Is 250 mg of test c/week enough?


New member
190 approximately 18% BF
4000 calories per day (200 g protein)

Is 250 mg of test c per week enough to gain about 15 lbs or do you think I need to up it to 375 mg per week. This will be my first cycle in approximately 10 years.

Thanks for the input!
If you're concerned with body composition, you might drop the calories down from 4000 to get rid of some fat. I would think you could make some decent, slow and steady gains from 250mg/week and a good diet.
The amount of weight you gain is mostly dependent on the diet and training that you do. Some people could gain weight on 250 and some people may not do as well on 500 if their diet is shit.

My first cycle was 250 and i gained about 15lbs. but i was a smaller guy , its going to have a different effect on you. try it and see? Alot hit 500 mg a week, that is a normal first cycle for most people.

I think you need to eat better and up the test to 500 or 600 a week.
make sure you know about the side effects and know how to treat them and please comment on your pct.
To gain 15 is hard and to keep it is even harder.good luck man
For post cycle therapy (pct) i was going to start two weeks after end of cycle and run the following:
week 1: clomid 150mg nolvadex 20mg
week 2: clomid 125mg nolvadex 20 mg
week 3: clomid 100mg nolvadex 20 mg
week 4: clomid 75mg nolvadex 20 mg
A friend of mine used sus 250 and deca both once a week and got good gains of it.
I have see a few guys make great gains from 250 per week 10-15 lbs. Just eat right and traing hard. I have made gains off 150 per week. everyone reacts different to test though. Do you have an anti E on hand. Did you have any blood work done pre-cycle? If you take 250 per week and you estro levels are very high you might not feel as much. I know that mine gets very high and I HAVE to take anti estrogen
when i started my 1st cycle bout 2yrs ago i used sos 250mg/week and gained 14lbs.

i react really well with low levels of test. right now im running 300 test e and eq 200 weekly. and gain 8lbs so far. i look more dense and strength had increased. im natually a small frame guy so if i take 1000mg of test ill swell up like crazy.
I think its rediculous to use 250mg of test a week. that would put you at roughly double normal testosterone. To achieve this you will have broken multiple laws, spent lots of money (on pct,ancillaries, ect), and shut down your endogenous hormone production to bring yourself to the level of a pubescent boy. Will you gain weight? yes. Would you gain weight without the any AS? yes. If you want to gain a lot of muscle (15lbs of honest to god muscle is hard to do) then take 400-600mg of test/week minimum with an appropriate diet and dont try to make it happen over night. The side effects will be very similar and managable and you might actually reach your goal.
I have watched at least 5 guys run at that level (250) and get VERY good gains. I really think that it depends on the guy and not the dose (to a degree). I do agree that for most people anything less than 250 would not be effective but 250 for many for a first cycle will get great results. People react very different depending on many factors. You can do 1 gram a week at eat like shit and will not have much to show while other can do 250 per week - train hard and eat good and have a very nice result. Just my opinion for watching a few guys do it. I do not think it is accurate to say that 250 will not work for anyone as a broad generalization.

tbomb24 said:
I have watched at least 5 guys run at that level (250) and get VERY good gains. I really think that it depends on the guy and not the dose (to a degree). I do agree that for most people anything less than 250 would not be effective but 250 for many for a first cycle will get great results. People react very different depending on many factors. You can do 1 gram a week at eat like shit and will not have much to show while other can do 250 per week - train hard and eat good and have a very nice result. Just my opinion for watching a few guys do it. I do not think it is accurate to say that 250 will not work for anyone as a broad generalization.

I dont agree at all.I think if you are going to put something in your body it should give you the best results for doing so.Taking 250 is to small of a dose if your going to use test make it worth your while 400 or 600 is a real good start he is not even running d bol or even asking info on other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) so lets get real 250 is a waste of time i dont know the result you have seen but i have never seen anyone with 250 a week gain 15 and keep 15 good luck......just my opinion dont take it personal bro...........
Am I right about this...

If most drugs are 50mg/ml then to take 250mg per week you'd need to inject 5ml. Is that right?
Oke Doke

You KNow you are shutting things down in your body that produces the stuff that makes you a man to put it in simple form and increasing certain things that make you more of a man and there is the chance you mite start looking like a women and in some cases act like one aswell.It sounds like you have an idea of what it is i am talking about because of the post cycle therapy (pct) you posted.So it does not matter 250 or 375 oreven 600 although that is border line problems.A safe zone which really depends on the person would be between 400 and 600...

A second cycle we give outalot is 600 test a week and if they didnt use it in there first is deca 400 a week......good luck bro
I am leaning at doing 375 mg/week right now. I do want to make it worth my time, but I also know that the diet and exercise is even more important. I have done three cycles in the past (about 8-10 years ago) and only onced stacked multiple drugs. I learned from those cycles that more was not better. I plan on running it 10 weeks, waiting two weeks and starting the post cycle therapy (pct). Do you think I need to run any anti-estrogens during the cycle? I appreciate everyones input as that is what this board is all about.
BuiltOne said:
I am leaning at doing 375 mg/week right now. I do want to make it worth my time, but I also know that the diet and exercise is even more important. I have done three cycles in the past (about 8-10 years ago) and only onced stacked multiple drugs. I learned from those cycles that more was not better. I plan on running it 10 weeks, waiting two weeks and starting the post cycle therapy (pct). Do you think I need to run any anti-estrogens during the cycle? I appreciate everyones input as that is what this board is all about.

YES! - on anti-estrogens ....
BuiltOne said:
I am leaning at doing 375 mg/week right now. I do want to make it worth my time, but I also know that the diet and exercise is even more important. I have done three cycles in the past (about 8-10 years ago) and only onced stacked multiple drugs. I learned from those cycles that more was not better. I plan on running it 10 weeks, waiting two weeks and starting the post cycle therapy (pct). Do you think I need to run any anti-estrogens during the cycle? I appreciate everyones input as that is what this board is all about.

i only run the anti e only when i think i need to. for example getting sesetive nips and such. i run adex and nola towards the last 1 week and for 3 weeks after
I usually tell guys at the gym who ask me that "if you are going to do it... 375 minimum otherwise there is no point, just workout harder and eat better... and there is no big deal going for 500mg first cycle."

No need to run anti estros unless feelings side effects while on cycle.
I took 250-375 during my cycle, started out at 250 and upped it towards 375 the last few weeks. I went from 155 to 185 but that was probably due to my very low weight to begin with. Runnin 500/week for my next cycle.