Introduction new guy


New member
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum, and wanted to introduce myself before posting any further. I have come to this site for some time and found great information, so I figured I would join! I am not new to training, have been doing so for around 8 years. I came up from graduating high school at about 140, weak as shit, and got up to around 190 with no gear. All in lower body though unlucky for me! I have minimal cycles under my belt, and am currently 210lbs, about 5'11'', maybe 15 percent, not sure of that last stat though. I bench 225, squat about 350, and can trap bar dead around 410 using chalk, or versa gripps. I was at a point in my training that I felt I was about as far as I could go without using again, it seems like I go on, go up in weight, come off w proper pct of course, and in maybe 6 months keep a lot of strength but lose most size. So now I am on again. 600mg of test weekly, opened up w ultradrol which has been kind to me so far, other than some test that gives me the flu after every inject. Got some new stuff from different source though so we will see. Going to go train now, but it's great to be here, and I look forward to being part of the forum.

All the best,
