Increase skeletal muscle & collagen synthesis with certain AAS

SCNTO is AWESOME!!! fantastic info, i never read this thread before, and i missed something great!

this thread must be a sticky!!

I see the rate of % of procolagen usefull, and everybody who got injury what i'm talking about, right!?
what about tren?? i bet that blows all the rest away??

i don't thing tren is good for procolagen at all.

i always experimented sore tendons after long cycle of tren... but i have to say it's probably my only own feeling on this.
This should be a sticky.

Are there studies backing the info? Im guessing there is since he gave specific numbers...

But I did a search and found NOTHING
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so how long before equipoise starts increasing collagen synthesis when taken with test e at 400mg/week ? im gonna be honest i couldnt really understand this lol
so how long before equipoise starts increasing collagen synthesis when taken with test e at 400mg/week ? im gonna be honest i couldnt really understand this lol

by week 8-10 you will start seeing the results of eq. you should feel you joints gets better by week 4-5, everyones body is different. the best part of running eq is waitin for week 8, after that its like bammmm. week 8-16 are really good, almost makes you want to run eq longer

sexy clean lean muscle time!
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Based on this original posting, I introduced Nandrolone (deca) into my cycle. After 1 week I feel the difference and only on 300 EW. Futher, the chronic swelling in my ankles is lower than they have been since my surgery 20 months ago. Can't wait to see what week 4+ will feel like.

BTW, here is a detailed study done on artificial tendons using Nandrolone. Damn impressive! Basically confirms you need to both take deca and stress joints (lifting, etc.) for best results. Futher, I would take it as confirmation that deca does not reduce pain by adding fluid to joints but by restructuring the ligaments and tendons. However I cannot find any documentation on its effect upon cartilage (collagen II).
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This should be a sticky.

Are there studies backing the info? Im guessing there is since he gave specific numbers...

But I did a search and found NOTHING

Ditto other than my find I posted above which shows the "ultimate stress" ( a measure of strength) of a tendon to be 260% greater using deca. However this study was done after the original post. Further, my research regarding var seem to place emphasis on collagen I (skin) so not sure about what I care for: collagen II.

I wish the original poster from years ago documented this.
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thanks for the reply, any ideas on how long it takes before u get collagen resynthesis on anavar? and at what sorta dosage range would it be ideal?
I say sticky it if people start putting studies up associated with the discussion. Deca and Anavar (var) studies are there but there are many others.
GREAT Article. I am 54 years old 6' 195lbs 11%BF. Have been traing for 41 years getting ready for 1st cycle but I am concerned with a test only cycle due to the effects on collagen synthesis. As you can imagine I have joint issues after all these years of training. Still haven't decided whether I want to chance a serious injury or throw in some low dose deca (250mg/wk) to offset this problem. WHAT DO YOU THINK??
42 year old. I am trying deca now with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosing of test for joint pain and so far I can tell you I much preferred EQ.

I will give the deca more time to give it a chance to shine, but if it doesn't get lots better than I will go back to the EQ.
stats: 27 6'0" 200lbs. I am starting my first cycle of test e and want to throw some deca in the mix to help with my shoulder. Had surgery the re attached torn cartilage and put a stitch in the bicep tendon so i want to make sure everything stays strong through this cycle. I am not sure about dosages. What i have come up with through my own research is 300 each week but i am not sure about the test e. I have enough for 500 every week for 16 weeks. Someone suggested upping the deca if i use that much test to 400mg. My thought was to drop all the test down to around 300 and keep the deca at 300mg.

is this the way to go?
stats: 27 6'0" 200lbs. I am starting my first cycle of test e and want to throw some deca in the mix to help with my shoulder. Had surgery the re attached torn cartilage and put a stitch in the bicep tendon so i want to make sure everything stays strong through this cycle. I am not sure about dosages. What i have come up with through my own research is 300 each week but i am not sure about the test e. I have enough for 500 every week for 16 weeks. Someone suggested upping the deca if i use that much test to 400mg. My thought was to drop all the test down to around 300 and keep the deca at 300mg.

is this the way to go?

you don't need to up the deca just because the test is at 500. at 6'0 200lbs though you can probably make plenty decent gains with 300mg of test. 300 is plenty of deca to help with joints. you could even go a bit lower if you wanted to.
Awesome article! but still have a couple questions...

-so the collagen repair/growth would be pretty much close to non-existent at 500mgs/wk of test?

-could u take any of the compounds with that dose and see increased collagen systhesis, besides HGH?

-whats the deal with equipose? read it takes up to 8 wks to kick in...thats a good bit of wasted time/money. it worth it??

-how do people feel anavar compares to equipose?
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