Is my creatine safe to use after a llong time..?


No Pain No Gain...
I bought a 300gm creatine pack a year ago...I had only 40gms or so and stopped bodybuilding....
Now since i have started working out again for about 4 weeks i want to start creatine...
Please suggest me if that a year old seal opened pack is safe to use again...??.Though it has a exp. date of 2011..
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Creatine monohydrate has a shelf life of YEARS. Sad to see people pass off bad information in this forum. Is it to sell one more container? How short sighted.
i wouldnt fuck with it.. i dont think it could hurt you but MAYBE it lost some punch.. for 25$bucks id go get a new bottle.. thats just my opinion..
MAYBE it'll spontaneously combust in your stomach. Better buy more stuff.

This is dumb. Trust science over some random bro on a website. It's a stable compound, it has not expired, therefore it hasn't lost "punch."