Introducing Myself

Nice work dude. All lean gains- you look a lot fuller. You're right a bout the haircut- looks like a different guy! Lol. nice 6 pack too. Keep it up. Diet is key!
Nice work dude. All lean gains- you look a lot fuller. You're right a bout the haircut- looks like a different guy! Lol. nice 6 pack too. Keep it up. Diet is key!

Thanks Lean - I actually haven't been doing abs or cardio at all - just stuffing my face with quality calories and lifting hard. I think I'm going to throw in one day of low intensity cardio (like 30 min) one morning a week though. My daily caloric intake is staying consistently around 4500...I was getting 4000 but realized I needed to up my carbs, so I did some reconfiguring and its working nicely.

I'm also adding dextrose to my post-workout shake and I doubled my nightly casein from 24 to 48 grams.

With as good as I'm feeling on this natty test booster stack I can't imagine what gear must feel like!

Thanks Lean - I actually haven't been doing abs or cardio at all - just stuffing my face with quality calories and lifting hard. I think I'm going to throw in one day of low intensity cardio (like 30 min) one morning a week though. My daily caloric intake is staying consistently around 4500...I was getting 4000 but realized I needed to up my carbs, so I did some reconfiguring and its working nicely.

I'm also adding dextrose to my post-workout shake and I doubled my nightly casein from 24 to 48 grams.

With as good as I'm feeling on this natty test booster stack I can't imagine what gear must feel like!

Both good diet moves IMO - I like the dextrose post workout - I feel like it goes into my bloodstream fast. I also started using this carb powder Glyco-ject during the workout. I got unflavored and it has very little taste - most of those drinks are too fake sweet for me. This stuff seems to be a mix of simple sugars from potato, rice and corn. I dont know what it costs, cause I bought it at a show, but Im going to look into getting more. Seems to give me pretty good energy during the w/o. I love those pre workout drinks but cant take them often cause i usually work out at night and they all have massive amts of caffeine.
Nice that you stated so lean. I've gained 25 lbs in the last 3 months, but have lost most of my abs. I started up cardio abou 2 weeks ago and have lost some belly fat, but it's slow to go. Oh well, you cant cut and bulk at the same time......

Ever get my PM?
Yeah I got the PM and tried to respond but I don't think it went through because I don't have 50 posts yet!
hi bro nice work keep it up honestly i need your help bro just want to correct my diet . i am sending this message just to get your permission before i ask more information. thx
hi bro nice work keep it up honestly i need your help bro just want to correct my diet . i am sending this message just to get your permission before i ask more information. thx

Thanks for the compliment my man - you should hit up 3J in the diet section!
Okay just a quick update. The scale is now reading 190, so I'm pleased with the weight gain (I weighed 168 at the beginning of Sept). Body fat % is up a bit at 7.5 (from 6.8) but I can certainly live with that. Eating at least 4500 calories a day. Strength is increasing every workout.

I'll try to get some pics tonight. In the meantime here is a shot of me from exactly one year ago when I was doing fieldwork down in Mexico (check out that waist! haha!) - I probably hadn't even seen the inside of a gym in 2 years or more!

So I THINK my body type is pretty much mesomorph based on reading and looking at older pics (when I hadn't worked out for years).

Cheers bros (and bro-ettes).
I am 40 years old. Have been around lifting for many years. Have comp. in bodybuilding and powerlifting. have won several bodybuilding shows. Linda murry and grand pre to name a couple. Have a 800lbs squat 560 bench and 625 dead lift. Looking to make some new friends and compair notes !
OK here we go - just took these about 5 mins ago. 190 lbs here.

I think I'm going to prioritize legs for a few weeks after looking at these.
'Presh bro - gonna start hittin' wheels twice a week I think.

they look better than 95% of the dudes i see at my gym...the squat rack is used more for curls than squats...few things irritate me more than that...

regardless, be careful not to overtrain your legs. it them hard and heavy.
they look better than 95% of the dudes i see at my gym...the squat rack is used more for curls than squats...few things irritate me more than that...

regardless, be careful not to overtrain your legs. it them hard and heavy.

Thanks a lot man. Yeah I get pretty aggro when I have to wait for some dude to finish up his swinging cheat curls in the rack and I wanna squat...sad. The squat is king!

Def going to hit em hard n heavy - thanks for the advice!