IS it the right time to start my 1st cycle?!


New member
I am 26 Years old turning 27 in 3 months!

My stats are: height 5.6 (174cm), weight 195 (88.5kg), Body Fat (13-15%)

I was thinking to start a first cycle of Test. E (500-600mg/week) for a period of 10 weeks

P.S the first pic u see is 3 weeks old... the other three i shot last week with me cutting down my body fat!

Please, I need you all your feedback guys!

Thank you:biggthump
Before i started my first cycle i went to the doc and got checked out just to make sure i was in good health. Assuming that you are and you feel ready to take it to the next level my advice would be do ALOT of research on gear. From what to expect and how much and what to do cor a first cycle. And sounds like you test so make sure you have a serm on hand in case of gyno this bein your first cycle you don't know how sensitive your body will be to sides.. And don't forget about PCT.. Do research bro. The answers are out there.. Good luck.
Hey! I appreciate ur feedback!

I am not concerned of what to take and how to do it! believe me I have been reading about Anabolic steroids for years...

I just want to feel that It's time to take my body to a whole new level!

Looks like you been training for awhile and you say you did the home work so yeah good luck man.. Just remember to follow a decent diet also. Steroids work but you have to work with them as well.. Sounds like your good to go .
looking good. I'd say you are in a good spot to run your first cycle. Test as you mentioned should give you great gains. Make sure to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and proper post cycle therapy (pct). good luck
Good natty progress dude, very good.
Also, you are like big-foot with all that hair bro!! i think its awesome lol, I wouldn't want that much hair, but i have respect for people who do!
I support you bro. Not trying to be a dick, but I think you should hammer those legs. In particular, mass of the quad by the knee. Can't see the hamstrings, but I've never met someone with hamstrings that dominated their quads so them too. Good luck with your cycle.
I support you bro. Not trying to be a dick, but I think you should hammer those legs. In particular, mass of the quad by the knee. Can't see the hamstrings, but I've never met someone with hamstrings that dominated their quads so them too. Good luck with your cycle.

Bro I joined this forum to listen to critics and feedback! ur absolutely right I need to get my legs bigger and fuller! Maybe I should stay natural for sometime untill I feel I achieved my limit! Thanks for your honest feedback!!!
