>> jfats100 gettin huge <<


New member
******* FIRST CYCLE *******

Current Stats
Age: 29
Weight: 185 lb
Height: 5'10"
BF%: 15

Weight: 200 lb
BF%: 12
Shoulder Press: 185 lb
Bench Press: 315 lb
Squat: 405 lb
Deadlift: 405 lb

Week 1-12: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk (pin Mondays & Thursdays)
Week 1-12: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/wk (pin Tuesdays & Fridays)
Week 1-12: Anastrozole 0.25mg eod
Week 1-4: D-bol 25mg/day (split AM & PM dosing)

Week 13-14: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu ed
Week 15-18: Clomid 100/50/50/50 ed
Week 15-18: Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 ed

Whey Protein Powder (ON Gold Standard 100% Whey)
Creatine Monohydrate (Bodybuilding.com Foundation Series)
Pre-Workout Booster (Jack3D)
Daily multi-vitamin

Daily Caloric Intake = 3300 calories
Macros (P/C/F) = 300g/300g/100g
6 meals per day

Training: Doggcrapp Training
Workout A (Push Day)
Legs - back squat, front squat, leg press
Chest - dumbbell flat bench, dumbbell incline bench, hammer-strength chest machine
Shoulders - standing barbell shoulder press, standing dumbbell shoulder press, hammer-strength shoulder machine
Tri's - overhead ezbar extensions, cable pressdowns, tricep extension machine

Workout B (Pull Day)
Legs - deadlift, sumo deadlift, leg curls
Back (high pull) - weighted pullups, wide-grip pulldowns, close-grip pulldowns
Back (low pull) - seated cable rows, T-bar rows, hammer-strength row machine
Bi's - standing barbell curl, preacher curls, seated dumbbell curls

Monday - Workout A/B
Tuesday - Crossfit WOD (HIIT)
Wednesday - Workout B/A
Thursday - Crossfit WOD (HIIT)
Friday - Workout A/B
Saturday - Light Cardio
Sunday - Rest
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Why dont you start the dbol at week 1 for 4 weeks to kickstart? Just curious

I'd like to start it right away... but this is my first cycle and I want to see how I react to the Test E. Some people said to leave out the D-bol all together, but I figure 4 weeks of Test E only should give me a good sense of whether or not I can handle more substances.
I'd like to start it right away... but this is my first cycle and I want to see how I react to the Test E. Some people said to leave out the D-bol all together, but I figure 4 weeks of Test E only should give me a good sense of whether or not I can handle more substances.

Awesome. Good to hear. Best of luck. I'll be following
I'd like to start it right away... but this is my first cycle and I want to see how I react to the Test E. Some people said to leave out the D-bol all together, but I figure 4 weeks of Test E only should give me a good sense of whether or not I can handle more substances.

Dude, you wont feel anything from test for several weeks. Week 5-6 is when you start noticing the effects...

Do not take the dbol mid cycle. Your test levels will be pretty high by week 5, and it will bloat you like crazy. Take it from the start if you do.
^Agreed that you won't have the affects of test for several weeks but many ppl run dbol mid cycle. It gives that synergy once the test has kicked in so the two work together. At the beginning as a kickstart is good too.
Yeah, there seems to be two schools of thought on how to cycle d-bol. I'm really tempted to start it first week. After-all, I'll be running HcG and Anastrozole throughout the cycle anyway which should manage the side effects from the Test E. so I'm not sure what would be accomplished by waiting until week 5 for the d-bol. Looks like Infection votes for a d-bol kickstart. What do the rest of you think?
Hey make sure you have everything planned out for your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) storage. It only has a month shelf life once reconstituted. You can prepare all of the slin pins and freeze them, or plan accordingly when you start a fresh vial.

A lot of guys don't realize the short shelf life if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and end up short.
First day of cycle will be tomorrow.

Getting my blood work done this afternoon before I start.

Training: Push Day
Warm Up
stretching, 1k run, 2x (back extensions x10, air squats x10, pushups x10)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
45x10, 65x10, 85x10, RP: 105x17

Dumbbell Flat Bench Press
40x10, 50x10, RP: 50x16

Tricep Cable Pressdown
60x10, 70x10, 70x10, RP: 80x12

Leg Extensions
70x10, 80x10, 90x10, RP: 130x22

Cash Out
27 pushups & 220 single-under jump ropes

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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DAY 1 130321
First pin today!

250mg Test E - right quad
25mg d-bol

Training: Crossfit
Warm Up:
stretching, 1k run, 2x (back extensions x10, leg lifts x10, 45# overhead squats)

Buy In:
Burgener WarmUp
Snatch 45x10, 65x10, 95x4

12, 9, 6, 3 reps for time of:
95# power hang snatches
Time = 5:18 (compare to 9:11 on 2/21/13)

Cash Out:
Snatch - 115x3, 125x3, 135x3, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1(PR)

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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DAY 2 130322

250iu HCG
0.25mg Anastrozole
25mg D-bol

Training: Pull Day
stretches, 1k run, 2x (back extensions x10, leg lifts x10, air squats x10)

bar warmup, 135x10, 225x4, 315x1, 335x1, 345x1(PR), 315x1(+1miss), 225x10(cont.)

