>> jfats100 gettin huge <<

Damn, down 13lbs in 4 days...was it all water?

Weird, right? Not sure how that happened. I did measure the 196 after a full day of eating, and this morning 183 right when I woke up. But still.... and all water weight?? I can't think of anything I've done to lose that much weight lol. Oh well, nothing to do but keep trying to gain.
That is crazy. I know i usually have a 5lb difference from am and pm. Yesterday morning woke up at 223, but before bed last night i was 228. Never had 13! Lol thatd piss me off
DAY 10 130330

25 mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole
Weight = 189

Training: Active Rest Day

Today I had a mountain guide exam. So my active rest was some rock climbing and hiking steep grades with a pack. Broke a good sweat, but not a full workout. My nutrition for the day will be a guess, I certainly didn't get enough calories.
I noticed the injection site on my quad is slightly swollen, and kinda warm to touch. My last injection was two days ago, the spot is still sore. Not a good sign, but maybe it'll go away on it's own...?
DAY 11 130331

25 mg D-bol
Weight = 190

Training: Active Rest Day

Repeat of yesterday - 2nd day of exam and I passed. I got my single pitch instructor certification for rock climbing. I'm pretty psych'd!
Nutrition again today was hardly monitored, not even worth guessing.
DAY 12 130401

250mg Test E - left quad
25 mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole
Weight = 191

Training: Pull Day
stretches, 5min jump rope (400 su), 2x (back ext x10, dips x10, bar OHS x10, GHD situps x10)

Sumo Deadlift
Barx10, 135x10, 185x10, 225x10, RP: 275x15, BO: 225x10

Close Grip Lat Pulldown
100x12, 130x10, RP: 145x17

Underhand Wide Grip Cable Rows
100x12, 100x12, 115x12, 130x10, RP: 145x15

Standing Cable Curls
70x13, 85x12, 100x10, RP: 105x11

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

Muscles are feeling strong and hard. The pumps at the gym are getting really good. My diet over the weekend went to shit, but I'm steadily going up 1 lb per day almost (?).
There is an irritation on my right quad that's starting to worry me. The injection site is swollen, pinkish, and warm. It has been like this for the past 3 days. I haven't gotten a fever yet so I'm assuming it's just irritated and not infected. I'll give it another couple days before seeing the doc. It's kind of a bummer though. I injected my left quad today and it twitched the same way my right one did last week... hoping I don't get the same reaction. Maybe my quads can't handle once a week injections, I should rotate through the delts or glutes too maybe. Will think on this.
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DAY 13 130402

250iu HCG
25mg D-bol
Weight = 192

Training: Crossfit
stretches, 1k run

AMRAP in 20min:
20 wall balls (16#)
10 box-burpees (12")
200 single under jump ropes

4 rounds + 6 wall balls

Cash Out
toes to bar x30

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

The swelling on the right quad is down and no longer pink. Whew!! Still a little sore, but I expect it to be back to normal tomorrow. A little pip on the left quad. I plan to start using delts this week.
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DAY 14 130403

25mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole
Weight = 193

Training: Push Day compare to 130320
WarmUp stretches

Leg Extensions
80x10, 110x10, 140x10, RP: 155x22

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
45x10, 65x10, 85x10, 105x10, RP: 115x19

Dumbbell Flat Bench Press
40x10, 45x10, 50x10, RP: 65x15

Tricep Cable Pressdown
55x15, 70x12, 85x12, RP: 100x12

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

Wow. Comparing this workout with the one on 3/20/13, I crushed it. I went up in weight and reps for every exercise. I felt awesome today. I can't believe it's only been two weeks. I plan to take some progress pics tomorrow morning before my Thursday morning pin.
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DAY 15 130404

250mg Test E - right delt
25mg D-bol
Weight = 192

Training: Crossfit
stretches and 5min jump rope

12, 9, 6, 3 reps for time of:
95# hang snatches
time = 4:39 (compare to 5:18 on 3/21)

Cash Out:
1 rep Snatches - 135 (miss), 135, 155, 165, 135

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

Progress Pics:

View attachment 549929View attachment 549930
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DAY 16 130405

250iu HCG
25mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole

Training: Pull Day compare to 130322
stretches, 1k run, 2x (back extensions x10, dips x10, GHD situps x10)

Seated Leg Curls (Cybex Machine)
50x12, 70x12, 90x10, RP: 110x15

Close Grip Seated Cable Rows
70x12, 85x12, 100x12, 115x12, RP: 160x23

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
100x12, 115x12, 130x12, RP: 160x23

Seated Dumbbell Curls
20x10, 25x10, RP: 30x16, BO: 20x16

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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DAY 17 130406

25mg D-bol
Weight = 194

Training: Active Recovery
Climbing today and tomorrow. Hard alpine mixed climbing.
DAY 18 130407

Training: Active Recovery
This can hardly be considered recovery. 6 hours of hiking/climbing in mountaineering boots with 40 lb pack.
DAY 19 130408

250mg Test E - left delt
25mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole
Weight = 194

Training: Push Day compare to 130325
stretches, 1k run

Front Squats
bar warmup, 135x12, 185x12, 205x12, 225x10, 245x6

Smythe Machine Flat Bench Press
135x12, 185x12, 205x12, 225x8, RP: 245x12

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
30x10, 35x10, 40x10, RP: 45x17

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension
55x12, 70x12, 85x12, RP: 115x18

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

Could have banged out a few more reps on front squats, trying to keep my hip flexor healthy. Bench press did not go up, but shoulder press and tricep extensions got heavier with more reps.
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Keep it up brother. Are you enjoying the dbol so far?

The D-bol is pretty sweet! I definitely feel stronger and pumped up. I'm not noticing any side effects though, except increased body temperature throughout the day (not sure if that's common). I think I could've handled more. Next cycle will try 50mg/day.
DAY 20 130409

25mg D-bol
Weight = 195

Training: Rest Day

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
2800 calories (guess)

Traveled for work today. No time for gym, plus I needed some rest after the long weekend of mountaineering and the big push day yesterday. The calories is a guess. I'm definitely growing and it feels great. Coming up on the end of week 3. One more week of D-bol and then the test should be in full effect. Still getting used to pinning - both my quads and delts twitch when I pin which is a little unnerving. But I guess that's part of the game.
DAY 21 130410

250iu HGG
25mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole
Weight = 198!!

Training: Pull Day compare to 130327
Warmup - usual

Machine Seated Row
55x15, 70x12, 85x110, 100x10, 130x10, RP: 160x16

Machine Pulldown
90x15, 110x15, 130x12, 190x10, RP: 210x20

Preacher Curl
25x10, 45x10, 65x10, RP: 75x11

Laying Leg Curls
50x12, 65x12, 80x12, 95x12, RP 125x15

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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This looks like a good follow so far. Will follow. One question though, why run the D-bol at such a low dose? It would be more benificial at a dose around 50mgs maybe even 60mgs every day.
This looks like a good follow so far. Will follow. One question though, why run the D-bol at such a low dose? It would be more benificial at a dose around 50mgs maybe even 60mgs every day.

I've read so much conflicting information on D-bol I'm not even sure how to answer this. Some people swear that you only need 20-25mg to get great results, and going any higher is just asking for sides. Others say 50mg a day is bearable and will get you jacked. But 60mg.... ?? I haven't seen anyone recommend that much per day.
I chose to go with the lower dose because this is my first time using the substance. I've learned that I can probably handle more, and plan to do so next cycle. I'm also considering upping to 50mg/day for this last week I'm on it...