IP China Yellow Tops


New member
Anyone tried these lately. I have been on for about 30 days. Started 2 ius for the first week. Than went to 3 ius for another week. Now im at 4ius. I havent gotten any sides yet. No numbness in hands. Just wanted to make sure these were good to go. I know HGH isnt a miracle drug, just dont want to be taking fake stuff. Thanks
doing them now 4iu per day before bed, un real results.. wish id have done gh 10 years ago.. been on for less time than you and have to say just in the fat loss department alone im super happy...
Underboss how long u been on and did u start with 4ius. Also are u getting the sides like numbness in fingers. Thanks
doing them now 4iu per day before bed, un real results.. wish id have done gh 10 years ago.. been on for less time than you and have to say just in the fat loss department alone im super happy...

why right before bed? Wouldn't first thing in the morning be better since you body will release it's own GH when you sleep. Just asking, I haven't run HGH... YET.
Anyone tried these lately. I have been on for about 30 days. Started 2 ius for the first week. Than went to 3 ius for another week. Now im at 4ius. I havent gotten any sides yet. No numbness in hands. Just wanted to make sure these were good to go. I know HGH isnt a miracle drug, just dont want to be taking fake stuff. Thanks

doing them now 4iu per day before bed, un real results.. wish id have done gh 10 years ago.. been on for less time than you and have to say just in the fat loss department alone im super happy...

Just wondering how many days a week u running you gh?... Have u ran blue tops before to compare to? Ive been hearing gooood things about these yellow tops..
They must be the opposite of the blue tops!.. Also, details on any all effects/connective tissues etc?... Running some peptides at the moment, almost have myself talked into ordering some gh
well i spoke to soon, last night i woke up in the middle of the night. both of my hands were hurting pretty bad. it felt like i was sitting on my hands for 10 hours. it took like five minutes for the numbness tingling to go away. Than i couldnt fall back to sleep.
no i havent done the blue tops but many of my buddies have in doses anywhere from 2 to 10iu per day. Got various feedback on the quality of it. Not one said wow it was great. Why i do it in the evening is because of what i researched, and the conclusion i came too from what i read was that a dose prior to bed is more effective for fat loss. this is an experiement for me, i have never used GH before, i am 34 and have been on and off gear since i was 20. I wanted to try something new and see what it would do to my body, possibly heal old injuries, lean right out etc etc.. and of course the healing properties it has to the organs etc. ive been on it now since sept 1st, and no i havent had any numbness or anything but my wrists are starting to get sore. I am doing 4iu per day prior to bed 7 days a week. i have enough for 8 months and if i like it and keep getting the results im after i will continue for a year.i am currently also using test prop and a test 400 blend.. 1cc prop 3x week with .5 cc 400 in the same shot 3 x per week. as of now i am def getting leaner, i havent changed nothing as far as workouts go or diet, i actually cut cardio right out 3 weeks ago to see if it was really as effective as some say with regards to fat loss. im really pleased with the results thus far, and again its only been 27 days.. im not bullshitting when i say i have noticed it either i know my body very well, and i know that just by looking at my abdominal area shits dissapearing almost daily. and trust me i can get fat pretty quick if im not on top of diet and training just the way my metabolism is, its very slow.. i know alot of buddies started getting numbness about 6 weeks in , i havent experienced this yet but if i do ill gladly pass that info on..
GH is must be run everyday.... dont fall for the bs method of taking days off.... those were just brought up to get people to buy that can't afford to be on the stuff...

at lest 4 iu everyday, and if you're looking for gains in lean muscle along with fat loss you'll have to bump that up to min 8 iu's ED

cheers from China
i've been taking soma for 5 weeks and havent really noticed anything, good or bad. i got a script for 5mg that lasted about 13 days and had a buddy who was able to get me the ip somatropin. i'm wondering if there is something im doin wrong. i'm still sore after any activity, whether its lifting, running or playin b-ball. any help and tips? been doin 3 iu's for almost a month
i've been taking soma for 5 weeks and havent really noticed anything, good or bad. i got a script for 5mg that lasted about 13 days and had a buddy who was able to get me the ip somatropin. i'm wondering if there is something im doin wrong. i'm still sore after any activity, whether its lifting, running or playin b-ball. any help and tips? been doin 3 iu's for almost a month

You should make your own thread not try and hijack someone else's.
it might be your first time having the problem with IP but i can tell you that i know of others that are having the same problem. they dropp1200 bucks cause they started to trust them
next thing you know the stop email contact and you get no gear and are out all your money.
i say this over and over to people all the time DOMESTIC SERVICE
sure the prices are awesome looking but think about what your doing send money to some over seas asshole and your asking to be bent over and ass fucked with a hot poker.
I haven't done IP yellows but I wouldn't worry about legitimacy from only lack of side effects. I do Chinese green tops and hardly get any of the standard side effects many people mention, and I'm certain my stuff is good.