Input on MK-2866 + S-4 cycle.


New member
So i ordered Ostarine and S-4 from uniquemicals after reading quite a lot about. (both positive and negative)

20 y/o
75kg, 172cm From norway (viking genetics).
Around 12% BF on a guess.

I'm looking to get cut to shreds while adding a little muscle, and i hope these sarms will help me. Diet and everything is in check.

I planned this cycle:

1-8 25mg ED Ostarine
1-8 50mg ED - 2 days S-4

So what i'm not really sure about is the post cycle therapy (pct), i have seen some CRAZY stacks of OCT post cycle therapy (pct)'s which i can't afford. And also will be a pain to get since where i'm from.

I have ordered DAA and post cycle therapy (pct) Assist which i was planning on using as my only post cycle therapy (pct) since it's cheap. And maybe i will throw in some ZMA if that help, but i doubt it.
So should i take DAA from week 1 or week 8 and i ask the same with post cycle therapy (pct) Assist? and how long should this mini OCT post cycle therapy (pct) be? 4 weeks? It doesn't matter for me how long it is tho, it's probably going to be a while before i try this again, depending on how satisfied i am.

I have seen most people use HCgenerate, but it's way to expensive for me. Input much appreciated.
Load the osta for one wk at 30mg. Than go 20mg for 6 wks. It kinda stops working after a while. While on the two I'd be taking the daa. Get w bottle of hcgenerate and forms stanzol as well. Osta messes with estrogen a bit so a low forma dose will stop that and also help the daa work better.

S4 I'd go to 125mg 5 days a wk if u can. I went to 110 most likely (wasn't measuring exact) but as long as the vision sides don't get bad. They are different for everyone. Can't really tell u what to expect other than yellow tinted vision and slow adjustment coming from bright sunlight to dim indoor light. For pct run the forma still at a low dose, the h generate and the pct assist.
If ur pct doesn't go so well get a serm. Any one will work but they suck being on so that's why I say only if u need it.
Ok thanks guys, gonna run DAA from week one and start the PCT assist at week 6. If i get shut down or experience any estrogen related issues should i get clomid or Nolva?