Good info to know. Just a little of my experience recently. August of 2008 I was in a motorcycle accident. Was going 80 mph and got brake checked by an suv. She freaked out as I was looking over my shoulder to pass, looked back and there she was. Needless to say I got hurt. I was suppose to be in a wheel chair for 3 months, crutches for 6 and out of work for 1 year. Well, I started working out at 5 months. It was difficult. at 9 months I added in with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), a little Anavar (var) and deca. Did absolute wonders. GH later. I can bet with absolute certainty, I would be alot worse off if I had not began those. My joints and soft tissues are WAY better.
And you don't need to over do it. For healing purposes.
And you don't need to over do it. For healing purposes.