Information on a first cycle for a friend of mine.


New member
Hi, I have been on this forum for the past couple of years, although I dont post that much, just reading, and I have a question for a buddy of mine. He is 25 and is an ex college football player, so he already has a nice build. He's 6 ft, 230lbs, and a body fat around 13-14%. His max bench is 330, and squat 500 lbs. This would be his first cycle and wants more information on what would be a good solid cycle to start out with.
Generally agree with everyone here. I'd recommend 300-400mg/wk, probably the latter since he's already a big boy...
Hate me, You think no D-bol on this one? Also with the 500 ethanate should he do that at ? per shot / x per week. Just know that that always confused me.
250mg 2x a monday and thursday is the norm around these waters. others, like myself go every third day. Also, most would recommend just the one product as test is something you'll probably use in every cycle after and it's good to know what your sides are from it. Adding Winstrol (winny), dbol or the other stuff will blur the ls of what the problem could be
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Thank you all for your help. Sorry for not thanking earlier as I wasnt on the net for a couple of days. Question, a couple years ago when i was 20 i was told to wait on doing a cycle by youll. However, i forgot hte age when it was safer to start one. Im only 23 now but my problem is i think i have maxed out my natural growth. Maybe not but i havent gained weight in about 8 months. I get stronger but no weight. It could also be because I am 6'8 also. I weigh 235 and when i was playing ball i stayed around 220 due to all the running. But since I have finished and thought Id gain weight much easier it hasnt happened. Any suggestions?
6-8.....holy shit, that's pretty fucking tall. i'd venture to say your max natural wieght at a decent bodyfat would be over 250lbs...i'm not too sure but that's pretty tall.