Is more gear better or more length

I've never used over 800mg test and I've run a lot of cycles man. I don't think you need to make that jump this soon in the game. Honestly 600mg will probably yield all you need. I'm not saying there's no need for 1g or 1250mg but I don't think you need it yet. More is not always best
Words of wisdom from waceyf. Ill try n get my diet as good as I can by then and yea hopefully 800 can work me wonders.. With some deca or something aha
Not entirely true. More gear = More gains. Problem is the law of diminishing returns is in full effect when it comes to gear. You'll reach a point where 5% more gains is not worth the 50% extra sides.

If you read what I said carefully you'll notice what I said effectively states what you said. Theoretically the "law" of diminishing returns is true, but in reality when going into extreme dosages, you will not get that extra 5% of gains due to the fact that your body has a finite amount of androgen receptors and it will begin to rapidly down regulate those receptors in an effort to protect itself. This down regulation will occur much sooner than if you take a smaller dose for an extra 2 weeks.

Personally I believe anything over 1.5g of test per week is just asking for trouble. Now I understand that I am merely a normal "gym rat" and not a competitive body builder and I will always err on the side of caution, but spending 6 years getting a doctorate in pharmacy has taught me a thing or two about how drugs actually work in the body. More than 95% of what you read on any forum is merely anecdotal evidence written by some AAS user making at best, an educated guess. This forum has some educated users who actually do a little research into clinical studies and medical texts, so the info here is a little better. But even so the info in the medical community on anabolic steroids is limited, and most of it is focused on legitimate medical uses, not bodybuilding. Some of what I have read on other sites is complete garbage and it scares me that people follow the advice merely because of "post counts".

That being said, venturing into very high dosages has even less anecdotal evidence to guide you. OP should stick to lower doses and fix the other aspects of his training/diet which seem to be letting him down.

PS. Hulk Hogan, a longtime AAS user just died a few days ago. I would bet my life savings his rampant use of high dose AAS played a major role in his early demise. His heart definitely had severe ventricular hypertrophy, which is caused by high doses of androgens over a long period of time.
Sometimes .. Less is more.

I learned that from my last cycle when I ended up at the doc with 220/100 BP and heart issues
Either the deca or the tren will be wasted as they fight for the same receptors.. Run them separately and save your $

No, they don't compete with each other. Tren is very similar to deca in a chemistry sense. They both have a synergetic effect when used together.
No, they don't compete with each other. Tren is very similar to deca in a chemistry sense. They both have a synergetic effect when used together.

I've read that being they are so similar, that they do NOT act synergistically.. tren wins, deca is wasted.

"""Deca does not act synergistically with trenbolone: a greater effect cannot be achieved by adding them than can be achieved with trenbolone alone at a sufficient dose. Test,Anadrol,Dianabol yes synergist. Deca,EQ,Anavar, no"""
quote taken from an article on 'thinksreroids'
I've read that being they are so similar, that they do NOT act synergistically.. tren wins, deca is wasted.

"""Deca does not act synergistically with trenbolone: a greater effect cannot be achieved by adding them than can be achieved with trenbolone alone at a sufficient dose. Test,Anadrol,Dianabol yes synergist. Deca,EQ,Anavar, no"""
quote taken from an article on 'thinksreroids'

Tren is stronger than deca is. But that's one of myths that has no real basis. I'm not saying 600mg of Tren isn't stronger than 300mg of Tren and 300mg of deca. It def is stronger but both compounds yield different effects. I think with deca added with Tren you'll see more size gains but that's just me.
No, they don't compete with each other. Tren is very similar to deca in a chemistry sense. They both have a synergetic effect when used together.

All AAS compete for the same receptor, the androgen receptor. (Yes some steroids can also activate other nuclear receptors such as progesterone receptors but these don't give effects we are looking for). The reason we see different effects from different steroids comes from the structure of the steroid molecule causing a conformational change (different shape) in the receptor. The shape of the activated androgen receptor determines its ability to up-regulate specific genes in your DNA vs others. This increased expression of one gene versus another will cause the different effects.

That being said, just because you are taking tren does not mean that deca will not be able to bind to the receptor. There is a balance between them because both have affinity for the androgen receptor. Tren has a higher affinity and will most likely have a higher binding than deca, but deca will still be there. So will testosterone in smaller numbers. This is why you often hear of side effects in cycles with low testosterone and very high deca or tren.

I would stay away from using the word synergy, as there are no studies I have come across on the synergistic effects of deca and tren, as trenbolone has never been indicated for use in humans. Additive effect would be a safer assumption.
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The Hulk didn't die...... he cant be killed!!

It was the Ultimate Warrior..... and yes you may be right but who knows what he was also doing???? Coke, speed....anything
The Hulk didn't die...... he cant be killed!!

It was the Ultimate Warrior..... and yes you may be right but who knows what he was also doing???? Coke, speed....anything

Word is that Munzer died from the diuretics and from the constant drug use. Valium, Tylenol, etc
The Hulk didn't die...... he cant be killed!!

It was the Ultimate Warrior..... and yes you may be right but who knows what he was also doing???? Coke, speed....anything

Coke/speed on an already weakened heart......

Ventricular hypertrophy is the growth of the heart muscle. This sounds great! But the heart doesn't grow out, it grows in. This makes the chambers smaller, meaning the heart has to pump more often to move the same amount of blood. Cardio can help mitigate this growth while on cycle.
Coke/speed on an already weakened heart......

Ventricular hypertrophy is the growth of the heart muscle. This sounds great! But the heart doesn't grow out, it grows in. This makes the chambers smaller, meaning the heart has to pump more often to move the same amount of blood. Cardio can help mitigate this growth while on cycle.

Hgh adds to the heart growth effect.. Right ?
I ran gear for 1 year.. None stop til recently got injured.. Been off for 2 months.. no pct, still got.libidodo n kept alot of gains.. High levels of tren i rab for 7.onths lol lots of test winnie mast, eq
Im not advising it to anyone, i got hooked on drugs and alcohol so came of the roids.. Drop out of my shows, n used narcoti s, then went to outpatient cleaned up, still no pct, bout to go back on
Im not advising it to anyone, i got hooked on drugs and alcohol so came of the roids.. Drop out of my shows, n used narcoti s, then went to outpatient cleaned up, still no pct, bout to go back on

Sorry to here that. I've been through similar. Probably your hormones were on a roller coaster without considering the AAS so that may be why you recovered, dropping everything at once probably gave your body a "breath of fresh air"... I wish you luck in sobriety