Increasing arm size


New member
What have u guys found to really increase arm size? Give me your routines/exercises/sets/reps everything!

Trying to add an inch or two over the next 10 weeks while on cycle!
Lol one would think...

Focus on your triceps more. They make up the larger part of upper arm size. There are plenty of ways to hit them 2-3 times a week mixed in with the rest if your routine.
I hit my arms twice a week. Back/Bis, Chest/Tris, and a separate arm day. On back and chest day I hit them with low reps (4-6) and high weight. On their own day, I like to do higher reps(10-12) with lower weight and then finish up with a super-FST7 set.
Concentrate on contraction and time under tension. I try to make each set last atleast 40 seconds


Cable push downs
Close grip bench press
Dumbell kickbacks
Seated or laying tricep extension
Weighted tricep dips

Hammer curls
Scott curls(I rotate between straight bar/ez bar and one armed dumbell scott curls)
Seated cable curls
Reverse barbell curls

And everyone should be doing chinups no matter what their routine is. I dont do anyh forearms exercises unless you consider reverse curls.
inch or two over the next 10 weeks is not possible bro, sorry to burst the bubble....

having said that focus more on arms yes, but remember your body likes growing together... when you have a big over trained back, your chest will look weak and disportionate if you do, when training some wont get bigger unless your full body is growing.
dont do an arm day. push pull legs. get back around to the major systems every 5 or 6 days. hammer your triceps on push day and dont waste your time with press downs.
I went from 16.5 to 18 in a little over a year. I beat the shit outta my arms sometimes twice a week I go heavy light reps everything to make sure I hit them bitches good.
This is what I do and I can barely lift my arms when I get home. To each their own, but I am really enjoying this routine:
  • 4x10 Concentration curls
  • 4x15 Overhead tricep extensions
  • 4x10 Hammer curls
  • 4x10 Tricep cable extensions
  • 4x10 Preacher cable curls
  • 4x10 Seated tricep pushdowns/dips
Finished with 20 minutes of low intensity cardio.
fucking love this guy, gets me so pump every time i watch him!!! Doing arms tomorrow, grow mother fucka's!!!!!
sorry but your not going to add an inch or 2 in 10 weeks. Not sure how old you are or what your routine is but the first thing you should do is evaluate your volume for bi's. If your doing any kind of split your bi's are getting a great deal of work on back day, if your doing a dedicated arm day maybe your doing to much. 90% of the time if you get stale on growth reducing the workload will start the growth process again.