Injected 200mg EQ into pec/chest for the first time (female) horrible experience


New member
Ok, I'm new and I don't know exactly where to put this but I need help quickly. I'm female. I injected for the first time ever into my chest/pec 200mg of eq.. This is my second time running EQ. However, I always pin in quads...always. Sometimes I'll do delts and sometimes triceps. But that's it.

So injected into my right pec, aspirated and it was clear no blood came up... as I was injecting I got the chemical (disgusting) taste lingering all in my mouth.... then after the injection my whole right side/lower right side/lats started cramping up really bad.. My right lat/right side felt like it got hit by a car. I couldn't even lay down because it was so tight. At the same time, I was coughing and I could hardly cough bc again it was hurting my right side that was all cramped up and in pain.. I seriously felt shortness of breath and I was freaking the hell out. (Thank God I live alone!). It feels like I have liquid in my lunges, like when you have a cough that mucus noise/feeling. It's been about an hour since I injected and I still have pain/tightness in my right side and my lunges still feel like oil is there or something. Also I can't bend down without a weird feeling in my lunges and pain in my side. It's painful to do anything except sit in a chair. I touch my pec/boob area and it's not even really sore, the pain is all in my lats and under my armpit and just down my right side really.

My main concern with this horrible experience is that it's so close to my heart. Is it going to get into my heart or something and I'm gonna die?? Ahhhhhhh freaking out guys.

I was hesitant at first even doing chest, I have no idea what sparked me to do it in the first place and I totally regret it.. I've done a lot of cycle and a lot of injections over the years and I've neeeeeverrr had even close to such a miserable experience. The gear is for sure quality and legit. Trust this guy he homebrews and I've been going through him since I started with gear.

Am I going to be alright? What happened? I'm so depressed about this... I was so excited to go workout with my friend this morning and that's not going to happen.
I love pec injections, but I am a dude. Never heard of girls using it as a shot site. I know two who have used primo before and I'll ask them later.
Your chest is full of lymph nods and glands.. You may have hit one. If your still breathing you'll be fine (unless you have numbness still).. Learn your lesson, DONT inject in your chest.
God gave you an ass for a reason, it's meant to be poked ;)
Sorry to hear that!! Hope all ends up well for ya. I'm sure someone with some more knowledge on this will chime in soon....hang in there. Defiantly go e.r. if you fear your life is threatened.
Your chest is full of lymph nods and glands.. You may have hit one. If your still breathing you'll be fine (unless you have numbness still).. Learn your lesson, DONT inject in your chest.
God gave you an ass for a reason, it's meant to be poked ;)

Try a pec shot bro you will love it. One of my regular sites. No pip and no complications. Favorite site after glutes.
It's pretty rare in the pecs, but it sounds like you did two things:

1. Nicked a vein on the way in, and some of the EQ entered your blood stream. This causes a metallic taste in your mouth and can cause a cough.
1b. We are assuming it's EQ at this point as trenbolone does this without a larger dose hitting the blood stream. If the oil is a reddish-brown or orange tint - I'd suspect that.

2. As there are few large nerve endings in the chest, it's somewhat hard to do, but it also sounds like you nicked a nerve. This is common in the quads, and usually causes an involuntary jerking reaction followed by a tightness in that muscle as it may forced into involuntary contractions/spasms.

Your heart is protected by inches of bone and other tissues. Unless you're using a 3" needle of 18g or bigger, it's VERY unlikely that you came anywhere near your heart.

If the symptoms don't subside after a few hours, or worsen - it's time to see the doctor for that nasty "B12" shot you just did. ;)

My .02c :)
Try a pec shot bro you will love it. One of my regular sites. No pip and no complications. Favorite site after glutes.

I'd be too worried about hitting a lymph node,, but if you found a sweet spot then that's cool, gives u an extra pin spot
Believe me, I will never ever EVER touch my chest again.... or anywhere on my upper body for that matter....EVER. This is miserable.... I can't lay down on my back and barely can bend over because the pain/extreme cramping feeling in my lat/right side is unbearable. Only feels comfortable sitting straight up... I just tried to do a cardio class and I didn't last 4 minutes. I had no breath. Shortness of breath. Can't breath right. Pain in my right lunge. It feels like I was about to choke because I couldn't get my breaths out or breath fast enough, if that makes sense. I can't even make a big inhale in because the pain in my lat/ right side is like unbearable... and then I feel weird feeling in my luges. Omg, I'm miserable right now. It's like there's oil in my luges or something. What do I do? Is this going to fade away? :(
I'm guessing the pain is not coming from your actual lungs,, you could possibly of nicked a nerve, what your experiencing is called "referred pain".. The nerves sending pain signals to your brain (there's nothing wrong with your lung or your lat,, but the nicked nerve is sending those pain signals)
Believe me, I will never ever EVER touch my chest again.... or anywhere on my upper body for that matter....EVER. This is miserable.... I can't lay down on my back and barely can bend over because the pain/extreme cramping feeling in my lat/right side is unbearable. Only feels comfortable sitting straight up... I just tried to do a cardio class and I didn't last 4 minutes. I had no breath. Shortness of breath. Can't breath right. Pain in my right lunge. It feels like I was about to choke because I couldn't get my breaths out or breath fast enough, if that makes sense. I can't even make a big inhale in because the pain in my lat/ right side is like unbearable... and then I feel weird feeling in my luges. Omg, I'm miserable right now. It's like there's oil in my luges or something. What do I do? Is this going to fade away? :(

I think your stressing about the situation is making it seem a whole lot worse - the mind is very powerful. Try and relax, take deep slow breaths if you can, listen to some calming music... Distract yourself a bit. This will pass, you will be okay. Just don't make it harder on yourself by stressing :)
Instead of asking the people on the forum to play doctor, I'd go see a real one. With that said, the physical symptoms you're describing sound similar to when i injected into a vein...
It's good that you're aspirating... sounds like you just nicked a vein - scary stuff at the time!!!

Please keep us posted and stay active on the forum...

Welcome to Ology... "You're in good company!" :D
I think your stressing about the situation is making it seem a whole lot worse - the mind is very powerful. Try and relax, take deep slow breaths if you can, listen to some calming music... Distract yourself a bit. This will pass, you will be okay. Just don't make it harder on yourself by stressing :)

This, and try not to worry about the heart. If you nicked a vein, the EQ (or whatever) went straight to the heart anyways, and you're still here, so you've made it through the worst part.