I'm too big! Need to lose 30lbs of muscle!


I am banned!
This is kind of weird. I'm 6'4, 270lbs at 10%bf. I'm 31yrs old and joining the Navy. They say 225lbs is the limit for my height, but I'm fine after they see I'm not fat. My problem is cardio, agility, and my knees (running).

I quit bodybuilding 3 months ago and only do Crossfit 6 days/week. Each workout is 30min of Olympic lifts (enough to keep my size), followed by 30min of HIIT cardio. I can hang with the 175lb guys except on pull ups and running.

I want to leave in January in the low 230's, clean. I went crazy making stuff from China. Got 125,000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 10,000mg each of Primo, Anavar, and Test Prop. Been doing 300mg Prop / 270mg Anavar per week with 4iuGH/day.

I'm thinking about doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) until I leave and doing Anavar until a month out. Should I drop the prop now?

Got mixed feelings about diet and cardio. I planned on 2000 calories, Crossfit, and slowly building up my running. 2000cals is only 7.4cals/lb which is retarded low.

Anybody have experience doing this Frank Sepe / Kevin Levrone transformation?
now im not gonna sit here and judge your stats.. but how did you get your bf tested??

also.. if you really wanna drop the muscle.. why do it with 2000 calories??

a guy your size can eat even more and drop it.. and do it healthy too.. 2000 calories is gonna put you in starvation mode.. where that might help with the muscle loss you'll have a rebound effect when your change your diet
Don't think you will see that very ofter "lose 30lbs of muscle"...
Did they put you in a tank to test your bf? I know the military has a old way to come up with BMI.
270 lbs 10% bf my ass.You would be competing on pro shows if you would get to 4-5%.So i call bullshit.You sure you aren't sitting at 30% bf?Or give us a pic at least.
270 lbs 10% bf my ass.You would be competing on pro shows if you would get to 4-5%.So i call bullshit.You sure you aren't sitting at 30% bf?Or give us a pic at least.

i understand your concern, but lets be nice..
I would like to know how the BF% was calculated too.

The last time I heard a guy saying that he needed to lose 30 pounds of muscle, could really lose 30 pounds of fat without even getting to the muscle.
i don't believe it till i see a pic. i call bs too.
but op, hit 3J up. he is your best bet in attaining your goals for this objective.
and btw, standard procedure for recruiting is to weigh the individual. if they are overweight, you do a body mass index. if that passes, you are good to go no matter your weight. and the Navy isn't too strict about this either.
if you post a pic, hold up a sign that says "ology" or something so we know its you.
and btw, standard procedure for recruiting is to weigh the individual. if they are overweight, you do a body mass index. if that passes, you are good to go no matter your weight. and the Navy isn't too strict about this either.
if you post a pic, hold up a sign that says "ology" or something so we know its you.

dammit lol...hold up a sign!!! LMMFAO!!!!:elephant:
and btw, standard procedure for recruiting is to weigh the individual. if they are overweight, you do a body mass index. if that passes, you are good to go no matter your weight. and the Navy isn't too strict about this either.
if you post a pic, hold up a sign that says "ology" or something so we know its you.

Hold up a sign. You know what, make it like a terrorist video where they make the prisoner hold today's newspaper so we know that it is you taking the photo today.
dang man. that sucks. but once you get in the navy youll be able to put it all back on if you want. Im in the military, and you can be as heavy as you want as long as you pass tape.. (i am about 15 lbs too heavy but easily pass tape)
but it does take a toll on your knees. best of luck bro
Very funny replies. I'm 6'4. Six feet, 4 inches!!! Not 5'9. 270 is not that big a deal. I carry most of the weight in my dick. Pros at my height and bf are well over 300lb. There's an old rule of thumb that every inch of height equals 10lbs. 5'9 180lbs looks like 5'10 190lbs, 5'11 200lb...

I already mentioned the military will take me at 270. My concern is my size. All the jogging trashes my knees. I had my bf measured using 10 points with calipers. Visually, I can fully see my abs except for the linea alba.

3J, I appreciate your advice, but I think you're misunderstanding my goal. I am 270 at 10% (didn't think it would piss off so many guys). I know how to diet on drugs and get into competition shape. I would still be carrying to much size.

Navy SEALS and divers don't look like the juice heads that play them in the movies. I spent a day visiting a group of them and they're all 150-185lbs.

My goal is more like a UFC fighter in the 205lb weight class deciding he wants to drop to the 185lb class. If he's already shredded at 205, how does he get down to 185?

Seriously guys, 12 replies offering no advice and focusing on bf. Very "Jersey Shore" of you, lol.
you have to see where we are coming from bro. there are so many dipshits on here that post shit and leave. and half the shit they post is the most retarded ass shit we have ever heard. and seals aren't 250lbs because that isn't an efficient body type. btw, seals are badass!! i've worked with them.
oh, and you haven't pissed anyone off. it will take a lot more than posting bullshit (not saying your postings are because they may not be) to piss us off.
so, i guess back to your question...
yes, being that heavy will impede your running. Although the Navy doesn't run much, and if they do, its usually just a couple miles. I found that the heavier i got (muscle), running always got a hell of a lot harder. so cutting weight is an excellent idea. As for your hormone advice, i am not the one to give the advice. I believe this is a slightly advanced and serious question, therefore someone with more experience should answer. I DO NOT promote sponsors, but i believe 3J could also help with your diet in order for you to attain your goals.
if all you said is true, you must be one jacked son of a bitch. LOL. prob have no trouble pulling pussy. LOL. must be nice. i wish you the best bro. And what did you plan on doing in the Navy? The Navy is an awesome branch btw.
Navy SEALS and divers don't look like the juice heads that play them in the movies. I spent a day visiting a group of them and they're all 150-185lbs.

My cousin is 6'5 and the biggest dude (muscle-wise) that I know, and he is an Army Ranger.:dunno:
To add to the problem is my asthma. I got disqualified when I tried to enlist for Nuclear at 19. Rule is no attack since 12yrs old and not currently using an inhaler. I fit that description, but they put me a treadmill for 10min to stimulate my bronchials (exercise-induced asthma or reactive airway disease). Then you breathe into a hose to measure lung volume. I barely failed.

MEPS only keeps records for 4yrs so this time I"m not saying anything about asthma and I'll get in. I really want to drop weight to make the breathing easier.

My new job is the last thing you'd expect. I'm a registered nurse, but only have an Associate's degree, so I'll be enlisted as a Hospital Corpsman.

Being a nurse, bodybuilding, living in Fort Lauderdale, and joining just after they got rid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" = nonstop gay jokes