jackcity log


New member
ive been "trying" to gain weight for years, and I ussually end up quitting before I get anywhere, which is because I dont eat enough. once I put on 5 pounds it will start counting, because right now im not at my regular size because i took a couple months off do try boxing which was a lot of cardio. my stats today are
height - 6'
weight - 160.2 lb
body fat - 10.4%
I basically just dont want to be small any more...so my goal is to get big and strong. and I want to put on more then just the ussual 10 pounds that I get when I set out to do this. So my routine is;
eating a lot.
mon - 5x5 squat, maybe some other leg stuff keeping the reps low, and maybe a little HIT cardio.
tues - hour of hit cardio
wed - 5x5 bench and some other chest/triceps/shoulder stuff, some HIT cardio at the end
thurs - HIT cardio for an hour
fri - 5x5 deadlift, some other back stuff, some HIT cardio thrown in.
HIT cardio is just stuff to keep me active, like playing basketball, swimming laps, or boxing workouts...def. not running on a treadmill. its not really for my heart or lungs but for my muscles like obliques, abs, calves.
the most important thing to me is eating a lot. Because thats the hardest part. I know if I eat a lot the rest will come together and Ill gain. my diet is really clean, too clean sometimes. supps dont do nething for me, idk why. I probably wont even be taking protien shakes during this. Food is what I need, and a lot of it. I posted this so that if I want to give up, or if im just not big yet, people can call me a pussy :insane2: im serious about that too...I just realized how small 6' 160 lbs really is, and its pathetic. so now its time for fooooooood!

BTW im young still so the natural test levels are there.
Like you said, food is the thing that's going to get you big and that's the truth. Just eat, eat and eat some more. Good luck w/ the future bro.
good luck, might want to try dropping 5x5 for deadlifts and just do 2x5.

GOod luck and make sure u dont over do the cardio. Mabey 2x a week for 25 minutes a session and work from there. You dont want to be doing cardio 1 hour 4times a week ya know.

good luck and post your sets and reps .

Eat like a pig and in no time u will be gaining weight
squat- 5x5, 115
i got a long road ahead, in the kitchen. the weights will come but the diet has to be there. numbers will come, stuff yourself. your still 160 lbs. 115 is pathetic no matter how you look at it. you must eat or you will fail! and keep eating, not just today.
Winterlong said:
You only did one excercise today?
nah I threw in 3 sets calve raises and 3 sets hack squats. I know 3 excercises isnt alot but after 5x5 squat, taking about 2.5 minute rests. I dont record these #'s because they dont really matter to me, whatever I do in them will reflect next week in my squat so I just go by that. BTW I read your log, nice work. I saw the week 1 numbers and then the last ones and youve made great improvements.

mister69 - thanks for the advice and support. DAMN nice avatar as well :goof: edit...and sig.
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jackcity10 said:
nah I threw in 3 sets calve raises and 3 sets hack squats. I know 3 excercises isnt alot but after 5x5 squat, taking about 2.5 minute rests. I dont record these #'s because they dont really matter to me, whatever I do in them will reflect next week in my squat so I just go by that. BTW I read your log, nice work. I saw the week 1 numbers and then the last ones and youve made great improvements.
Oh. Ok.
&Thanks for the complements. :)
bench 5x5, 155 lbs.
I have been slacking big time in the kitchen, im practically eating to maintain. the will there, but so is this fine broad. tough choice but eating does come first, ill have to talk to her about it :(
jackcity10 said:
nah I threw in 3 sets calve raises and 3 sets hack squats. I know 3 excercises isnt alot but after 5x5 squat, taking about 2.5 minute rests. I dont record these #'s because they dont really matter to me, whatever I do in them will reflect next week in my squat so I just go by that. BTW I read your log, nice work. I saw the week 1 numbers and then the last ones and youve made great improvements.

mister69 - thanks for the advice and support. DAMN nice avatar as well :goof: edit...and sig.

