In the last throes of my cut would anavar really benefit me at this stage

Only you can answer that Dirk. If you're not stepping on stage - then it's just a case of getting to the stage where you can look at yourself in the mirror and say "Job done, I'm happy with that"

Then (and quite honestly this is the hard bit) - you need to move on to a maintenance diet to ensure all that junk doesn't go back on again!

Yeah i definitely don't want to rebound with 15lbs of fat when i stop this t3. i've seen where folks get even tighter and cleaner with their diet immediately following the usage of t3
If that took you 5 months, I'd say you're more than halfway there if you're targeting 10-12% (from ~20%)

It's tough to estimate how long the rest will take because the leaner you get, the harder it gets...if that makes sense

It could be 3 months, or 6 but as ben said you don't need to achieve a certain number just use the mirror to judge when you're ready to move into a maintenance phase :)