Is Z really g2g?

Hey Matt,

This link to help you get an understanding about dose options for hcg.

Here's what you'll want to start with for each 5,000iu of hcg

1) 5,000iu hcg
2) 10ml Bacteriostatic water (bac water)
3) 10ml mixing vial
4) slin pins - or 29g syringe

You can get everything other than hcg from the RUI banner here at Ology - RUI is running an Easter sale - so look for their Easter Sale thread.

You can get the hcg from Z - which is located in the "Z labs - International - Injectables" section.

I would order no less than three 5000iu hcg vials (if possible) as you'll end up using it anyway - I started with seven - now I'm set for a long time - but this is an item I use as my base of every cycle - just like test.

I'll pm you a link to a video on how to mix your hcg - it's a very simple process.

By the way - you're in good hands with my buddy Cobra's advise. :)
ok, you said not to follow the dosage but just how to mix it... so how much and how often should i inject the hcg... if its not too much trouble can you lay out how you would do the Sustanon (sust), dbol, hcg, clomid and aromasin all together? Like i siad, i wanna get this right!
Personally i dont like dianabol. Iv gotta do at least 60mg, makes me feel like crap, and raises my bp pretty bad (headaches).

If your going to pin the Sustanon (sust) mon, wed, fri, you might as well just go for prop and run the same schedule. It will hit your quicker, and make the transition to pct smoother.

I agree with you 100%, prop is more worth while over Sustanon (sust) if pinning eod. I also am not big on Dbol either as I hate the rounded look it gives me. The strength is insane from it though.
ok, you said not to follow the dosage but just how to mix it... so how much and how often should i inject the hcg... if its not too much trouble can you lay out how you would do the Sustanon (sust), dbol, hcg, clomid and aromasin all together? Like i siad, i wanna get this right!

follow repos advice...

weeks 1-12 sus 250mg/mon thurs
weeks 1-4 or 5 30mg is minimum but I would go 40-50mg/ed
weeks1-12 hcg 500iu 2x week/mon thurs
first day after last inject run hcg for 17 days at 500iu/ed
aromasin start when you notice signs of gyno at 12.5mg/eod and like I said you can move that to 12.5mg/ed if you need and run it to the end of post cycle therapy (pct)

post cycle therapy (pct)
weeks 15-18 clomid 50/50/50/50 (thats 50mg ed for 4 weeks)

this is a basic layout
A friend of mine had a big problem with Z about a year ago.It eventually got worked out with Z sending him a package that was worth more then what he was owed to make up for the inconvenience and BS he went through.

It was resolved well enough in our opinion that I placed a small test order of Euro Pharm tren E and Geofman HG amps recently to check him out for myself.Everything seems to be going according to plan so far with good communication.
follow repos advice...

weeks 1-12 sus 250mg/mon thurs
weeks 1-4 or 5 30mg is minimum but I would go 40-50mg/ed
weeks1-12 hcg 500iu 2x week/mon thurs
first day after last inject run hcg for 17 days at 500iu/ed
aromasin start when you notice signs of gyno at 12.5mg/eod and like I said you can move that to 12.5mg/ed if you need and run it to the end of post cycle therapy (pct)

post cycle therapy (pct)
weeks 15-18 clomid 50/50/50/50 (thats 50mg ed for 4 weeks)

this is a basic layout

That's good right there...

The only this I would mention is to make sure you stop your hcg 4 days before starting your SERM.

At 500iu hcg 2x a week - once your first 5000iu vial runs out - take one week off - then start back up - which will carry you up to your blasting phase.

If you decide to run Dbol - I would look at different members feedback and then decide - I've run 50 mg ed and loved it as it brought me to a new level.

Some people find it makes them lethargic at higher doses - I would run between 30-50 mg ed and see how you feel.

I'm impatiently waiting for my next Dbol cycle ... "I already have them on hand!" :chomp:
I havent used him myself in year and when i did it was for a bunch of omnadrens, but peeps i knwo that use him seem genrally happy with service.
id say go for it.
Well he is a really nice guy and as for him he seems gtg but I ordered domestic cus I needed it asap and his domestic guy seemed to drop the ball it was ordered the 7th and nothing. He told me there was a prob and offered to send me it inter and said I should have it within a couple weeks and he will make it up to me. Cant blame the guy for things tht are out of his control but so far Im very happy with how hes always answered my pms and is willing to take care of me. I would and will be using him again just not domestic.
I dont know he said he sent it and it seems to be a problem with the post office is all I know but I feel more comfortable talking to the guy thts sending me my order its not a 3 way conversation. Much cleaner tht way, I dont think he did anything wrong just seems to have a few probs with his sending method.
Always had great service and results from Z. As far as your cycle, I would start the dbol at 30 and see how it affects you. It sends my blood pressure through the roof and makes me feel like my head is gonna f'n explode. I actually have about 50 of the 50mg dbol from a great source that I may trash because I don't know anyone else personally who uses the "juice", and I'm never gonna use it. Also, you can split it into three doses a day as you planned on, but seems like overkill. Twice would be just fine. Some people take it all an hour or so before they workout. As far as your cycle these guys have given you great advice IMO. Good luck man!
he is so good to go, my pro friend will be posting pics soon

hes 8 weeks out and looks ready already
Always had great service and results from Z. As far as your cycle, I would start the dbol at 30 and see how it affects you. It sends my blood pressure through the roof and makes me feel like my head is gonna f'n explode. I actually have about 50 of the 50mg dbol from a great source that I may trash because I don't know anyone else personally who uses the "juice", and I'm never gonna use it. Also, you can split it into three doses a day as you planned on, but seems like overkill. Twice would be just fine. Some people take it all an hour or so before they workout. As far as your cycle these guys have given you great advice IMO. Good luck man!

Whoa whoa, dont do that. Lol.
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I havent used him myself in year and when i did it was for a bunch of omnadrens, but peeps i knwo that use him seem genrally happy with service.
id say go for it.

Oh man - I'm sitting on some of these Omnadren's for an upcoming cycle and it's driving me nuts - that's the only downside in ordering way ahead - I always want to dig into everything!

@ cheddachez - about Z's domestic - it looks like his domestic supplier is working on some issues with cypionate crashing.

I've ran a lot of both dom and international cyp without seeing any issues at all - but he says it's just the domestic supplier at the moment.

I wouldn't worry though - if you did have any issues Z will take care of you.

He is working on some nice things with the domestic part of the business '

I really don't know what the details are yet and wouldn't want to comment on something I wan't sure of.

But I think it's fair to say he's working very hard on this part of the business - and his customers are his highest priority throughout the process - in other word he won't let you down ... "good things are on the way." :)

If anyone is concerned about domestic...

I should mention I received 8 out of 8 international orders - and received each one within the ballpark of three weeks from order date - so you might try international - either way you should be fine.

If you see this Z - and I'm off on anything - please correct me? :)