Is there any AAS that doesn't harm your liver?


New member
My only guess is that Testosterone Depot (Cyp. and other esters) will not affect your liver. Am I correct? Are there any other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that one could take that are liver 'safe'?
I think most injectable gear leaves the liver out if the equation, with the exception of Winstrol.
Some of the tests are "low" liver toxic. Tren is high, I believe. EQ is not, neither is Masteron. Check out the profiles section for more info.
This came to me after I posted the question. Although not AAS, GH will not harm the liver and I just read a bunch of shit saying it will in fact help regenarate it.
InsuranceMan said:
Some of the tests are "low" liver toxic. Tren is high, I believe. EQ is not, neither is Masteron. Check out the profiles section for more info.

Thanks. I was wondering about Tren, but hadn't looked it up yet.

Yet another reason for me to stay away from Tren.
the verdict is out on tren , some say its rough on the liver/kidneys but its possible the trouble is the fillers used in the fina cartridges used to make homemade tren . winnie or dbol injected is still a 17a even if it does bypass the first pass through the liver . other than that pretty much any injectable has little or no liver impact , at least compared to orals .
that being said liver stress caused by orals is overrated imo.if a person has a healthy liver to begin with reasonable doses of orals for 6 weeks or so will have very little if any long term effect on your health , remember a lot of us dont even think about constantly popping tylenol or going a drinking binge but we sweat what 6 weeks of dbol would do to our liver . news flash liver stress is the same no matter if its caused by oral as or tylenol or booze.
here we go again.

how many guys (raise your hands) have had your liver checked while on a cycle of orals? of those how many have lab reports stating that your enzymes are fucked up. and of those can positively say its the orals and of those how many did use ALA? and of those how many suffered permanant damage?

my guess is no one will answer yes to these questions.

felas people been taking orals for a long time. i dont know anybody that has had liver probs from even high prolonged doses of dbol, anadrol, Winstrol (winny) or m1t. I am sure somewhere there is a couple of guys but i never met them or know anybody who has.

the only prob i have had with tren (at high doses, 300mg/d) is dark urine. i drank 1/2 gallon of cranberry juice for two days running and it cleard it up. the only reason i did this is cause i had lower back pain. it went away too. thats kidneys not liver. last time i checked the liver was in the front.


you guys be smart, aight? aight.
even though some Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) have different toxicity to your liver they all in some way or another effect it negatively... whether it be infinitesimal or a good bit.
Dude, I would be more concerned about the ones that convert to estrogen when processed through the liver (aromatizing)! Nandrolone (Deca), Boldenone (Equipoise), and Stanozolol (Winstrol) are low converters to start. Try these if you are looking for low sides (deca-dick excluded).
ricosuave said:
Dude, I would be more concerned about the ones that convert to estrogen when processed through the liver (aromatizing)! Nandrolone (Deca), Boldenone (Equipoise), and Stanozolol (Winstrol) are low converters to start. Try these if you are looking for low sides (deca-dick excluded).
eq is relatively safe but its also not a serious mass builder by itself . deca can cause progesterone gyno and cause deca dick and winnie is a 17a if its injected or taken orally and can cause hairloss and joint pain . just about everything has pluses and minuses , the key is managing the minuses . if your gyno prone then femara/liquidex for an anti e along with nolva and or b-6 for progesterone gyno . for hair loss there are special shampoos and meds available to prevent hairloss .etc.
pullinbig said:
here we go again.

how many guys (raise your hands) have had your liver checked while on a cycle of orals? of those how many have lab reports stating that your enzymes are fucked up. and of those can positively say its the orals and of those how many did use ALA? and of those how many suffered permanant damage?

my guess is no one will answer yes to these questions.

felas people been taking orals for a long time. i dont know anybody that has had liver probs from even high prolonged doses of dbol, anadrol, Winstrol (winny) or m1t. I am sure somewhere there is a couple of guys but i never met them or know anybody who has.

the only prob i have had with tren (at high doses, 300mg/d) is dark urine. i drank 1/2 gallon of cranberry juice for two days running and it cleard it up. the only reason i did this is cause i had lower back pain. it went away too. thats kidneys not liver. last time i checked the liver was in the front.


you guys be smart, aight? aight.

Finally, a voice of reason in all of the insanity.
I have a dream.
Maybe one day this MYTH will finally die.
lebanner92 said:
what is progesterone gyno ?, i am very sensitive to gyno myself
gyno caused by progesterone instead of estrogen . its usually caused by tren or deca but some say drol can do it to . nolva and anti es will be ineffective against it but there has been some success against it useing good old vitamin b-6 . im sketchy on the doses so do a search to be sure but 150 mg x 3 daily comes to mind
HGH Man said:
Pullingbig, I suggest you get a new picture. That is making me sick !!

whats not to luv about it. its a happily married couple practicing safe sex. he is dead from lack of oxegen and she is having multiple orgasms on his cold face.
DragonRider said:
Finally, a voice of reason in all of the insanity.
I have a dream.
Maybe one day this MYTH will finally die.

i am but a voice in the darkness.

i have posted this a similar response on many boards and no one has ever come back with lab analysis to show permannt damage.

1 guy did have some messed up levels while using andro popppers (whatever that is) but he said after he stopped levels went back to normal. his doc didnt check him for hep which also makes me wonder if he was even telling the truth cause thats a given if you got elevated counts.

more folks have elevated counts from high protein diets than methylated hormones.

ocaasionally i'll get a response like this one

"even though some Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) have different toxicity to your liver they all in some way or another effect it negatively... whether it be infinitesimal or a good bit".

from an above poster but still no lab results.