Increase skeletal muscle & collagen synthesis with certain AAS

Obviously using one of these as a base is a must, but
would adding say 30-40mg of D-Bol a day to the Deca/(small)test mix obscure the object of the cycle in the first place? Should we only stack it with one of the listed compounds in order to gain Collagen syn.?
Whats a good length of time for a cycle aiming to increase Collagen syn. 8wk, 12.....?

Not sure....but I would say for the full effects I would stick to what is outlined in the original article.

Time frame wise, I don't think it matters too much.
Nice post, StoneCold. I knew this, but I have a question, though: if I plan an 8 week cycle of sustanon 250 (1 injection/week) and 200 mg decadurabolin/week will it do? Or do I have to increase the deca dosage? (I want to avoid "deca-dick" also).

Answers are all found in the article.....
I wonder how the results would be for higher doses of both Eq and test.

750mg Test and 600mg Eq EW, with hcg at maybe 500iu/EW.

If this is true then at higher doses of both the same effects would occur? So in my example it would give some extra procollagen but not as much as if the test would be 500mg EW... ? have to limit the testosterone to 200mg/week maximum.
if this was true what do people do who are on year round at high doses (500mg wk)?

The article simply demonstrate that you can increase skeletal muscle and collagen syn at the same time with certain AAS -

Obviously in the scenario you posted this will not happen. Why do you question if this is true, do you have something that proves otherwise?
Very good article post Stone Cold!
I know Deca definately increases collaged synthesis!
HGH for sure!
I never knew that bout EQ, Anavar and Primobolan!
If I do use AAS I am definately goin to use Deca, Primo n some HGH!
That was a great read.
Obviously I'm new to this board but I've been around and on other boards for years and years. Ya I'm getting old LOL.
Has anyone seen any research that would suggest that a therapy such as the one posted would benifit current injuries. The reason I ask is I have a type 2 seperation of my a-c joint as well as a tendon tear (i forget the name of the injury sorry) in my shoulder. I have been in physical therapy for 3 months and the symtoms are getting worse.
Any thoughts that would help me avoid surgery would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for bumping this thread very good read...

With a injury that severe I doubt deca or eq can do much now. GH maybe would help a little...

How old are you?

Perhaps adequan would help... I havent tried it yet. I just keep a few bottles around just in case...
I'm 42, I'm almost certain that the injuries occured from prolonged winstrol only use. My primary cardio is swimming racking in some 12-15 miles a week in the pool or ocean. My pool workputs are intervals so I get a lot of sprint work as well as some short distance work. I'm no stranger to AS use and I knew better than to run 5 winnie cycles in one year but at the time I had no sources and was finishing out the remainder or 20 bag BD winnie order form 4 years ago. Unfortunatley the damage is done.
I'm not familar with adequan but I looked it up, sounds like promising stuff.

Thanks for the insight.
Has anyone used this theory to repair tendons with and degree of success , if yes please let me know if it was worth it as im thinking of following the EQ discription for collagen repair

Has anyone used this theory to repair tendons with and degree of success , if yes please let me know if it was worth it as im thinking of following the EQ discription for collagen repair


Personally I would run a combo of EQ, Deca and adequan if I was trying to help repair a injury....
Personally I would run a combo of EQ, Deca and adequan if I was trying to help repair a injury....

yeah that would be a good combo im just not a deca fan was thinking 800mg of EQ and 175mg of test cyp a week