Jin's first bulk: newbie gainz

BP is actually down slightly- same thing that happened last go round with test only

HR btw 75-85

HR was much higher 2 weeks ago when my body was acclimating.
Starting week 4
Fasted weight 263
Mood: up
Strength: slightly up
Endurance: up
Libido: down- skipping next ai dose.

This week should be the week that I start feeling strength gains from the test in the gym.

Arms this morning

Superset x6
Straight bar curls x15
Ez bar incline skull crushers x 25

SS x 6
DB curls x 15
Single DB overhead tricep ext x 15

SS x 6
Reverse grip tricep cable push down x 20
Rope curl x 20

SS x6
Single arm rev grip tri push down x 20
Cable curls x 20
^ nice arm routine. lots of metabolite training there. are you getting increased pumps and glycogen stores from the test yet ?
^ nice arm routine. lots of metabolite training there. are you getting increased pumps and glycogen stores from the test yet ?

Muscles have been fuller for about a week now. Weight up significantly with zero bloat- I'm attributing that to glycogen. Strong pumps, but I always want more.
Muscles have been fuller for about a week now. Weight up significantly with zero bloat- I'm attributing that to glycogen. Strong pumps, but I always want more.

well when the deca kicks in around weeks 6-8 , your going to have a lot more blood volume in your body, plus glycogen stores, so you'll be getting skin stretching pumps from a metabolite arm training session like that :)
What would you do? I've tried compression wraps after draining it with ice and ibuprofen. It just fills back up, even resting it.

I'll be draining it tomorrow- taking out about 16cc and then injecting 1.5cc of cortisone. If that doesn't work the only other option is surgery so far as I know.

No pain whatsoever, just looks weird:-)

Mmmm yea it looks a bit strange lol I don't know what I would do maybe look into small doses of aas that dry out your joints considereding its a burst bursa sack my wifee has the internal version in her shoulder she sometimes gets steroid shots via ultra sound guided needles but they honestly do more harm even the doc said this also so I dunno man did you end up injecting it post drain ????
Mmmm yea it looks a bit strange lol I don't know what I would do maybe look into small doses of aas that dry out your joints considereding its a burst bursa sack my wifee has the internal version in her shoulder she sometimes gets steroid shots via ultra sound guided needles but they honestly do more harm even the doc said this also so I dunno man did you end up injecting it post drain ????

Drained then injected 60mg of depo medrol. My dad is a doctor and got it from an orthopedist, supposedly better/stronger than cortisone. That was yesterday morning. Hasn't filled back up. Off day today and Sunday then legs Monday, so hopefully good to go for upper body next week.

I am growing like a weed.
Drained then injected 60mg of depo medrol. My dad is a doctor and got it from an orthopedist, supposedly better/stronger than cortisone. That was yesterday morning. Hasn't filled back up. Off day today and Sunday then legs Monday, so hopefully good to go for upper body next week.

I am growing like a weed.

Good stuff glad it worked man logs coming along
Don't forget to keep taking pics as your cycle progress's so we can all see dem gains lol
Keep up the good work man
20 min light cardio this morning and some active recovery for chest, and extra sets for the lagging right pec.

Muscles are super full, still no bloat. Libido is up since skipping last Adex dose. I've been running a little warm, face ever so slightly flushed and light sweat in the bed at night. Even though my BF has gone up I'm seeing new veins. I've never had a trap vein before....

Spending the week in AZ with the in laws. Training at a new gym tomorrow. Leg day.

When I look at my arms and chest I want to eat more. When my shirt is off and I see my belly I don't want to eat more. But this is an all-out bulk; I want to see just how big I can get off this "simple" cycle. So I'll keep destroying food, but maybe do a bit more cardio:bigok:
Everybody's favorite: Leg Day!

Added 20lbs to my working squat weight and felt easier than with the old weight

Squat 6x15
Hack squat (don't have access to this at my usual gym) 6x20

Giant set x 6
Seated leg curl x 20
Leg ext x 20
Lying curl x 20

Super set x 4
Adductor x 25
Abductir x 25

Attempted bicep work, but left elbow was iffy and I don't want to reinjure.
Curls 3x15

20 min bike

5,200 cal
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Shit man you are eating like a beast you are gonna get fuckin big good shit. I was holding steady at around 4300 cals until my breakup, since then i am lucky to get in 3500 most days less thsn that damnit
I think you get the gist of my training. I'm not going to list out workouts anymore unless that is something people want.

My body gets warm after heavy meals- especially carbs. This is something I've read associated with tren, but not deca.

I've been having very vivid dreams. Not unpleasant at all- not scary like tren dreams. Here is another side effect I attribute to deca but wasn't aware of.

Trained at another gym today. One of those judgement free places similar to Planet Fitness but not quite as queer. Sign read "If you're grunting you'd better be in labor". The Sheep of fitness I'll now refer to as "Civilians".
Health isn't great.
Cold/congestion: sudafed
Bacterial infection: antibiotics
Lower back pain.

Slept like shit last night, turned off my alarm and planned on skipping the gym today. Couldn't sleep so I went anyway. Had a decent back day even though the strength was down a bit. No deadlifts.

There was a women's physique competitor training there this morning. Strong as shit and shredded even though she wasn't competing until summer. By the end of my workout we were using the same working weight for close grip pull downs. The shame!

oh well, she was definitely packing a couple inches though. Hard to hide that in tight spandex.

Cardio today is a 7 mile hike in the Arizona dessert canyons.
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