Push day, emphasis chest
Bench 6x15 @ 215. My chest is weak. I had cancer two summers ago and had radiation on my right armpit/chest/trap. Then, months later, right after my 1st cycle I slightly tore my right pec.
Incline DB press 6x15
Superset x 6
HS wide pressx15
DB incline flys x15
Superset x6
Peck deck x15
Cable flys x 15
Tri ropex15
Lateral delt cable raisesx20
DB rear deltx15
DB upward rowx15
Got in 450g protein yesterday and 6,600 calories. Still dropping body fat
I really question these YouTube videos showing Mr. O competitors (not currently cutting) eating a cup of rice, some broccoli and 8oz of chicken 6 times a day. Those guys are way bigger than me, on way more gear with better genetics. Seems like not enough calories. Something doesn't add up.