I'm scared of Deca! (help with cycle)


New member
Hey guys, so I've been doing some HGH for about a month now and I'm gonna start an AA cycle soon and lots of ppl told me they had some pretty great cycle of Test Deca with HGH, the only thing is I know Deca will shutdown your natty test levels like a bitch and it takes even longer to get them back, if at all after PCT.. My natty levels are already pretty average so I really don't wanna risk hampering them for life because of Deca.. Any suggestions on a good cycle I could do to go along with my HGH? Thanks!!
If its your first ass cycle I would just stick with test along side of your hgh. If not I love tren. I am not a fan of deca or NPp myself.
ALL aas shut you down...deca just takes a very long time to clear out and it s metabolites are/can be detected 6 months after use depending on detection methods. As far as your natty level s I ve never had trouble coming back on line after stoppage.

BUT as this is your 1 st avoid a 19 nors like deca, tren etc.....if you do another cycle after u assessthis one s results and the side effects that occurred and what it took to counter...stick to aromatizing compounds like diff test esters, t bol d bol etc
Deca is no different then test, Dbol, var, etc.. They ALL shut you down. And when your shut down your shut down. PERIOD... And no matter what the compound you'll use the exact same PCT to recover.

So nothing to be scared of here.. Other then 'fear' in regards to respecting the compounds
I have a better solution!

Just send me all that icky, scary, mean deca. I'll make sure he never bothers you again! :laugh:
It's my 4th cycle my last one was test and tren, Now I'm doing HGH test and yeah probs deca and would like to add something else to complete like Dbol but not quite sure..
It's my 4th cycle my last one was test and tren, Now I'm doing HGH test and yeah probs deca and would like to add something else to complete like Dbol but not quite sure..

You're aware that deca is just as hard to recover from as tren, right?

Errrrrrrrrr, I mean it's the DEVIL! I'll protect all of mankind by thoroughly burying it deep into my muscle bellies! :wiggle:
You're aware that deca is just as hard to recover from as tren, right?

Errrrrrrrrr, I mean it's the DEVIL! I'll protect all of mankind by thoroughly burying it deep into my muscle bellies! :wiggle:

self sacrificing and always ready to take one for the team.... once more into the breach dear friends!!!
You're aware that deca is just as hard to recover from as tren, right?

Errrrrrrrrr, I mean it's the DEVIL! I'll protect all of mankind by thoroughly burying it deep into my muscle bellies! :wiggle:

No, for some reason I always thought Deca was the hardest AA to recover from.
No, for some reason I always thought Deca was the hardest AA to recover from.

Because of it's very long ester, it's one of the hardest AAS to clear your system,, possibly over 6 months.. ** But as far as hpta shutdown, wither it's a short ester test P or deca, they both shut you down equally (ie fully shut down) and are thus equally as difficult to recover from .

** because it's in your system for longer then other AAS -- maybe this has brought about the idea that it's the hardest 'shut down',, but again the shut down is equally as "hard" as other AAS,, perhaps pct is more difficult with the long deca ester, not having cleared the system fully before pct is began.
Run NPP it leaves your system faster. Solved your problem op.

OP - also in case you didn't know --- " deca" is not the AAS compound, decanoate is the ester,, the compound is "nandrolone"
NPP is "nandrolone phenyl propionate". -- nandrolone is the compound here ,, phenyl propionate is the short ester.
Think of the difference like that of test prop compared to test cyp..

^^ pretty basic stuff you probably already know,, but just in case not
OP - also in case you didn't know --- " deca" is not the AAS compound, decanoate is the ester,, the compound is "nandrolone"
NPP is "nandrolone phenyl propionate". -- nandrolone is the compound here ,, phenyl propionate is the short ester.
Think of the difference like that of test prop compared to test cyp..

^^ pretty basic stuff you probably already know,, but just in case not

I hope he knows deca and NPP are both nandrolone based AAS, and test prop, E, Cyp, and suspension are all test. You know the difference between an ester and the active hormone it is attached to right op? I'm 99% sure he knows this.
ALL aas shut you down...deca just takes a very long time to clear out and it s metabolites are/can be detected 6 months after use depending on detection methods. As far as your natty level s I ve never had trouble coming back on line after stoppage.

BUT as this is your 1 st avoid a 19 nors like deca, tren etc.....if you do another cycle after u assessthis one s results and the side effects that occurred and what it took to counter...stick to aromatizing compounds like diff test esters, t bol d bol etc

1000% agreed!
take it slow and easy.
may i ask, why you started hgh and what your goals and expectations are using it? also how are you using/dosing it?