is it a bad idea to do cardio while on clen?


New member
hey guys, just wondering, is it a bad idea to do cardio while on clen because your heart rate will get too high? i know it speeds your resting heart rate up heaps and was just wondering if its better to not to any cardio while on clen for the 2 weeks. also, how safe is it? im a bit worried, but still going to try it at a low dosage. thanks.
I have run clen and EC stack separately of course. Never changed my mid intensity 30 min cardio routine. I noted no changes or concerns.
Clen is some pretty hardcore, and yes some may even say nasty stuff. I've used Clen a few times, never needing to go above 100mcg. Start at 20 or 40mcg and SLOWLY work your way up. I usually spenmd 2-3 days at the same dose. Just cause your not getting the shakes doesn't mean it isn't working. I'm currently reading into Albuterol which is a close relative of, and alternative to Clen but not as harsh as far as sides go. Good luck.

Edit: I would never take your dose right before cardio/workout. My workouts are always early evening so when using Clen I'd take it first thing in the morning after breakfast, usually around 0600-0630 hrs. I workout between 1800-1900 hrs so 12-13 hours after Clen dose.
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