Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...


New member
i'm using humilin-R since last saturday according to the procedure as suggested in This guide.1st day i took 2iu then next day again 2iu then 3iu then 4iu,5iu and yesterday 6iu immediately after workout.after injecting it i took glucose 10gm/iu according to ur guidance. and after around 10mins protein shake(70-80gm). after 2 hours i again took the 30-40gm of glucose and 50-60gm of potein shake(whey protein of optimum nutritions).
sir my weight is 65kg, i'm doing bodybuilding since last 3years. my height is 5'7'' and age is 25. i'm muscular,low body fat.biceps size is 15''.if u want i can also send my pics to u.
i'm also running my anabolic schedule along with it. i'm taking
50mg Dbol ED.
200mg Deca+500mg Test E on monday.
200mg Deca+500mg Test E on thursday.
taking 90-95gm protein(whey)+2chicken chest pieces.
carbo intake is near about 300-400gm daily.

i've decided to take insulin for 21 days. please also tell me that what's more i've to add into my diet so that i can get bigger.
also suggest me that how many courses i can repeat in a year of insulin. and after how long i can repeat the next schedule of insulin. Someone told me that when my course will come to an end then i've to go on zero carb. for few days and also my gained size will reduce a bit. is it true? please guide me as much as u can. i'll me very thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Also tell me that how to end this insulin course? should i've to decrease the dose on last few days or not? plz guide me as much as u can.
You have 15" inch biceps and you are already stacking insulin? This is ridiculous. I think 1 gram of test and the 400mg of Deca every week is enough.
Dear god i hope we are being trolled. Since when do 15" biceps require a gram of test a week, deca, and dbol let alone Insulin?

Honestly you need to slow it down OP. The first three compounds can mess your shit up permanently and the Insulin KILL YOU. Let me say that again KILL YOU. You go into a coma and die. It is not something to be taken lightly.
I am a EMT I have had 6 patients die on me from insulin overdose and 4 that are currently brain dead, They were diabetics who made 1 simple mistake and now they're gone....
Where do you live? Just wanna make sure im not adding another to the list
Dear god i hope we are being trolled. Since when do 15" biceps require a gram of test a week, deca, and dbol let alone Insulin?

Honestly you need to slow it down OP. The first three compounds can mess your shit up permanently and the Insulin KILL YOU. Let me say that again KILL YOU. You go into a coma and die. It is not something to be taken lightly.

I am a EMT I have had 6 patients die on me from insulin overdose and 4 that are currently brain dead, They were diabetics who made 1 simple mistake and now they're gone....
Where do you live? Just wanna make sure im not adding another to the list

ok bro. then tell me wat to do now? i've increased my insulin intake amount to 6iu/day(after workout). its almost 9th days today. can i stop taking insulin now? and shud i've to lower down the intake amount of insulin day by day? also tell me that shud i've to go on zero carb on end of the insulin cycle? please suggest me asap so that i can stop insulin course.
@Wartime71, i'm from india.
You have 15" inch biceps and you are already stacking insulin? This is ridiculous. I think 1 gram of test and the 400mg of Deca every week is enough.
bro. the deca i'm taking is just a piece of shit. it was fake(some canada vail) and i felt no power after taking such amount. i'm going to take organon's deca(100mg/single shot) from today(200mg/week).
1. You arnt going to get bigger using insulin. It's a waste of time. All that hype about it is just that.

2. You hav to be pretty retarded to kill youself with insulin.
1. You arnt going to get bigger using insulin. It's a waste of time. All that hype about it is just that.

2. You hav to be pretty retarded to kill youself with insulin.

Even tho i completely agree that this guy is WAY outta his league with insulin and should not be taking it, i have to disagree that insulin is just hype. Bro i have seen better strength gains from insulin than that of 500mg of test a week. And i was only injecting 8ius pwo only on lifting days. For someone to say that it is just hype is rediculous. The scientific fact is that insulin can and does promote strength and recovery and in doing so will also promote gains. plain and simple
I also believe that all of the guys that sit here and tell u that insulin will just kill u no matter what is a complete overstatement. YES INSULIN IS AND CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS. But only if you do not know what u are doing. I have had less sides from insulin than aas. And even tho i realize that the possible side effects are more serious with insulin, you should not be doing it anyways if you dont have ur diet on point.

