is liquidex better than adex?


Amateur Bodybuilder
i was wonderin if there was any difference in liquidex compared to the generic adex pills? the liquidex costs a little more per mg than the pills. can anyone advise if either is better? or should i just go with cost to determine?
i'd like to know why ld is even made. and i'd think it would be cheaper since they don't even have to go through the trouble of makin a pill out of it.
good question! It used to be the cheapest! But now it has a following!! The generic tabs are pretty new! I dont count IP's
Same thing, I'd grab whatever is the cheapest. Interesting but everyone seems to be going away from the original 80mg, 20 ml bottle...
Maybe its cheaper to suspend the Arimidex powder in a water based solution than turning it into tabs.;)
Its also easier to measure out smaller doses instead of doing the whole 1mg tab.

copracor said:
i'd like to know why ld is even made. and i'd think it would be cheaper since they don't even have to go through the trouble of makin a pill out of it.