long etc and he booked me in for a full blood work check including liver enzymes,hematocrit, blood glucose levels etc etc, I'm booked in for Tuesday morning and have a follow up appointment with the doctor 7 days after to talk about the results.
I have not had a tattoo, but from what I understand the deferral is not automatic, it depends on where and how it was done. Licensed facilities in states that require such licensing and compliance with certain practices should not result in a 12 month deferral.

Correct. I go to the red cross every other week and have asked about this. If they are licensed, you're fine. The hair loss prevention drugs are a deferral, nothing else we take would be outside something like DNP.

Oh, and ANY homosexual contact EVER is a permanent deferral. It's something that has been protested for some time now, but it's based on FDA high-risk statistics.
Correct. I go to the red cross every other week and have asked about this. If they are licensed, you're fine. The hair loss prevention drugs are a deferral, nothing else we take would be outside something like DNP.

Oh, and ANY homosexual contact EVER is a permanent deferral. It's something that has been protested for some time now, but it's based on FDA high-risk statistics.

They changed deferral rules regarded homosexual sex.
I gave blood about a week ago and one of the questions on the Red Cross form was "If male, have you ever had sex with a man?"