jackcity log

Winterlong said:
Lookin strong. Keep it up.
your avatars never cease to amaze me :hitit:
But seriuously thanks for all the support in here, it really helps me when I think about quittin or takin a day off.
For your viewing pleasure...


Enjoy. :)
Monday, squats, 4x5x 145 lbs. hit it nice and easy, then did 2 sets (8 then 6 reps) of four 45's on each side of machine hack squats, then did 1 set of three 45's and a 25 on each side of leg press for about 8 reps.
wed., bench, blew ass! I might as well chalk it up as a missed day because I did about 15 lbs less than ussual and after that just said fuck it and didnt do anything else. I think its because of 2 things; Im not eating enarly enough and Im sitting on my ass every day.

1)Most importantly will be to my routine. I will start including some of the hour HIT cardio sessions I mentioned in the first post but never actually did. So Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are HIT cardio days now. All I can think of is boxing, basketball, swimming, mixed running, and mountain biking. I guess Its best if I go along with the sort of west side theme I think there they have dynamic and ME days, my lifting days will be ME and then the cardio days will be sort of dynamic i guess. So Ill try and do the boxing on sundays(upper body). Ill just do what I feel like on tuesdays and thursdays. I also think this cardio will increase my appetite which has diminished as of late for some reason.
2)The second change will be in my diet. Ill start making foods that actually taste good, like get into it a bit more. It might make me want to eat and not look at it as a chore.

sleeps been 100% since I broke up with the gf though :s good sleep + shit diet seems to equal no weight going up, where as before when I ate a ton but slept for shit the weights went up.. Im starting to develope an idea that the order of importance is diet, sleep, lifting. Or diet, lifting, sleep, im not sure.

Edit: oh yea and I think the creatine isnt doing shit any more, even though It probably did when I started taking it. So Im going to stop taking it.
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So I kind of changed my mindset for a bit and stopped training. 3 months off, w/e, im not in terrible shape, i kept active(about 162 lbs. currently). Im gettin back into it, initially just for looks but im considering getting into some sort of fight training(jui jitsu, maybe boxing, kick boxing). No matter what I will be dead lifting, squatting and benching. Im happy I made this journal last time because now I know exactly what was working for me and where I should expect to be. For that reason ill be keeping this updated again. Also because the advice I get on here is great and much appreciated.

So for now Im just going to let muscle memory do it's job and get me back to where I was, hopefully by like 4 weeks my strength will be there, by then ill have to decide if I want to stay lean and train to fight or instead try to get bigger.
First day back, Squats: 4x5x135, then 2 sets x 11 hack squats with three 45's on each side, then 1 set leg press with 3 45's each side. pretty solid.

and official weigh in is 164 on a very slightly off balanced scale, so 164.5 is actual.
I havent done bench or dead yet, but ive pretty much kept my strength and only lost like 6 pounds of body weight, and gained tremendous endurance & speed(compared to where I was).

I think my problem with sticking to a certain type of training is because I miss the other parts. Like when all i did was PL style, I missed being able to run, have any agility, though I liked how I looked and the fact that my strength was the best it had ever been. When all i did was box or lacrosse (endurance and speed) I missed having strength, and didnt like how I looked, but I liked being able to fight good and having speed. So eventually the dislikes led me to quite both of those training regimins. So why not make one that combines it all? From now on I will include agility/speed, endurance, and strength training.

So maybe 3 days for agility/speed, 1 or two for endurance, and 1 or 2 for strength. I dont need any more than 1 or 2 days a week for strength or endurance. I just need to watch out for over training. Some days can be a mix of endurance and speed/agility too. And generally in between the strength days is when ill have the endurance/speed/agility days so that my strength has time to recover.

And diet should just be eat alot and eat healthy.
monday, deads, 4x5x 225 lbs. wow that was fucking hard. then 2x9 chin ups, 2x5x 100 lbs incline BB rows....that was too much weight, i got it but w/ bad form.
Wow, what a trip it is to see this. Since '06 I've gone through four years of college and two of working as a mechanical engineer. Man I really used to pour my soul into this place. Its pretty nuts to see how immensely insecure I was...lots of second hand embarrassement reading my old posts but also happy to see that I was at least respectful and didn't write like an idiot.

Oh man, I really did break up with my girlfriend in highschool so I could eat and lift more. She never let me live that one down!

Ill have to update this later when im not using a phone :s