Close Grip Seated Cable Rows
60x15, 75x12, 90x10, RP: 150x26

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
105x12, 120x10, 135x10, RP: 165x9

Seated Dumbbell Curls
20x10, 25x10, RP: 30x16, BO: 20x11

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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DAY 3 130323

25mg D-bol

Training: Rest Day

Rest is much needed. The pip in my right quad was pretty painful last night and this morning. It's finally starting to go away. Other than that, I haven't noticed any effects so far. My last two workouts were pretty intense - could be the d-bol or the jack3d, probably a combination of things.

Finding it difficult to dial in the nutrition. Eating over 3000 calories per day is quite a task, not to mention trying to count calories, protein, carbs, and fat grams. Hopefully the diet falls into more of a routine requiring less attention.
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DAY 4 130324

0.25mg Anastrozole
25mg D-bol

Training: Crossfit
stretches, 1k run, technique practice - deadlift, clean, jerk, snatch, OHS

12, 9, 6, 3 reps for time of:
95# clean and jerk
time = 7:29
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DAY 5 130325

250mg Test E - left quad
25mg D-bol

Training: Push Day
Warm UP
stretches, jump rope 5min

Back Squat
bar warmup, 135x10, 185x10, 225x10, 275x10, 315x5

Flat Bench Press Smythe Machine
135x10, 185x10, 225x10, RP: 245x12

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
30x12, 35x10, RP: 40x17

Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions
60x15, 70x15, RP: 90x12

Cash Out:
Pushups 3x10

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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DAY 6 130326

250iu HCG
25mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole

Training: Light Cardio
lots of stretching
treadmill work approx. 30min

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

Went to the gym after work = bad idea. Way too crowded, and I felt tired from work and eating all day. Plus I didn't take jack3d which made it really hard to get in the groove. A little pip in the left quad, I'm expecting it to be worse tomorrow but should be gone by the next day. Tomorrow is pull day. I plan to hit the gym early like 5am with 2 scoops jack3d and really blow it out.
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DAY 7 130327

25mg D-bol

Training: Pull Day
Leg Curls (Laying Down, Single Leg)
30x10, 35x10, 50x10, 65x10, RP: 70x10

Machine Seated Row
70x15, 85x12, 115x12, RP: 160x17

Machine Pulldown
70x15, 90x15, 110x15, RP: 150x15

Preacher Curl
25x10, 45x10, 55x10, RP: 65x12

Cash Out
Lightweight curls to failure, 3x (leg lifts x10, back extensions x10)

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)
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DAY 8 130328

250mg Test E - right quad
25mg D-bol
0.25mg Anastrozole

Training: Crossfit
stretches, jump rope 5min, 2x (back extensions x10, GHD situps x10, dips x10, bar OHS x10)

AMRAP in 20min of:
90# thrusters x10
burpees x10
toes to bar x10
Rounds: 5 even

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

Today was my third injection, and I had quite a scare. I injected in my right upper quad, in the same spot as I did one week ago. As soon as I pierced the skin, I felt the muscle twinge and tighten up. I aspirated - no blood. So I began to inject, and I became light headed. I managed to get the 0.8cc all injected, but I was getting dizzy and almost felt nauseous. A little blood came out when I removed the needle. I stood up and had to lay down immediately. I freaked out and thought I did something really bad. After the lightheaded-ness passed, I got on here and searched for similar situations. Sounds like I may have struck a nerve in my thigh...?? I feel fine now (4 hours later and after training). Hopefully that doesn't happen again. Anyone reading this, if you could comment I would appreciate it.
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DAY 9 130329

250iu HCG
25mg D-bol
Weight = 183

Training: Push Day
Warm Up
stretches, jump rope 5min (319 su), 2x (back ext. x10, leg lifts x10, bar OHS x10)

Leg Press
90x12, 180x12, 270x12, 360x10, 360x10, 450x7

Hammer Strength Bench Press
90x10, 140x10, RP: 160x13, BO: 90x6

Nautilus Machine Shoulder Press
50x10, 65x10, 80x10, 95x10, RP: 110x20

Standing Overhead EZBar Tricep Extension
45x15, 55x12, 65x12, RP: 75x23

Cash Out
dips & pushups to failure

Nutrition (Cal/P/C/F)

I held back on leg press today because the hip flexor was feeling tweaky. The pumps are getting awesome. I feel swollen. But my weight is has been up and down. I started DAY 1 at 185. On DAY 5 (after eating boat-loads over the weekend) my weight was up to 196. Today it was 183. I'm tracking nutrition pretty well, but I plan to measure my weight daily now, as well as weekly body measurements and weekly progress pictures.
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