irishdave's bulking pics - 6'5" 195------

More of my boobies...

19th April 07 pics, okay hit me with it, I know my arms are small they always been lagging, stuck around 16" atm. My chest is not too bad I think but I need way more size overall. I weighed myself this morning was about 199lbs.
You are lean, I bet you could go heavy and eat like a motherfucker without getting fat. It's hard for us taller guys to look "bigger"
Thanks Jacked. I'm not actually leaner though, probably just the lighting I took the first pictures in.

Yeah, I get that a lot musclehouse. I probably look about 210 - that's what most ppl say.
It's been a while since I posted a pic. I was away on holiday for the whole of June in NY, Vegas and Cali so got very little training done. Diet was bad, drank way too much, practically got sloshed nearly every night :p
Now, I'm back home and eating properly again and drinking way less. I was down a few lbs when I came home but now I'm back up and was 200lbs on the button this morning.

July - 200lbs
ehhh...I'm well aware of that. These are pics of my progress while I'm bulking. I'm not anywhere near cycling at 200lbs. I need to get to about 230 before I consider that.
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lookin good whats ur drinking regimine like? we could compare, mine is awfulllll.....your chest is lookin good, if i were to say anything in the critisism point of view, it would be some arm work, but i'm sure u've got that on lock already... keep the shit coming i gonna keep my eye on the tread...

what are ur lifts like, sry if u already posted it above i didnt have the time to check
Thanks lacrosse. You're dead right about my arms lagging, I'm aware they need a lot of work and I'm working harder on 'em. My back/bi day is something like this now - bo rows, weighted chins, ez curl, double db curls and db rows at the end. It's helping so far but only time will tell.
Man, I drink way too fucking much, haha. Was out last night for "a few" and ended up with a hen party in a hotel until 6am drinking guinness and shots. Wrecked today. Probably go for "a few" tonight again seeing as it's Saturday.
There's one thing you can't buy and that's discipline :( :(