Is it a must to work on legs

Mudge said:
Some people are happy with very little (like the guys that lift for 2 weeks and think they are jacked) and some people are never really satisfied where they are at, I'm in the second category.

Your legs are big when they are over 30 inches and solid beef :D

Ditto. Why can't people understand stuff like this???? (Like my family - they think I've got some kind of damn disease)
SpikeyLizard said:
Ditto. Why can't people understand stuff like this???? (Like my family - they think I've got some kind of damn disease)

don't cop out on your genital herpes :p
Mudge said:

If you dont train legs, your just a beach body lifter.

So true. I always thought that I had big legs compared to some of my friends. I weigh in now at 178 and I am around your height...but then when I started looking at my workout partners at the gym..i realized that my legs were really