Inject Sterile Oil without BA?


New member
I was wondering if you had sterile vials and some sterile (filtered through a 0.22) MCT if it would be safe to inject? As I'm having an incredible time getting BA. Another option I thought would maybe be to add a small amount of a short estered compound like test prop to the sterile oil, however I'm unsure if mixing oils would be a good idea or not.
Just because it's filtered doesn't mean it's sterile. It needs BA to kill any bacteria and it needs to be cooked. Don't risk infection by taking short cuts. BA is easy to find. Just Google search. It's only alcohol.
Just because it's filtered doesn't mean it's sterile. It needs BA to kill any bacteria and it needs to be cooked. Don't risk infection by taking short cuts. BA is easy to find. Just Google search. It's only alcohol.

Why wouldn't it be sterile? Thats the point of the filter, to remove bacteria from the liquid (especially a 0.22), and if I'm filtering into a sterile vial baking wouldn't be necessary... usually that can actually result in degradation of the hormone. I'm certainly not new to homebrewing and know BA is easy to find. However in Canada I don't feel like paying 10 dollars for the alcohol and paying 3x that amount in shipping, especially when I've seen it done this way before.
Why wouldn't it be sterile? Thats the point of the filter, to remove bacteria from the liquid (especially a 0.22), and if I'm filtering into a sterile vial baking wouldn't be necessary... usually that can actually result in degradation of the hormone. I'm certainly not new to homebrewing and know BA is easy to find. However in Canada I don't feel like paying 10 dollars for the alcohol and paying 3x that amount in shipping, especially when I've seen it done this way before.

I agree. Filtering with .22 will give you a sterile product and the BA (2%) will keep it sterile provided you've done everything else right. Please do not bake your gear guys! It's pointless and will lose your BA from the excessive heat
I was wondering if you had sterile vials and some sterile (filtered through a 0.22) MCT if it would be safe to inject? As I'm having an incredible time getting BA. Another option I thought would maybe be to add a small amount of a short estered compound like test prop to the sterile oil, however I'm unsure if mixing oils would be a good idea or not.

The BA helps prevent bacterial growth, so you should use it. However, use the lowest % possible, because alcohol can cause major post injection swelling (the "knot") and pain. I have used homebrew with and without alcohol, and I can tell you with confidence that having too little alcohol is safer than having too much.
I think the OP is saying he wasn't planning on using any BA in the solution. When I said "cook" I meant heating the solution to dissolve all the components before filtering and capping. I didn't mean baking for a prolonged period of time. I'm just a major hygiene freak so I will always use BA, even a little higher than recommended. I know it means more PIP but I'd prefer that over an infection which means antibiotics and loss of gains. That's why vet gear hurts so much. It's BA content is ridiculously high to prevent infection in cattle/sheep etc.
I think the OP is saying he wasn't planning on using any BA in the solution. When I said "cook" I meant heating the solution to dissolve all the components before filtering and capping. I didn't mean baking for a prolonged period of time.

Yeah mate, not using any BA might not be the best idea, especially if the brew will be stored for a couple months.

I'm just a major hygiene freak so I will always use BA, even a little higher than recommended. I know it means more PIP but I'd prefer that over an infection which means antibiotics and loss of gains. That's why vet gear hurts so much. It's BA content is ridiculously high to prevent infection in cattle/sheep etc.

Mate, what's the highest BA % have you ever used in your brew? Do you ever get the "knot" followed by swelling and redness?

The highest BA % I have used was around 5% or a bit more (due to over mixing), and it gave me the worst PIP I have ever had. Usually 24 hrs after an injection, a knot would form, followed by swelling, redness, and lots of pain. After 3-4 days, I had to take an anti inflammatory to get the swelling to go down.

This never happened to me when I used around 1% BA (or even no BA at all). As a matter of fact, I when I first started homebrew, I never used BA to test out the rumor that "Test Prop hurts", and I found out that Test Prop doesn't hurt at all.
The last batch (which I haven't used but two of my mates have) was around 3% and they mention some PIP but very little to no swelling and no knotting at the site. It was just test cyp at 200mg/ml.
Most labs use 1% BA. I have always used 2% for extra insurance since I don't have a sterile lab. Never have any pip even when it's a 400mg blend.