introduction and some pics

great progress man, i think you could have gone natty for a while longer being as you only have 14 months of training under your belt... but either way keep us posted
wow great progress, legs look awesome man...

how old are you? and outta curiousity how much do you lift?

I think you'll see some amazing changes during these next few weeks, make sure you have ur post cycle therapy (pct) my friend.
thx for the warm welcome guys :D

hmlacrosse said:
wow great progress, legs look awesome man...

how old are you? and outta curiousity how much do you lift?

I think you'll see some amazing changes during these next few weeks, make sure you have ur post cycle therapy (pct) my friend.

i just got 20 bro. I know i started a little too fast with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but I really like to do competitions and get as big as possible :D After the cycle i will run nolvadex for 3 weeks. 25mg ED, hope that will be enough.

I don't lift much :( I never go heavier in weights if i can't make the 8 or 6 reps. I also don't have a spotter and usually train alone, so it's kinda hard to train really heavy. I did some pr's on squat, deadlift and bench 3 months ago.

squat: 300lb
deadlift: 353lb
bench: 200lb (i really suck at this....)

i should be able to do more since i am a lot heavier now :)
Thats awesome man, hey I'm only 21, and I started to early too, but what can you do, you're actually lucky that there isn't 400 guys on here telling you you started too early...but hell, it's past that now, and you realize you've started to early, so I geuss all you can do is move on from now. You seem to have a great familiarity with ur post cycle therapy (pct) and I'm excited to see the end he said above, eat eat eat....and train hard, you'll see much more differences. I think ur 25mg ED should be enough for sure, but some people's bodies react different than others. It takes a lot to balls up and post pics, so thanks for the pics...

You're lifts are great man, much more than me right now. Keep it up..

If you gained 46 pounds of what looks like pure muscle in a year then why are you juicing, another year "all natural" and you will be atleast 20 pounds heavier than you are now or maybe you can even gain another 46 pounds all over again. I dont think you need juice.
If you gained 46 pounds of what looks like pure muscle in a year then why are you juicing, another year "all natural" and you will be atleast 20 pounds heavier than you are now or maybe you can even gain another 46 pounds all over again. I dont think you need juice.

agreed.....but whats done is done,
If you gained 46 pounds of what looks like pure muscle in a year then why are you juicing, another year "all natural" and you will be atleast 20 pounds heavier than you are now or maybe you can even gain another 46 pounds all over again. I dont think you need juice.

i know. Like I said, I really want to do competitions. And I am really spending a lot of time into this. Seriously my entire life changed because of bodybuilding and therefor I want to get as much as possible out of bodybuilding and hopefully enter some competitive competitions in the next years. And this is the only reason why i started so early with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and the only reason why i wanted to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) anyway. I know you guys think what i am doing here is stupid, but i really thought about it and this the path I choose. If I could go back I would still do this.
Shad0w said:
Seriously my entire life changed because of bodybuilding and therefor I want to get as much as possible out of bodybuilding and hopefully enter some competitive competitions in the next years. And this is the only reason why i started so early with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and the only reason why i wanted to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) anyway. I know you guys think what i am doing here is stupid, but i really thought about it and this the path I choose. If I could go back I would still do this.

I hear you man. Once it catches you there's no turning back.
Indeed you look great! But unfortunately I dont buy it that this is your 1st cycle. I'm sorry, unless you have excellent genetics, in which case I hate you, lol. Take this is you may. No disrespect intended. The first pics look like you after a few cycles and just off cycle, minus water the weight. Second pics look like on cycle. I've been around the block here bud with cycles and such so if its the truth as posted, than your well on your way to an excellent physique. Carry on.