Its crazy how people can play on others fears of the unknown. I had a three-wheeler when i was a kid and it was fun as hell. But now they are banned. And why? Because some people are idiots and didnt know what they are doing on them and are dead because of it. And now we all have to suffer because of someone elses stupid carelessness. Life is crazy bros
I agree with Bigrk's comments. Every time someone posts a question about insulin I see a lot of knee jerk responses that don't address the question at all but say stuff like "INSULIN WILL KILL YOU!" Wake up people! Yes insulin is dangerous but it doesn't just kill you. It can be managed and it is certainly anabolic. The way the poster described using sounds relatively safe.

To answer the question that was asked, I don't know if the guy who started this thread really meant that he gets 90 grams of protein per day + 2 chicken breasts. If that is all he gets, it isn't enough. I'd suggest doubling that amount.
Abhishek, haha i have the same name. you will definitely have to eat more. i had to eat like 8000 cals a day to gain. Indians are hard gainers, very hard gainers. our bodies just dont like looking muscular or holding on mass. it can be done with intense training and good diet.

i would also suggest you stop the insulin. stick to basic stuff like test and deca. insulin is scary

where in india do you live? i bet the diet is hard
If you gained more weight/strength from 8units vs 500 mg test, you had bunk gear. I've tried up to 20 units pwo and saw nothing benefitial at all.
If you gained more weight/strength from 8units vs 500 mg test, you had bunk gear. I've tried up to 20 units pwo and saw nothing benefitial at all.

20 units what?? U mean ius?

And im thinkin ur insulin was the fake bro. there is no way in hell anyone should ever have to take 20 ius to see results. The most ive ever taken was 10 ius pwo and that is plenty for any guy over 200lbs if u ask me.

and i had the test checked and no it was no where near bunk. Checked out at 486mg of actual test out of 500mg per ml. Thats not bunk bro. I had gyno flare up only 3 weeks into the cycle and it was a long ester.

All i can say to ur results is that everyones body is diff and maybe u r insulin resistant. Very likely possibility especially if u were dosing up to 20ius pwo. Thats a crazy single dose bro.
20 units what?? U mean ius?

And im thinkin ur insulin was the fake bro. there is no way in hell anyone should ever have to take 20 ius to see results. The most ive ever taken was 10 ius pwo and that is plenty for any guy over 200lbs if u ask me.

and i had the test checked and no it was no where near bunk. Checked out at 486mg of actual test out of 500mg per ml. Thats not bunk bro. I had gyno flare up only 3 weeks into the cycle and it was a long ester.

All i can say to ur results is that everyones body is diff and maybe u r insulin resistant. Very likely possibility especially if u were dosing up to 20ius pwo. Thats a crazy single dose bro.

units and iu are the same?? what do u think iu means? exogenous insulin isnt going to cause u to make any gains. i really doubt you had your test tested, but whatever
Insulin is a great thing at promoting growth, will totally build bulk in your coronary arteries, the plaques in your arteries will be so huge, not even blood supply can make it to your heart. Im talking crazy huge!
Helps stuff bad cholesterol into the endothelium of your arteries, its a storage hormone, while its stuffing nutrients needed for growth into your muscles, its also stuffing bad cholesterol into your tunica media allowing a immune response to build a nice toothpaste-like mixture of macrophages and LDL. Makes the shit grow like mad!
Great stuff!
units and iu are the same?? what do u think iu means? exogenous insulin isnt going to cause u to make any gains. i really doubt you had your test tested, but whatever

first of all i dont care what you think i did or didnt do.

and on the fact that insulin doesnt cause gains . tell that to the hundreds of guys that are currently taking or have taken insulin with great gains.

You have to be insulin resistant bro. plain and simple. If 20ius doesnt do anything to you then somethings wrong.

To say that insulin doesnt promote any gains in strength and size is just flat out rediculous. Im thinkin your just like the many guys out there that have never even tried insulin but wanna come on here and say that it does nothing but kill you. Craaazy
Insulin is a great thing at promoting growth, will totally build bulk in your coronary arteries, the plaques in your arteries will be so huge, not even blood supply can make it to your heart. Im talking crazy huge!
Helps stuff bad cholesterol into the endothelium of your arteries, its a storage hormone, while its stuffing nutrients needed for growth into your muscles, its also stuffing bad cholesterol into your tunica media allowing a immune response to build a nice toothpaste-like mixture of macrophages and LDL. Makes the shit grow like mad!
Great stuff!

Comin from a guy that i would guess has at least tried aas. lol. And what the hell do you think aas does to your cholesterol bro??