welcome to the journal section

everything should matter-always attack ur light weights like they are maxes..take nothing for granted and work your form
Deadlifts, my best was 5x215. I did 3 sets of 185, 2 sets of 195, and I knew I could do more so I struggled but got 5 good reps of 215. My grip was giving though, after the 3rd and 4th reps I set it down to re grip. I'll need to wear gloves next time( i use wide stance, and my hands went on the bar towards the middle where theres no grip). It felt SO good to do deadlifts again. After finishing I had to pick up a weight and I felt the intense sorness all in my hamstrings and glutes. I miss the day after deadlifts where I could barely walk :insane2: I hope i get that tomorrow.
mister69 said:
nice workout howd the 155lb feel?
the 155 was tough, I probably would have failed the 4th-5th rep of the last set if i didnt have an eager spotter. Im happy with it though. now its time to eat..
blackbeard said:
everything should matter-always attack ur light weights like they are maxes..take nothing for granted and work your form
I do go all out on my other excersizes, keep reps low and weights high, I just dont record them because thats kind of hard to remember and as long as im pushing forward in the big three I know the rest will follow. To be honest I dont like to follow too much of a set schedule of reps and sets because it limits me sort of subconsiously. but lets get serious, your huge and im small so anything I say doesnt hold much water. I really do appreciate the advice, your'e proof that what you say works. As long as im pushing forward in the kitchen, which ive been being a complete pussy in lately(eating to maintain). BUT im back on track. time to eat and sleep, and hopefully get big. just gotta remeber how small 160 lbs and 6' is, its tiny! <<that small. gotta eat eat eat and get bigger. and sleep. and lift a little. eat eat. until im full.
youll get there
keep this updated as itll help you more than you think

i think youre right about limitng yourself..if you 'think' youll only get 8 reps most likely thats all youll get. :)
post your entire routine, sets , reps, the works. easier to help ya if we know whats going on.

i aint a 5x5 fan. =0l

gettin your dead and squat #s up is whats gonna put size on ya. adding in some assitance work will help these to move faster.
Squat - 5x5, 125 lbs. I dropped it after the third rep of the last set, good thing the saftey bars were only a few inches away :) I didnt use perfect form through any set. Even the first set, I was leaning forward to help get it up. I could feel I made progress, but Ill give myself credit for 120 lbs 5x5. Should have only went up 5 lbs. Then I had a good session of hack squats. The the leg press was taken, it was gettin late, calves didnt feel like working, so i figured i would go hard in some hit cardio to make up for the shitty workout. So I go to the basketball gym which was crowded as fuck, spent 5 mintues in there before leaving. What a pussy workout. So I decided to head to the steepest hill around, I would estimate it at about 40 degrees, and did some hill sprints. thats sprinting up and then sprinting down, but I couldnt sprint down because its too steep so I just jogged down. Did 4 of those, that was just what I needed. On the second wanted to quit, did the third for those who think I cant do it, and the fourth to actually do it. After the third I wanted to throw up, and during the drive home this feeling stayed with me as did the most intense feeling of fatigue mixed with migranes I had ever felt. Now that counts as a workout. Next week Ill try to get in at least 3 excersizes at the gym.

So credit for 5x5x120, and also I weighed myself at 167. That means Ive gained back to where I was and this is when it starts counting/ getting hard. Either I puss out and gain 5 pounds over the next 2 months or I put on 15. Kitchennnnnnnnnnnnnn
skipped gym yesterday, and dieted bad...spent whole day on my car, had to fix it.
thursday - bench, 5x5, 160 lbs.
160 felt really good, plan on hittin 165 next week long as i dont fuck up the diet.
yesterday(friday), deadlift - 5x5x 215 lbs. Then i did pull ups, chin ups, and incline barbell rows.
It was pretty sloppy, felt like my upper back may have been rounded and I had to re-grip after every rep. Ill try to go up 5 lbs next week and improve the form.
Welcome to the journal forum jackcity.

I like the way you're training. Basic compound lifts and low volume. Always go as heavy as you can.

As winter said, food is the key to success. If you need, force feed yourself. I had to do it myself in order to gain weight. I was 134 lbs when started lifting, now 171 lbs.

Good luck.