Jin's first bulk: newbie gainz

You gonna post pics when you're done bro??
I wanna see this BEAST!

I'll post mid cycle pics in late February and end results in May.

Today's weight: 270. I guess a couple extra pounds is to be expected after downing 700+ carbs yesterday.

Going for a reasonable 5K cal today:)

Where's Matt? I'm ready to talk shit.

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5,270 cal
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Weight this morning: 270

Today was traps and arms.

Rack pulls 5x12

Super set x 6
Straight bar curl x15
Single DB overhead extension x 20

Super set x 6
EZ bar curl x 15
Straight bar skull crusher x 20

Super set x 6
Cable "front double bicep" x 15
Rope push down x15

Superset x 6
Single are cable curl from a deficit x 15
Angle bar push downs x 15

Farmers carry 150lb DB 25 yards x 6

I'm losing some flexibility/mobility in gaining all this weight. Getting my seat belt on now requires effort. I've noticed a little shortness of breath while biking to the gym. I finished the workout with a 500 meter swim and sauna to keep my muscles loose.

BF still on the decline.

Time to rest and grow.
Weight: 270
Still getting leaner.... Weekend calories were above 5k each day. My TDEE is about 4,200 now.

Legs an biceps.
Normal leg routine.
Was able to hit 225 on squats for 6x15 ATG. No problem.

Finished leg press with 8 plates on each side and a tiny Asian girl riding the sled (she asked to). 30 reps.

Total bicep workout 24x15

Endurance and strength are way up.

Now the real work begins. 7K goal today. Might have to have a big bowl of ice cream
Well, I tried but only managed 6,600 cal yesterday.
Weight: 269 BF still on the decline
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I don't think I can eat more volume.

Push workout with emphasis on shoulders this morning.

My lifting partner is 5'10 and was 314 pounds 14 months ago. Didn't workout at all for 7 years- before that powerlifter. Now he's 235 and repped 225 on standing military press for 8 today. He refuses to admit he's on gear, but alludes to it often. Pretty funny.
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Deadlift & back

Warm up 135-315

405x5 2 sets
425x5 1 set
455x4 1 set
405x5 1 set

I was going for 405x5 for 5 sets but my wo partner always want to go heavier. I've only been deadlifting for 1.5 years- this represents my best working sets to date. Gave up trying to hang with double overhand....

DB rows 6x15
Close grip pull down 6x15
Land mine BB upward row 6x15
HS Lat pull down 6x15

HS wide pull downx15
HS low rowx15

Getting some tiny pimples on my chest. When my e2 gets on the high side my skin gets oily. Now it's not oily, so I'm unsure if e2 is elevated or not. I'll need to buy some soap
Bloodwork next week

Push day, emphasis chest

Bench 6x15 @ 215. My chest is weak. I had cancer two summers ago and had radiation on my right armpit/chest/trap. Then, months later, right after my 1st cycle I slightly tore my right pec.

Incline DB press 6x15

Superset x 6
HS wide pressx15
DB incline flys x15

Superset x6
Peck deck x15
Cable flys x 15

Tri ropex15
Lateral delt cable raisesx20

DB rear deltx15
DB upward rowx15

Got in 450g protein yesterday and 6,600 calories. Still dropping body fat

I really question these YouTube videos showing Mr. O competitors (not currently cutting) eating a cup of rice, some broccoli and 8oz of chicken 6 times a day. Those guys are way bigger than me, on way more gear with better genetics. Seems like not enough calories. Something doesn't add up.
Goddamnit! Haha you got it. Crazy how one can eat that much and lose body fat, but i hear ya i feel like i look better and slimmer when i eat more vs not. Chest day twice a week should bring your chest strength up with the rest of your body, bent over barbell rows help a lot i found also. Those olympia guys eat massive portions and 8-10 meals per day but you know they're sneakin in some ben and jerrys off camera lol

Traps and arms today. I tore off a good chunk of my biggest callus doing heavy rack pulls. Thankfully it didn't tear completely off.
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Gonna put some second skin on it and hope I don't have to resort to lifting gloves for Wednesday's deadlift session. How embarrassing.

Skipped farmers carries due to the hand, but was able to get in 4 exercises each of bi/tri. Looking bigger, more definition and losing BF. Eating 6K+ everyday. I'm thrilled.

Starting week 7, so the deca strength should be coming on soon:)
Gotta keep those hand silky smooth to jack off all the dudes in the locker room haha. Week 7 you should start noticing it for sure, get a spotter and go for extra reps you may just surprise yourself
Gotta keep those hand silky smooth to jack off all the dudes in the locker room haha. Week 7 you should start noticing it for sure, get a spotter and go for extra reps you may just surprise yourself

I would never cheat on you.

Next week is "heavy" week. 6 sets of 6-8 instead of the usual 15. Haven't set any goals besides 315 on squat for 6-8 which I'm pretty sure I'll nail easy.
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Week 7: Hello strength gains.

Weight 276

"Heavy week"; sets of 6-8

Squats 6x8@315. My best working set by far. Goal is to hit 6x15 at that weight in a couple months.
Leg press 6x10 @ 12 plates per side.
Leg curls 6x8 almost the full stack
Extensions 6x10 full stack. Will have to switch over to HS for curls and extensions soon.

Seated bicep curls 6x8
Seated hammer curls 6x6
Ez bar curls 6x8

I think my expectations for this cycle were too low. I won't count out the possibility of breaking into the 290's and pulling more than 600.
BF is still on the decline. No complaints here.
Blood work at the end of the week. Going to spring for the LC/MS-MS test to see what my actual test numbers are.

Time to eat.