Is this possible complication or just typical front load???


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so i started my cycle 1 week ago..

the only thing iv put into my system is 1g of test e... first shot on thurs.. second yesterday...

i have a bit of a cough.. and get light headed through the cough... almost to the point that i pass out.. very strange..

this is my first time front loading because im a lover of sust and decided to do test e this time..

ill be running about 600mg a week of the test...

my heart rate has been rapid.. resting at 120bpm... i sweat really easily..

i almost feel like im on tren, but that cannot be possible because;
1. i banged the crap outta my gf last night.. 5 times...

2. im pretty sure 1000mg of tren would kill me... especially at 500mg doses...

my source is very trustable... i have been using the same guy for the last 3 years... it's all univet...

anyone else have issues with frontloading like this??

a-dex is on the way.. i have nolva, clomid, and caber since i plan on running tren...

im also having a hard time sleeping.. insomia is there..

im runnin a bit hot too..

thx for your time guys..
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im 37 yrs, and i was taking enanth 400 mg week not to long ago , I have to tell u, I was fucking like a bunny, made my wife happy.. I think ur alright taking 600 mg.of test.. p/s I hope u get better, take vitamin c bro,
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im not worried about the dosage buddy.. it's making me feel weird.. i have this weird cough and i have this high heartrate like i was on clen or eca or tren.. i sweat easy..

im wondering if the frontload is suspect..
Very possible it's the test flu, from large dosing in a short time.

yea, i believe it to be suspect.. i guess i wont know for another coupla weeks..

iv had to take higher doses of tynenol (1200mg) to turn down the heat at night.. iv been averaging 4-6hrs a night... roughly..

iv only exp the test flu once... on my first cycle..
damn bro RHR 120? that's up there. sounds like possible test flu. take it easy and keep an eye on that HR. hows your BP?
Any possibility you could of had some caffeine without your knowledge? Sounds like test flu, must be some good shit.
Jammy sounds like you have test flu. I had that same issue when i did 750mg of test in 6 days to front load. I felt weird as fuck. It goes away.
It is a shock to your body, a lot of test. Feel better bro, good luck
I'd also guess that it is the Test flu...

yea the first time i had it i was stuck in bed for 2 days straight.. hit me hard... and i was only doing 500mg of sust weekly...

i didn't realize what it was till i wrote down the symthoms....

and yes.. the stuff i get is absolutly amazing!!!! everything iv ever tried from univet has been superb.. im lucky cuz the guy is gone right now and im finding old overstock..
you should know that tren has a much darker color than test e, does the color look like test or tren? test should look like straight up cottonseed oil, tren is a copper color. i know you know that, just saying...
it definitely sounds like test flu with some added symptoms. you know, its not highly recommended to frontload right? some people support it, others completely dis it, i dis it. you have to keep in mind, steroids are medicine. think of it as if you have to take blood pressure meds and prior to treatment, you down a whole bottle to try to 'stabilize release and levels'...clearly not such a good idea. i know its not the same thing, but along the same lines.

bottom line, you'll be fine. get some rest and eat as much as you can. but for future reference, i don't recommend frontloading.
you should know that tren has a much darker color than test e, does the color look like test or tren? test should look like straight up cottonseed oil, tren is a copper color. i know you know that, just saying...
it definitely sounds like test flu with some added symptoms. you know, its not highly recommended to frontload right? some people support it, others completely dis it, i dis it. you have to keep in mind, steroids are medicine. think of it as if you have to take blood pressure meds and prior to treatment, you down a whole bottle to try to 'stabilize release and levels'...clearly not such a good idea. i know its not the same thing, but along the same lines.

bottom line, you'll be fine. get some rest and eat as much as you can. but for future reference, i don't recommend frontloading.

good points D... trial and error in this situation i guess...
its all a learning process, hope you get better soon.

Id have to say it's a matter of arrogence on my part.. i should have known what was happening to me...

it didn't hit me till i put down all the sympthoms..

as for front loading.. iv had guys who are very exp tell me it's fine and iv had guys who are exp tell me it's horrible...

i like to play lab rat a little... exp on myself..

i dont have too much cycle exp.. though iv done 4 cycles, iv stuck to the same compounds at the same dosages for the most part..

i wonder if i would have still gotten the test flu if i just ran 600mg a week from the start..

yet having to wait 5 weeks to reach peak levels vs reaching peak levels quickly the latter seemed more pleasing...

as you said D, all a learning process...

thx alot everybody
I have never witnessed test flu, but what you are describing sounds more like Tren sides, almost to a tee. I have had tren that is clear, it all depends on how much it is filtered but when it is darker brown I findit works way better. Good luck with the flu man, hope you feel better and hope I never get it!!
I have never witnessed test flu, but what you are describing sounds more like Tren sides, almost to a tee. I have had tren that is clear, it all depends on how much it is filtered but when it is darker brown I findit works way better. Good luck with the flu man, hope you feel better and hope I never get it!!

yea it's pretty debilitating... i felt weak in the gym up untill today, where i actually started to feel that lovely pump..