Jin's first bulk: newbie gainz

Good fcking morning g'dammit!

Health is still not 100%. Additionally my lower back is screwey. I'm hopeful I'll be able to squat come Monday.

Yesterday was chest and I hit arms this morning. Arms are my weak point- I have a huge torso/rib cage, so proportionally my arms look small. About 17.25 inches flexed. I'll start igf on Monday and pin 40mcg bilaterally (20mcg each side) after each workout.
Mon- bi
Wed- bi
Thurs- tri
Fri- bi

I'm eating a lot. Yesterday I hit over 5,500 cal. Not sure how much more I could eat unless I encoporated a lot more fat, which I won't do. Getting plenty of that as it is.
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My stamina is up, looking big, and I think I'm not gaining BF even at these calorie levels. I'm hoping the BF starts to come down as the test kicks in. For now I'm erring on the side of eating too much.

No scale at the house we're staying in and no scale at the gym (what?). So I'll get weighed in Sunday morning back on the East Coast.

5,400 cal today
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Fasted weight 264.
Has been holding steady, but I've notice my BF coming down a bit, even at 5k+ cal.
Biceps are now big enough the the wife cannot touch fingers with two hands wrapped around them.
Lower back is still hurting but I'm gonna hit squats tomorrow with a belt. Sets of 15 so the weight isn't so heavy.
You're 6'4" right? 264 lbs?! Thats what I'm talkin about. My goal is to hit 260 solid this year bro. Lmao at the gooood fuckin morning godamnit haha its impossible to read it without saying it in his voice lol
Fasted weight 264.
Has been holding steady, but I've notice my BF coming down a bit, even at 5k+ cal.
Biceps are now big enough the the wife cannot touch fingers with two hands wrapped around them.
Lower back is still hurting but I'm gonna hit squats tomorrow with a belt. Sets of 15 so the weight isn't so heavy.

I envy you man!! Some day!! Some day I will have big guns!!
I might be a pussy, but I always use a belt on leg & back day. My bones are too rickety to be messin around without one. Specially when we breath different air at the gym then all the other gym rats. Less Oxygen up here :cool: (6ft 4inches has to lift that weight twice as high!) :biggthump
Thanks fellas.

I'm 6'2.
My end goal is 265@15%. A true 15% which is probably what I was right after my first go with test (see link on post 1).

My biceps are weak-sauce. They're probably just at or under 18" (flexing as hard as I can), but they look small cause I got a huge torso and rib cage.

Tomorrow I start igf and 3 out of 5 workouts that'll go into the biceps.
I'm at roughly 16/17% but i hold my weight well i would love to be 15% i would look sick i dont think about 12 or that bullshit i just want to be big and solid
265 at 15% at 6'2" will be badass dude i hope you get there I'm sure you will its what we do its an obsession but a good one
Thanks fellas.

I'm 6'2.
My end goal is 265@15%. A true 15% which is probably what I was right after my first go with test (see link on post 1).

My biceps are weak-sauce. They're probably just at or under 18" (flexing as hard as I can), but they look small cause I got a huge torso and rib cage.

Tomorrow I start igf and 3 out of 5 workouts that'll go into the biceps.

You'll have to let us know how that goes bro. I have some on the shelf & have been waiting for the right time to try it out.

Rocked legs today.
Strength and endurance way up. BF coming down despite massive eating.

Finished my 6 sets of 15 (squats) with 225 in honor of mr. Gibson. Next week all 6 sets with that weight.

6th set of leg press was 6 plates per sidex25.

Leg extensions went from 1/3 of the stack to almost the whole stack.

This is half way through week 5. I'm looking forward to the deca "kicking in".

In addition to the full leg workout I was able to work in 18 sets of biceps. Immediately post workout 20mcg of igf into each bicep. Yeah, I'm the guy who brings pins to the gym. I thought it was pretty extreme to wake up at 4am to pin hgh and take T4 or to take pins to the gym. Now I'm that guy. How did this happen?

6,030 cal- super motivated to eat now that the BF is coming down
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I need to eat more. Weight is down for the last couple days. 262. Losing BF, which is great, but I want to take in as many calories as I can use, which apparently is more than 5K.

Going to start having an additional scoop of Karbolyn mid session (50g c) and eating 1/2 cup almonds daily. Started mixing my whey and casein shakes with milk instead of water. Going to try to keep calories at 6K on workout days. Digestion has been good; taking probiotics daily. Not much gas, which is impressive/a miracle for me.

Started training with a partner at the gym. Bigger and stronger than me; enhanced as well.

I've modified my bro-split as my endurance is way up and recovery is fast. Today would have been shoulders only but I included some chest and tris.

Standing military press 6x15
DB press 6x15

Giant set x 6
DB rear deltx15
DB up rowx15
Straight bar front raisesx15

Rear dealt machine 6x15

Super setx6
Cable flys (chest) up to down x 20
Tri rope push down x 20

Cable flys (d to up) x 15
Tri push down (bar) x 20

Mid level cable flys 6x15

Total reps approx 1,000

I was expecting to hit at least 275 on this bulk and I still might, but staying around 265 and ending up near 15% BF would be even better. We'll see how it plays out.

Post workout bathroom (sketch-ball): medial delt 20mcg igf bilaterally.
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I got that from resting my arm awkwardly on my desk for a long period of time. I changed how i sit and it went away, but it was weird for sure.. egg sized red spot.. mine was painful a bit.
I got that from resting my arm awkwardly on my desk for a long period of time. I changed how i sit and it went away, but it was weird for sure.. egg sized red spot.. mine was painful a bit.

Yes, it's called "students elbow" or "plumbers elbow" because it happens to folks who tend to rest on their elbows. It can also be caused by traumatic injury or inflammation from repetitious movements (weight training/tennis).
Here is what yesterdays 6,000 calorie day looked like for me

Pre workout
Scoop whey/scoop Karbolyn

Post workout
Scoop of whey/1c 1% milk
3 servings Life cereal 2c milk

8oz beef/chicken/pork or fish (yesterday was beef)
2 servings of rice, kale/spinach mix, tbsp olive oil

Repeat the same meal

Chicken cheese steak

12oz salmon
12oz sweet potato

2 slices of pizza
2c milk

Pre bed shake:
2c milk
2 scoops casein
2 tbsp peanut butter
4 tbsp PB fit
4 tbsp flax seed

*usually no pizza but wife brought home some gourmet pie.
I'm adding 1/2c almonds daily to keep calories up.

New gameplan for eating:
Off days (2)- 4K
Deads/back day & Leg day- 6K
Reg lift days- 5K
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Something is working.....

6th set of Deads- 455x4
Then 495x1
Finished with 505x1


End of entry.
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