Insulin Along With Anabolic Steroids...Plz Guide Me...

I don't know shit about cardiology or insulin, but it well known that diabetics end up with vascular disease, leading to blindness, wounds that wont heal, loss of limbs, heart disease. Like Johnnny or not, he has said long before this debate that he does this for a living and he is correct from the info that I am finding. Bottom line is a guy lifting for 3 years and still has 15" arms has no business messing with slin. Only issue that i got with Johnny is benching 645lbs? That's nuts, but 6'9" you must be a freaky dude.
Only issue that i got with Johnny is benching 645lbs? That's nuts, but 6'9" you must be a freaky dude.

where did he say he benches 645lbs? 6'9" and benching 645lbs? Johnny you gotta post some pics if you really said that.
Stats: 6'9"
Weight 290
Bench: 645
Military press: 315
Squat: 745
Deadlift: 700

Goal, fill out my frame, half way there

Half way there? so your goal is to weigh 600lbs? oh im 7ft2 ill put up the pic when you do.
Abhishek, haha i have the same name. you will definitely have to eat more. i had to eat like 8000 cals a day to gain. Indians are hard gainers, very hard gainers. our bodies just dont like looking muscular or holding on mass. it can be done with intense training and good diet.

i would also suggest you stop the insulin. stick to basic stuff like test and deca. insulin is scary

where in india do you live? i bet the diet is hard

depends what part of India some sikh's are known for being big
1. You arnt going to get bigger using insulin. It's a waste of time. All that hype about it is just that.

2. You hav to be pretty retarded to kill youself with insulin.

You should talk about things you know this isn't one of those things. the truth is this guy shouldn't be using any drugs. He doesn't know how to eat or train. It he did he wouldn't have 15 inch arms.

Bro stop take anything. Go to the Diet forum and work on a real diet. Then work on your training. You have years of training to do before your ready for the stuff your talking about. Insulin will kill you the first time you fuck up.
You should talk about things you know this isn't one of those things. the truth is this guy shouldn't be using any drugs. He doesn't know how to eat or train. It he did he wouldn't have 15 inch arms.

Bro stop take anything. Go to the Diet forum and work on a real diet. Then work on your training. You have years of training to do before your ready for the stuff your talking about. Insulin will kill you the first time you fuck up.

Why did I get quoted on this????
Bigrk thinks he knows so much about gear and insulin but has yet to convince me. I've done many many cycles and used insulin tons. The results from insulin are minimal. Needsize, sno, and others have agreed with me. I'm sorry no one takes you seriously. Maybe try knowing what the he'll ur talking about first. Jackass
Bigrk thinks he knows so much about gear and insulin but has yet to convince me. I've done many many cycles and used insulin tons. The results from insulin are minimal. Needsize, sno, and others have agreed with me. I'm sorry no one takes you seriously. Maybe try knowing what the he'll ur talking about first. Jackass

bro to say u took 20ius and NOTHING happened is the problem i have. Yes . you are right on the fact that there are far better muscle-building drugs out there. BUT . insulin will promote gains in strength and size. I have seen it first hand in myself and with guys i know personally. The argument is over so if u want to still post shit . take it somewhere else.

Oh and i completely agree on the fact that the original poster of this thread SHOULD NOT BE TAKING INSULIN.
bro to say u took 20ius and NOTHING happened is the problem i have. Yes . you are right on the fact that there are far better muscle-building drugs out there. BUT . insulin will promote gains in strength and size. I have seen it first hand in myself and with guys i know personally. The argument is over so if u want to still post shit . take it somewhere else.

Oh and i completely agree on the fact that the original poster of this thread SHOULD NOT BE TAKING INSULIN.

bro, i'm still taking insulin daily. now a days i'm taking 7iu daily. i'll increase its dose to 10iu(after workout).i made a post here to know the dosage and proper way of taking insulin but i didn't get any proper reply till now from the experienced persons. i just heard from u guys that it wll kill me...insulin don't kill anybody until we make mistakes.
ply guys if anyone knows the proper way of taking insulin then plz guide me. may be someone's knowledge can help me.
This stuff can kill people, and all you can do is offer that post. Pathetic. Just give up your moderator title, you are dangerous[/QUOTE}

I don't feel a need to debate with an asshole like yourself about who knows more or whether I should be a moderator.

I will however, ban you if you act like this again.
This stuff can kill people, and all you can do is offer that post. Pathetic. Just give up your moderator title, you are dangerous[/QUOTE}

I don't feel a need to debate with an asshole like yourself about who knows more or whether I should be a moderator.

I will however, ban you if you act like this again.

bro ignore such kinda assholes. please guide me. i need the help of you guys.